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Pre-Season Practice - 2005

Thanks Milli for pointing out the new Depth Chart. After taking a look at it I want to get some opinions and Questions answered

What is the story with Jon Skinner he is not able to crack the 2 deep?
Will Coedle Redshirt because of injury
Will Boone RS because of quality Depth in from of him

How did Brandon Smith look?
Where is Frost?

How does Lyons and Dukes look?

Patterson looked a lot better to me this week. He has been a major let down IMO so far
V.Gholston - What is his injury when will he be back
L.Wilso - How did he look
Worthington - I never saw him on the field did he play and how did he look
Kudla - Looks ok but needs more then just a Bull Rush move

Did Laurintas burn his RS becuase Freeman got hurt celebrating? Will this allows Carp to still move down to rush the QB

Underwood looks bad
Jenkins - Not sure, fumbled the kickoff
O'Neal - How did he look
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I can try to answer a few of those -

I don't know how Skinner specifically is doing, but the folks in front of him all have more experience and solid credentials. The two FWOs are seniors. I don't think it says anything other than there is a lot of qualty competition.

I would expect to see Cordle RS now for the same reason - but that is just opinion.

Boone has already burnt his RS.

Frost is, I believe, on the shit list for undisclosed reasons. Not sure if he comes off of it this week or not.

Patterson was a beast as a Frosh but played hurt last season. That he beat our Richardson tells me he is on the way back.

Gholston broke a finger and was in sweats on the sidelines Saturday.

Worthington did not play.

Lauranitais was on special teams. They didn't need him at LB so I am sure they planned to play him regardless.

I was surprised that O'Neal onlly played late. I didn't see that he showed much or had an opportunity to do so.

I thought Jenkins looked good at DB for a true Frosh. I don't expect to see him returning kicks when it counts any time soon. I am much more disturbed with the fumble by Ginn - a direct result of the way he carries the ball. Texas will be slapping at him all day.
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strohs said:
Wow, look at the the defensive chart, of the 12 positions including NB, there are 7 frosh or redshirt frosh in the two deep.

Lets hope they get a lot of PT and gel because its a complete rebuild job next year on D as far as replacing starters goes. We lose 8 staters who are SR's IIRC.
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Jaxbuck said:
Lets hope they get a lot of PT and gel because its a complete rebuild job next year on D as far as replacing starters goes. We lose 8 staters who are SR's IIRC.
Totally agree but not sure if it is a complete rebuild job. We will lose

Kudla - I love Wilson, Barrow, Gholston, Worthington, etc
Green - Still have Penton, Abdallah, Denlinger, Cotton, etc
Salley - Good size loss but with O'Neal he might help us forget him
Everett - Jenkins is only going to get better and can learn from this year
Hawk, Schlegel, Carp - I think Hoobler is going to be an animal and speaking of "animals" I really like Laurinaitis and Freeman.

Not saying these guys are going to totally replace the seniors but wow what a start!!!
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