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Pre-Season Practice - 2005

While I specifically recall him saying "X will play" only with reference to Wells and Worthington, the terms in which he discussed some of the freshmen seemed to me to suggest that, in addition to the guys mentioned above, Oneal, Cordle, and quite possibly Hartline would also be likely to see the field at some point.
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Any word on how Hoobler has being doing (and in which role he is playing)?

Also -- as no "report" was filed here is the Plain Dealer's version:

Late TD lets offense keep scarlet jerseys

Sunday, August 21, 2005Adam Jardy
Special to The Plain Dealer
The Ohio State offense held onto its scarlet jerseys after a neck-and-neck battle with the OSU defense during the team's jersey scrimmage on Saturday.

The Buckeye offense, led by sophomore wideout Devon Lyons and a rotation of quarterbacks, emerged with a 59-56 victory using a special scoring system. The winning unit gets to wear scarlet jerseys in practice until next year's jersey scrimmage.

"It was a tight ballgame," OSU coach Jim Tressel said. "It was 51-51 going into the next-to-last set of plays, and [freshman quarterback] Robbie Schoenhoft hit [sophomore wideout] Devon Lyons for about a 50-yard touchdown on the final play of that set. Then the first defense came back and earned a few points back, but not enough."

Scrimmage scoring:

The jersey scrimmage scoring system gives each team points for scoring touchdowns or field goals. Teams also can earn points based on other accomplishments. The defense can score one point for forcing a punt or making a tackle behind the line or 12 points for returning a fumble or interception for a touchdown.

Carpenter plays TE:

The biggest story to come out of the scrimmage was the movement of senior linebacker Bobby Carpenter to tight end. Carpenter caught one pass for 6 yards. Sophomore tight end Rory Nichols has been sidelined with a foot sprain and is expected to be out for a few weeks, Tressel said.

Roster watch:

Troy Smith took the majority of the snaps with the second-team offense. He finished 8-of-13 for 74 yards and ran for 27 yards, including the only rushing touchdown. Sophomore Ted Ginn Jr. caught three passes for 31 yards and one touchdown, while Erik Haw led the team with 37 yards rushing.

Zwick on call:

Quarterback Justin Zwick, wearing an air cast on his sprained left ankle, did not play. "He was on the phone the whole day with [quarterbacks coach] Joe Daniels," Tressel said of Zwick. "He was actually the one calling the plays in."

Running game:

Senior fullback Brandon Schnittker, who dropped 10 pounds during the off-season to increase his speed, got some time at tailback. He carried nine times for 36 yards. Akron native Antonio Pittman rushed 10 times for 26 yards, while freshman Maurice Wells carried nine times for 33 yards.

Thoughts for Ginn:

Tressel expressed his concern for Tedd Ginn Sr., who has been hospitalized after a surgical procedure.

"I talked to him [Saturday] morning. He's feeling better. He's one of those guys whose team is out there practicing, you get edgy to go, and you've got to keep reminding yourself to do what [the doctors] tell you to do.

"Teddy [junior] is a guy that loves his father, and can't help but let that affect [him]. Teddy would be the first one to tell you his dad would tell him to get out and practice. He's a good player, but when he's off the field he's going to think of his dad, of course."

Adam Jardy is a freelance writer from Columbus.
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I was watching early in the game and Datish was at left tackle. The rest of the starting ol was in there. Sims was playing left guard. Anyone know anything about that situation?
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The tight end situation has become the most perplexing position on the team. What should be a serious position of strength (Hamby, Nicol, Frost, Hall) has been altered by injuries and issues.

Hamby is dinged, but should be ready to go. Anyone who thinks that he isn't #1 is wrong. If used properly, and if he comes to play on every down, he could be great.

Beyond Hamby, we now have a 2-3 week sprained ankle (Nicol, who I was excited about), a potential disciplinary situation (Frost, who I was very excited about), a wingback (which I'll call Hall's position; think Brian Baschnagel), a recently converted 4th string LB (Brandon Smith, who has a perfect frame for TE and received praise from JT), and our potential All-American SLB (Bobby Carpenter, who will NOT "change" positions, though he did practice at times at TE in the Spring; I'll bet at his request, as he also loves playing "O", and almost committed to Michigan State because they recruited him to play fullback).

I'm going to bet that barring injury, we only see Hamby as our everydown receiving TE for at least the first 2 games, and we'll get Smith in 2 TE run situations, Hall as a TE/wingback in passing situations, and rarely Carpenter inside the 10 as a Vrabel-like blocker/surprise receiver.

Nicol will be a player when 100%. I love Frost's game, but I don't have a good feeling about his contributions this year.

Go Bucks!
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scarletngrey77 said:
isnt rehring susposed to be at left tackle? sims was slated to play LT, then with the emergance of rehring he is susposed to move it guard, ive never heard of datish moving to tackle.
You are absolutely right, Rehring took the majority of the snaps at LT, Datish played a handful to fill in. They wanted to see Sims at LG as much as possible so they didn't move Sims over much, if at all, in order to get him as many snaps as possible. Just to get him comfortable in a game situation. Datish is capable in a run situation, you won't see him there much, if at all, but he's a capable fill in.
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wdg01 said:
Interesting Datish was playing some at LT. In the spring game he played quite a bit at RT and did a decent job
scarletngrey77 said:
decent doesnt get it done, we need to have a dominant o-line this year. the tackles dont really concern me, its inside that really matters when you try to run the ball.
um, he was playing tackle. I disagree, we need strength across the board if we're gonna try and unseat USC or anyone else en route to another title.
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Adam Jardy is a freelance writer from Columbus.
Strohs back me up here...Adam Jardy is one of the WORST sports writers I've ever seen and made "The Lantern" look like a joke everytime he wrote anything. This kid would show up at parties and get recognized by his pic in the paper and would be harassed and tormented to no end. There was once even fliers on the wall in the Journalism building chastising the kid...remember what those said Steve?

Absolutely NO relevance to the topic but I saw his name and had some memories...carry on :)
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