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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)

peachtrojanfan;942206; said:
but I hope to God you never make a mistake and people take it upon themselves to criticize you.

Oh no! That would be, like, the worst thing in the world to be criticized. Do we really take ourselves so seriously that we think that some words of relatively mild rebuke on a message board are going to shatter this poor kid's entire world?

I think Antonio is worried about much bigger things than some fans criticizing him. As the cops were putting the cuffs on him, I can just about guarantee that his first thought wasn't, "Man, this sucks. People are going to say some really bad stuff about me on the Internet now."

It's great that you're supportive of him, but realize that he HAS disappointed a lot of fans who were expecting better from him. Disappointing people is one of the penalties you pay for making a mistake. I am sure that his friends and family are also privately disappointed in him as well. Are they hypocrites too, because they have "speeding tickets"?

Understand that this fan base has been burned hard and badly by the Maurice Clarett saga, and that lots of Buckeyes are very gun shy about players who show serious lack of personal judgment early in their careers here. Our tolerance is a bit lower than what it once was.

Personally, I think your post is an overreaction. Soliciting prostitutes is below the standards of behavior for ANY college football team not named "Florida State University". This is also no longer a matter of "personal privacy". Once you're in the courts, you're no longer dealing with a private matter, like an argument with your girlfriend or something. Your actions have gone public, and people WILL comment. Most of the comments have expressed both support and disappointment. Instead of focusing on being overly defensive, maybe you should appreciate that the vast majority of fans aren't being nearly as harsh as they could be.
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BrutusBobcat;942251; said:
Understand that this fan base has been burned hard and badly by the Maurice Clarett saga, and that lots of Buckeyes are very gun shy about players who show serious lack of personal judgment early in their careers here. Our tolerance is a bit lower than what it once was.

Personally, I think your post is an overreaction. Soliciting prostitutes is below the standards of behavior for ANY college football team not named "Florida State University". This is also no longer a matter of "personal privacy". Once you're in the courts, you're no longer dealing with a private matter, like an argument with your girlfriend or something.
I disagree. Sure we we're "burned" but thats because, as time showed, Clarett was a fucking nut job. Point and case (beyond cruising with a lint roller and a AK):

I don't think it's an overreaction. I don't know if you (Brutus) condemend the kid to hell and the bench for the next 4 years, but I would argue that others here have "overreacted" and it seems that most of those people are not regular posters here. Others are overreacting, and he responded to those with a very good post IMO.

At any rate, good luck Henton.. you gotta work your way back up the ladder, but as Troy Smith just taught us.. everyone deserves a second (and in Smiths case, a 3rd) chance. You'll have the Clarett's, who fuck you over with the second chance. But those like Troy, will outweigh the bad memories.. in 20 years Clarett will be nothing but a "coulda-been", where as Troy Smith "was." His name will be hung in the Shoe next to those like Archie and Eddie, and the "Troy Smith saga" gives me faith in Jim Tressel, his program, and his judgement. Good luck again Henton.. look forward to you "earning" your role in this program and wacthing you for the next few years.
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Antonio has disappointed me as well. And I expected way better of him - you are absolutely right about that being a repercussion of his mistakes. Am I a hypocrite for being disappointed? No - I never made myself out to be holier than thou - I have made mistakes in my life, suffered the consequences and learned from them, just like Antonio will do. Being disappointed in him is not being hypocritical - it is judging him when none of us are in a position to judge anyone that is hypocritical. None of us are without fault.

I don't know a lot about the past with tOSU, but I think it puts Antonio in an unfair position to judge him because of what past players have done. I would rather him "show serious lack of personal judgment" early in his career rather than as a senior (if he had to do it at all). I did not mean for my post to be an overreaction, but I think a lot of the responses are an overreaction.

I understand that these are public charges, but it's not like he went out and solicited this prostitute "in his official capacity as third string quarterback for tOSU". I presume he thought he was doing it discreetly and on his own time. I know his position makes him more susceptible to scrutiny, but again, he's not taking money from boosters, he made a really bad moral decision. And if I know him, I think I can safely say he will work hard to make this up to the fans, but he has to do it for himself first.
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peachtrojanfan;942242; said:
Thanks. I fully expect to get blasted for my post, but l'm glad someone can see it in a different perspective.

Your post is spot on. People are understandably disappointed to hear that any Ohio State player is in a position that reflects badly on the program. Provided, of course, that Henton is guilty, which, of course, he has pleaded that he is not.

I am amazed, absolutely amazed, when anyone "puts a player on a pedestal". For goodness sakes, these are college kids. Kids. One can really respect what they accomplish on the field and often what they accomplish in life afterwards.

All of us have memories of doing something stupid at this age. Those of us who didn't have what it took and never got the chance of a sports scholarship despite years of effort, can appreciate that chances that players are given. Perhaps much better than they can when we are that age and certainly much better when we have kids that age.

Just because they have received opportunities, it doesn't mean that they aren't kids.

As for the Gundy tirade, I agree with jwins about where that discussion belongs but I must respond briefly. When interviewed, Herbie cautioned that there may be far more behind Gundy's attack on this writer (whose article was complete crap) than this one article and that the "tirade" may have more strategy behind it that it appears.

He thought it may be important to remember that Gundy's team heard what went down and thought, "This guy has our back." As Herbie said, "that's the kind of coach I'd want to play for". Herbie thinks that oOSU will be more united and will support Gundy like never before after his tirade.

Thank goodness Woody Hayes never dressed down the press in an impassioned manner.

In whatever way you consider it, the Gundy matter has nothing to do with Antonio Henton and it doesn't belong in this thread.
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Tress just said on his call in show that Henton would be allowed to practice with the team starting next week (primarily Scout team work). He would not be allowed to play in games until after his court date on Oct 15th.

They will make a decision on how to proceed at that time.
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kn1f3party;942107; said:
I agree with Forde when he talked about Gundy, it is a double standard to lift these guys on a pedestal and then act as though they're as fragile as glass when they screw up. I know that he has not been convicted of anything, but those of us that are familiar with the law know that these charges--even if dropped--are rarely bogus. I'm disappointed in him and I think every fan should be. He can redeem himself, but for now I will criticize him.
To what end? I'm quite certain that Antonio is well aware that he screwed up, and I've seen little commentary that enriches or enlightens.

I really hope that Henton gets his act back together, and that he can (at a time and place of Coach Tressel's choosing) return to a productive role on the Buckeye gridiron team. Until then, there seems little point in piling on.

It will be interesting to see if Joe Bauserman's redshirt gets burned. There may be some value in getting him some game experience against Minnesota (assuming, as I do, that the game will be a blowout). We may need him later in the year.
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Buckskin86;942366; said:
Tress just said on his call in show that Henton would be allowed to practice with the team starting next week (primarily Scout team work). He would not be allowed to play in games until after his court date on Oct 15th.

They will make a decision on how to proceed at that time.
This is what the media should report, as opposed to there darling USCs and PSUs of the world..
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There are transgressions and then there are transgressions. Regardless of the legal technicalities, Henton's solicitation of a prostitute at High and 8th is an appalling embarassment to the school and the program that JT has built. My guess is that he gets one second chance and, from the little I know about him, I think he'll make the most of it.
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Buckskin86;942366; said:
Tress just said on his call in show that Henton would be allowed to practice with the team starting next week (primarily Scout team work). He would not be allowed to play in games until after his court date on Oct 15th.

They will make a decision on how to proceed at that time.

That's all i need to hear.

The best thing about Tress is that he knows how to handle these types of situations and is generally very successful in helping players rebound. From everything that I've heard, he's not only a great coach, but even a better person.
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ArmyVet83;941788; said:

You are vet on these boards bro and the majority of the posts you make are excellent and informative about tOSU. BUT I truly thought that you would be one of the first to say, "you screwed up kid now let's get your shit together and move on." From the rumblings I hear about Antonio down here in GA is that he is a good kid, does well in school and not to bad a football player to boot. He made a mistake. Let's correct it and move on. Learn and grow from your mistakes, do not let them hold you down. I will not make any excuse for anyone that breaks the law. But I do understand that young men do screw up. So give the kid words of encouragement and support him if your in the position to do so.

I think you're reading too much into what I posted. All I was saying is that he's not just your ordinary run-of-the-mill 19-year-old, and because of his position and visibility that fans do have a right to criticize (or as was said, "bust his nuts") about this. No where did I say that I personally believe he needs to be hung out to dry. But again, he is open to public criticism for any transgression simply because of the fact he is an Ohio State quarterback.

If you've read back through this thread, you'll see that I'm one of his biggest supporters (and even vBet 100,000 before this incident that he'd he see lots of action against Michigan this year). That doesn't take away the fact that his position opens him up to criticism more than a "normal" kid of his age...
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:topic: Does anyone know if Judge Green is still an active judge in Cbus? He's about 6'4" and looks like a Defensive End, or did a few years back when I took his class at C-State. I for the life of me cannot think of his first name. Seemed like a great guy. As a typed that, I think for some reason he had the/a Clarett case? Anyone?
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OSU football
Henton will rejoin team next week, but only to practice
Tressel follows pattern for those in legal trouble
Friday, September 28, 2007 5:22 AM
By Ken Gordon

The Columbus Dispatch
Kyle Robertson | Dispatch
Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel said that Antonio Henton, above, remains suspended from games but will practice with the scout team next week.

As he normally does with players in legal trouble, Ohio State coach Jim Tressel yesterday said quarterback Antonio Henton will be allowed to practice with the team while he waits for his case to be resolved.
Henton, 20, was arrested Monday and charged with solicitation, a misdemeanor. He allegedly solicited an undercover female police officer, offering $20 for intercourse.
Henton pleaded not guilty Tuesday. A pretrial hearing is set for Oct. 15 in Franklin County Municipal Court.

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