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Pre-Season Practice - 2005

MililaniBuckeye said:
You will NOT see Schoenhoft play this season, barring major catastrophes. Keep in mind that Tressel played Ginn at QB in the Alamo Bowl solely to keep from burning Boeckman's redshirt. We have three scholarship QBs, two with at least a half-season's experience. There is absolutely no need to waste a year's eligibility for Schoenhoft.

I agree.
There is no way he burns it.
Running games stats were disappointing, but then again if AP had rushed 9 times for 100 yards, what would we be thinking about our 1st team D?
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Shoenhoft, continues to show up! This is great news as he truly seems to be a big time talent! Devon Lyons having a big day is exciting. I've been waiting to see this guy get more passes. I like Devon better than his brother. He's always been bigger, thicker and more polished. Maybe faster too! Just needs more touches. Hearing about Wilson is encouraging for the all important pass rush. Jenkins and Amos have been pleasant surprises!

It's hard not to be very excited for this team and it's future! Quick! Where did I leave the antacids?
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With Zwick being injured (although I know it's been reported that it's minor) and Boeckman looking shaky (at least from reports in this thread) while Schoenhoft performed, is there any chance JT starts or perhaps gives Robby some PT against Miami (OH)?

Snowball's chance in hell.... He'll be redshirted....I'd give that a 95% chance. We've got 3 scholarship QB's that have years in the system ahead of him.
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Any out of the box thoughts on Carpenter? We know that the linebackers are as solid as you can get in College football. We know that they don't need many reps. Was this a matter of trying to get Freeman more reps with the ones? A way to balance some of the talent on the two sides of the ball for the scrimmage? I don't think that anyone believes that Bobby will splitting much time once the season starts. Maybe some very specific situational play, but nothing regular. I wonder if this is just something "practice" specific that the coaching staff is trying to accomplish.
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OHSportsFan9 said:
Marcel Frost also.

Hamby, Nicol, Frost. Then I guess Hall. I think that's decent depth/skill at TE. Carpenter playing TE is a bit odd to me. Don't see why we'd need him or risk him going 2 ways in an actual game. I feel that it was just for the scrimmage, nothing more.
Brandon Smith was also mentioned as playing TE.

From the o-zone:


At tight end, there were some new faces as well in the jersey scrimmage, one of them not so familiar, and one of them very familiar. Former linebacker Brandon Smith has moved to tight end, and standout linebacker Bobby Carpenter has gotten some snaps on offense at tight end as well in the continuation of an experiment that started last spring.

"The guy who is playing a lot of tight end is Brandon Smith," said Tressel.

"He did a whale of a job today. Bobby Carpenter played some tight end today. He caught a pass. We used him some there because Rory (Nicol) has been banged up and Ryan Hamby we have not worked night and day because he's coming off injury. He (Hamby) ran all the ones stuff, but we didn't double him up on multiple groups. Brandon Smith probably played more than anyone," said Tressel. "I though he (Carpenter) looked good. One time today he thought it was a run and it was really a pass where he was supposed to be going out, but the guy he blocked ended up about 12 yards down the field on his back."
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"Mo Wells is going to play," said Tressel. Per the-ozone.

Now this has to be a guy that is really impressing.
Tressel has only said this about two feshman so far this year, and that is Wilson and Wells.

I have a feeling that Notre Dame is gonna look back and be pissed about what they almost had in Wilson.
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