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Pre-Season Practice - 2005

sandgk said:
Any word on how Hoobler has being doing (and in which role he is playing)?

Also -- as no "report" was filed here is the Plain Dealer's version:
I have also wondered what is up with Hoobler. I haven't read anything about him on any of the websites or seen his name mentioned on messageboard. I would like to see him redshirted this season if D'Andrea ends up playing because this would mean a 1 year separation from Terry and Freeman. Ohio State wouldn't have the possibility of losing the entire linebacker starting line up (if Hoobler, Terry, Freeman start) after 2007 season like they are after this season with Hawk, Carpenter, and Schlegel. The problem is D'Andrea may not get his medical redshirt in time for the first game so Hoobler would have to play.
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Monday, August 22, 2005

Freshmen to watch

Will senority play a lesser role regarding playing time?
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BuckinMichigan said:
Maybe the coaches will mess with them and have Ginn playing multiple positions on both sides of the ball. I bet he could put a 30 yarder through the uprights.
We'll have Ginn kick field goals, Smith line up at safety, and Doug Worthington at RB on a goal line run.

But on a more serious note, there won't be anything wrong with doing a few goal line stands (which is what Tennessee's actual scrimmage plays were) without any trickery. Just see which side can outphysical the other. Nothign to give away there (we can save the pulling and misdirection for later).
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I got it set to record on my computer so if you guys really want to see it I can upload it.

But I guess some of you won't even watch it unless if I blur out the ESPN logo, put a giant blue circle on Mays, Alberts, or Scott's face...and then bleep out everything they say. Actually, that would be hilarious if I did that.
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R0CK3TM4NN said:
I got it set to record on my computer so if you guys really want to see it I can upload it.

But I guess some of you won't even watch it unless if I blur out the ESPN logo, put a giant blue circle on Mays, Alberts, or Scott's face...and then bleep out everything they say. Actually, that would be hilarious if I did that.
Yeah it would.
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please do record it, that would be awesome. Who cares if its ESPN, they won't be getting the ratings (other than our one recorder, rocketmann)... and we're all starving for anything resembling OSU football.
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jwinslow said:
please do record it, that would be awesome. Who cares if its ESPN, they won't be getting the ratings (other than our one recorder, rocketmann)... and we're all starving for anything resembling OSU football.
Ratings are only estimates based on Nielsen people and surveys...watch all the ESPN you want but deny it all on surveys and don't sign up to be a Nielsen household :P
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Actually Nielsen is just a cover. Major League Baseball is really watching what everyone is watching, with technology that you couldn't comprehend. The only way to stop it is by lining your house with aluminum foil.:paranoid:
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Golferdow01 said:
Strohs back me up here...Adam Jardy is one of the WORST sports writers I've ever seen and made "The Lantern" look like a joke everytime he wrote anything. This kid would show up at parties and get recognized by his pic in the paper and would be harassed and tormented to no end. There was once even fliers on the wall in the Journalism building chastising the kid...remember what those said Steve?

Absolutely NO relevance to the topic but I saw his name and had some memories...carry on :)
Yeah, he uh, wasnt my favorite.
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IronBuckI said:
Actually Nielsen is just a cover. Major League Baseball is really watching what everyone is watching, with technology that you couldn't comprehend. The only way to stop it is by lining your house with aluminum foil.:paranoid:
I can comprehend it, but turning my house into an anechoic chamber would not be practical :)
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