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fight night is still out.. 3 weeks and running

umm saw a chart the other day that compared xbox to ps3, and that once you buy all the crap for the 360 to make it 'equal' to the ps3, like the hd drive - that the 360 actually costs more than the ps3.
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BuckeyeNation27;726678; said:
shh....don't tell xbox fanbois that :p

I don't need a bluray/hddvd player (you want to pay $30 a pop per movie?).
I don't need a wireless controller. (if I did, it's only $20 on ebay)
I don't need online play. I didn't have it on my xbox the past two years.
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jwinslow;726695; said:

I don't need a bluray/hddvd player (you want to pay $30 a pop per movie?).
I don't need a wireless controller. (if I did, it's only $20 on ebay)
I don't need online play. I didn't have it on my xbox the past two years.

I agree. Even if it is more expensive (according to a PS3 fanboy) with all the options, at least I'm not forced to pay for options I don't want.
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methomps;727089; said:
I agree. Even if it is more expensive (according to a PS3 fanboy) with all the options, at least I'm not forced to pay for options I don't want.
lol thanks

i guess thats fine, and i could care less.. i just thought it was funny since thats all i hear pimped about the 360.. 'well the ps3 costs 600' well yeah but you're getting more for you're money is how it looks now.

to each his own, just thought it was interesting.. and imo, the 360 isn't bad.. it'll have halo 3 which will be nuts and it has a bunch of other awesome titles as well.. my reasoning for buying the ps3 is the same as it was: the blu-ray, the cell, the graphics processor.. it seems built for the next 5 years where as the 360 seems built for the next year.

the most telling quote was froma designer at ea talking about the ps3 who said 'in 3 years people wont believe whats being rendered infront of their eyes'

thats my assement at this point.. you got double the disc space, you have the future of media in the blue-ray player - i hear xbox is trying to buy this now and can't - and you have the cell technology..

and yeah i am a ps3 fan boi
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jwinslow;726695; said:

I don't need a bluray/hddvd player (you want to pay $30 a pop per movie?).
I don't need a wireless controller. (if I did, it's only $20 on ebay)
I don't need online play. I didn't have it on my xbox the past two years.
hey then good for you.. for real

for me, the blu-ray i like.. i like alot, theres so much disc space and the movies are awesome.. in terms of gaming: whats the point in a next gen system if you're going without hd-dvd's at least? im just a dork at heart i guess.

the wireless controller is awesome, but not needed. I dig it personally.. the same controller with the added six axis movement, blue tooth wireless, and the r2 l2 triggers are awesome. i know you can do this from the 360 but i love sitting on the couch and turning the system on and off from a controller. the ultimate in lazy man tech. no batteries.. they plug in with a usb cord to recharge when one gets low.

online play - if you're not an online gamer then awesome.. you picked the right system since xbox still charges. i like the ps3's downloads better than the 360s, i hear xbox's online system is better but i don't need that either. all i need is playing games online. on the same connection my ps2 gets booted alot, the ps3.. not once yet.
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Bleed S & G;727296; said:
the most telling quote was froma designer at ea talking about the ps3 who said 'in 3 years people wont believe whats being rendered infront of their eyes'

thats my assement at this point.. you got double the disc space, you have the future of media in the blue-ray player - i hear xbox is trying to buy this now and can't - and you have the cell technology..

and yeah i am a ps3 fan boi
I've read opinions on the PS3 that are all across the board. Here's another from Gabe Newell, the founder and managing director of Valve Software:

"The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think it's really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted," Newell told Game Informer magazine. "I'd say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a "do over". Just say, 'This was a horrible disaster and we're sorry and we're going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it.'"

I guess only time will tell who is right.
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Bleed S & G;727296; said:
the most telling quote was froma designer at ea talking about the ps3 who said 'in 3 years people wont believe whats being rendered infront of their eyes'
I'll buy a PS3 in three years then, when it's $200 and not $600.

One thing I've noticed since buying the Wii this weekend: You can walk into any store and see PS3's sitting unsold, while Wii's are out of stock and still selling on eBay at +20% over MSRP.

Brewtus said:
I've read opinions on the PS3 that are all across the board. Here's another from Gabe Newell, the founder and managing director of Valve Software:

"The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think it's really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted," Newell told Game Informer magazine. "I'd say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a "do over". Just say, 'This was a horrible disaster and we're sorry and we're going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it.'"

Sony goofed. They should have heeded the lessons of 3DO, CD-i, and all the other great, failed consoles. They completely forgot how they got to the point they did with the simplicity of the original PlayStation versus what competitors had brought to market at that time. Consumers don't want to pay $600 for a gaming system, no matter what it might someday be capable of doing. Even more foolish is saddling gamers with being the guinea pigs for new media formats. Fundamentally, hardcore gamers aren't film buffs. That's why the PS3 will be a failure.

Bundling Blu-Ray was a horrible idea that doubled the PS3's price, and Sony will pay for that mistake by going the way of Atari and Nintendo, for a little while, at least.

Brewtus said:
I guess only time will tell who is right.

I'm going with your version.
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i guess i dont understand.. it's actually more for your money, the most powerful, & the most promising but they are a failure because people rather inferior systems? the ps3 will make it.. look at the sales with the ps1 and ps2.. sony took a big hit the first 2 to 3 years before they started making money on them. just give it time.. i guess what it really comes down to is are you a hardcore gamer.. then that elminates wii (unless your 6) and do you want a 360 or ps3.. one built on todays tech which we all bitch how tv's are outdated in a couple months or one built for tomorrows?

i personally dont care.. but the ps3 will smoke the wii's when it's all said and done.. and the failed and expensive blu-ray.. well microsoft is trying it's best to get ahold of the rights.. they know they dropped the ball and todays tech is only masking the 360

time will tell.. i got the ps3 glasses on though
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Found some graphics today that I think do illustrate a good point re: the PS3. $600 for the PS3 may sound expensive, but technically, it's not once you adjust for inflation. The PS3 is actually "cheaper" (comparatively speaking - for its' time) than the Atari 2600 was back in the 70s.

My favorite system, the 3DO (which I did own and still own), would be nearly $1000 today, adjusted for inflation.


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Dryden;732227; said:
Found some graphics today that I think do illustrate a good point re: the PS3. $600 for the PS3 may sound expensive, but technically, it's not once you adjust for inflation. The PS3 is actually "cheaper" (comparatively speaking - for its' time) than the Atari 2600 was back in the 70s.

My favorite system, the 3DO (which I did own and still own), would be nearly $1000 today, adjusted for inflation.
awesome stuff.. thats pretty cool and its amazing how far this crap has come
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Bleed S & G;732222; said:
i guess i dont understand.. it's actually more for your money, the most powerful, & the most promising but they are a failure because people rather inferior systems? the ps3 will make it.. look at the sales with the ps1 and ps2.. sony took a big hit the first 2 to 3 years before they started making money on them. just give it time.. i guess what it really comes down to is are you a hardcore gamer.. then that elminates wii (unless your 6) and do you want a 360 or ps3.. one built on todays tech which we all bitch how tv's are outdated in a couple months or one built for tomorrows?

i personally dont care.. but the ps3 will smoke the wii's when it's all said and done.. and the failed and expensive blu-ray.. well microsoft is trying it's best to get ahold of the rights.. they know they dropped the ball and todays tech is only masking the 360

time will tell.. i got the ps3 glasses on though
It was still a huge gamble for Sony to bet on blu-ray. While I don't think the war between blu-ray and HD-DVD will be won for a couple of more years, if blu-ray is not the chosen technology then the PS3 has lost much of it's appeal at that price range. Rumor has it that Bill Gates is going around behind the scenes and throwing money around to gain support for HD-DVD. It's no secret that he doesn't like the copy protection scheme of blu-ray but I'm sure knocking down PS3 is also on his mind.

While it will take the PS3 another year or two to really build momentum (Sony has said they are looking at a 10 year horizon for PS3), will that also be the time that blu-ray goes away and if so, what then for the PS3? If I were Sony I'd be a bit concerned that the 360 has a year jump on them, you still can't find a Wii any place and PS3's are stocked on the shelves of every retailer.
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Bleed S & G;732222; said:
i guess i dont understand.. it's actually more for your money, the most powerful, & the most promising but they are a failure because people rather inferior systems? the ps3 will make it.. look at the sales with the ps1 and ps2.. sony took a big hit the first 2 to 3 years before they started making money on them. just give it time.. i guess what it really comes down to is are you a hardcore gamer.. then that elminates wii (unless your 6) and do you want a 360 or ps3.. one built on todays tech which we all bitch how tv's are outdated in a couple months or one built for tomorrows?

i personally dont care.. but the ps3 will smoke the wii's when it's all said and done.. and the failed and expensive blu-ray.. well microsoft is trying it's best to get ahold of the rights.. they know they dropped the ball and todays tech is only masking the 360

time will tell.. i got the ps3 glasses on though
It isn't about what's inferior, what's 'better,' what renders the fastest, or what can pump the most polygons. 'Better' systems have fallen by the wayside every single year since the days of Atari. The Sega Master System was technically superior to the NES. Didn't matter. The SNES was technically better than the Genesis almost two-times over. That didn't matter either. BetaMax was better than VHS. So what?

The only thing that matters is market penetration and install base. Get the systems in the home, and developers will develop games for it.

In 14 months, Microsoft has sold 10.5M XBox 360s against an unknown number produced.
In a little over 1 month, Sony has sold 1.2M PS3s against 2.4M built.
In the same time, Nintendo has sold 4M Wiis against 4M produced.

More than half of all PS3s are sitting in stores unsold, while the Big N has ramped up production of the Wii targeting 7M by April -- 1M a month. Nintendo will wind up having sold more Wiis than Sony and Microsoft have sold of their current systems combined by this time next year. I am a hardcore gamer. The Wii is the most groundbreaking console in about 15 years.

The PS3 and 360, I'm sure, aren't going anywhere. But I am 110% confident in saying right now that they cannot, and will not, ever touch what Nintendo has on their hands with the Wii. It's the next iPod. It's going to be 2007's tech phenomenon.
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