Who is "we"? The Target near me received 16 Wii's this Sunday. They were sold out at 7:30 AM, and they didn't even open until 8:00. There are 2 PS3s in the display case right now, and they've been there for two weeks.BrutusMaximus;750107; said:That is correct, but that is also because we receive maybe 3 wii's every 2 weeks, and about 12 ps3's a week.
It is groundbreaking in that it approaches the market sideways and is an accessible gaming device for anyone from 8 to 80. It is renewing interest in gaming by people who are disenchanted with todays same old rehashed crap.BrutusMaximus;750107; said:Mind you, I am not justifying the purchase of a PS3, or the price, or the blueray, etc. I am simply saying that I have no idea how someone can compare the PS3 and the wii, and call the wii a "groundbreaking" console. The only thing "groundbreaking" about it is the motion sensor stuff, which is not exactly an amazing feet, and gets old after about an hour. It is like paying $250 to go play a couple games at the arcade, then leaving to go back home. It will also sell more because it is $250, and parents are gonna instantly go for the cheaper system.
It is fair to compare all the current consoles because consumers can only afford one, maybe two, and the unanimous choice today is the "Wii-60," since you can purchase the 360 and the Wii for the price of a PS3. Third party developers have been tripping over the Wii since May 2006, and you can read any number of comments from dozens of different companies saying "We are going to develop aggressively for the Wii."
To say the third party support isn't there is obtuse and deliberately false when there are over 104 different third party developers with titles announced, and over 500 developer kits have been distributed thus far. You honestly believe game designers want to make games for the PS3 over the Wii, when the Wii is outselling the PS3 more than 3:1 and costs less than half to develop for?!
Of the 10 best selling titles all time for the PlayStation and PlayStation 2, three of them were Grand Theft Autos, three were Maddens, three were Grand Turismos and one was Crash Bandicoot. The Wii already has Madden and has Take 2/Rockstar on board, confirmed with Manhunt 2 and rumored with GTA-V.
Sony is in disarray. They have lost over 1 billion USD on 2005's rootkit fiasco, and the suits have taken over and outed the tech minds. Ken Kutaragi, the mastermind behind the PlayStation, was demoted two years ago when the suits clashed with the PS3 dev team over Blu-Ray. They are losing anywhere from $200 - $400 on every PS3 they sell (depending on which version you read), while Nintendo is making over $100 on their hardware. Sony loses money to build the system, and they're sitting unsold all over the place!
Developers from EA to Sega to Namco to Ubisoft say they don't like the PS3's architecture, it's less powerful than the 360, and the poor interpretation of the SIXAXIS controller in lieu of rumble was a huge mistake. Heck, one of EA's own bigwigs posted on Free Republic a few days ago that the rumblings around EA's HQ is that they need to go with the Wii unless there is a major change with the PS3 (read: Sony slashes the price in half). Not coincidentally, Fight Night was announced for the Wii that same afternoon. Also not coincidentally, Sony's sales director for the UK quit his job yesterday. I would note the PS3 is not even available in the UK yet, and it is telling that the sales director just up-and-left the market rather than deal with the eminent failure of the PS3's launch there in five weeks.
It isn't for kids, and neither is the DS, unless you think its kids that bought 37.5 million DS handhelds to play Sudoku and Brain Age!BrutusMaximus;750107; said:Dont get me wrong, I think the thing is great for kids, as is the DS, the Gamecube, etc.......but for a "hardcore gamer", not a chance. Every game on the system that would actually be interesting, I would much rather play on the PC, PS3, 360, etc. Unless of course you believe that cooking mama and elebits are "hardcore" games![]()

Casual gamers aren't the ones that are standing in lines outside stores at 2AM in 0-degree weather to get the Wii, either. It's four months in now, and the Wii is up to 4.7M units in sales and momentum is as strong as ever -- they are halfway to the 360 already, and the 360 had more than a year head start.
Geez. Biased much? Did the CEO of Nintendo run over your dog? Why would you care if they made another system or not?BrutusMaximus;750107; said:I personally think that the Wii will be their last system. At least I hope so.