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Pre-Season Practice - 2005

scarletngrey77 said:
maybe, but i just see this as trying something out really, i mean Roy Nicol is hurt and off the top of my head i cant remember the depth we have at tight end.
Ryan Hamby SHOULD be the projected starter. He is on the Mackey (Best TE) watch list with only 20 others to start off the season this year. I would say that our starter looks pretty good, but then there are injuries. I would say we could put Roy Hall in the TE slot before Carpenter. Hall has the speed and hands - hes a Reciever in a Tight Ends body. Hamby got a lot of looks and catchs in the Iowa game if I can remember correctly and he performed well, so Im actually excited to see how many looks he gets this year.
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BuckeyePride85 said:
Ryan Hamby SHOULD be the projected starter. He is on the Mackey (Best TE) watch list with only 20 others to start off the season this year. I would say that our starter looks pretty good, but then there are injuries. I would say we could put Roy Hall in the TE slot before Carpenter. Hall has the speed and hands - hes a Reciever in a Tight Ends body. Hamby got a lot of looks and catchs in the Iowa game if I can remember correctly and he performed well, so Im actually excited to see how many looks he gets this year.
Marcel Frost also.

Hamby, Nicol, Frost. Then I guess Hall. I think that's decent depth/skill at TE. Carpenter playing TE is a bit odd to me. Don't see why we'd need him or risk him going 2 ways in an actual game. I feel that it was just for the scrimmage, nothing more.
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OHSportsFan9 said:
Marcel Frost also.

Hamby, Nicol, Frost. Then I guess Hall. I think that's decent depth/skill at TE. Carpenter playing TE is a bit odd to me. Don't see why we'd need him or risk him going 2 ways in an actual game. I feel that it was just for the scrimmage, nothing more.
Ahhhh, forgot about Marcel Frost. Good call.
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Guys, I hate to go off topic, but as an X guy, I'm really excited to see Robby doing well. It was frustrating to watch him occasionally get booed and often talked down when it was clear that he had a great arm and it was simply hard to showcase at the HS level with mediocre recievers.

Now, my question is this. With Zwick being injured (although I know it's been reported that it's minor) and Boeckman looking shaky (at least from reports in this thread) while Schoenhoft performed, is there any chance JT starts or perhaps gives Robby some PT against Miami (OH)?
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X Buckeyes07 X said:
Guys, I hate to go off topic, but as an X guy, I'm really excited to see Robby doing well. It was frustrating to watch him occasionally get booed and often talked down when it was clear that he had a great arm and it was simply hard to showcase at the HS level with mediocre recievers.

Now, my question is this. With Zwick being injured (although I know it's been reported that it's minor) and Boeckman looking shaky (at least from reports in this thread) while Schoenhoft performed, is there any chance JT starts or perhaps gives Robby some PT against Miami (OH)?
It is hard to read too much into a scrimmage. What string defense did he play against? What did they throw at him? Were they teaching Troy a little lesson in humility?

I think the answer to your question is, "probably not". All of the other reports have said that Boeckman has looked best of the three. The offense looked good against TSUN and Oklahoma State. It will look better this year and no one will want to burn Robbie's red shirt, without a really urgent need to do so.
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It's hard to read too much into a scrimmage. What string defense did he play against? What did they throw at him? Were they teaching Troy a little lesson in humility?

I think the answer to your question is, "probably not". All of the other reports have said that Boeckman has looked best of the three. The offense looked good against TSUN and Oklahoma State. It will look better this year and no one will want to burn Robbie's red shirt, without a really urgent need to do so.
i am of the opinion that if Robbie's redshirt gets burned, we are having a TERRIBLE season, with injuries galore... and i sure as hell don't want that to happen...

so, here's to redshirts... :beer:
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You will NOT see Schoenhoft play this season, barring major catastrophes. Keep in mind that Tressel played Ginn at QB in the Alamo Bowl solely to keep from burning Boeckman's redshirt. We have three scholarship QBs, two with at least a half-season's experience. There is absolutely no need to waste a year's eligibility for Schoenhoft.
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Per the Dispatch - Schoenhoft was 13 of 21 for 137, but that was against the second team D.

The TB numbers:

Pittman 10 for 26
Schnittker 9 for 36
Haw 9 for 37
Wells 9 for 33

Not great, but not horrid. (I would assume most of Pittman's carries were against the 1's.) But in any case what do we want to hear? That our TBs run the ball at will or that our D can't stop the run? In a scrimmage between the O and D every good number is also a bad number.

The Pretorius FG was from 55.
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Oh8ch said:
Per the Dispatch - Schoenhoft was 13 of 21 for 137, but that was against the second team D.

True, but for a true freshman in his first scrimmage, that sort of performance even against the 2nd team of one of the strongest defenses in the country is very encouraging.
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Oh8ch said:
Per the Dispatch - Schoenhoft was 13 of 21 for 137, but that was against the second team D.

The TB numbers:

Pittman 10 for 26
Schnittker 9 for 36
Haw 9 for 37
Wells 9 for 33

Not great, but not horrid. (I would assume most of Pittman's carries were against the 1's.) But in any case what do we want to hear? That our TBs run the ball at will or that our D can't stop the run? In a scrimmage between the O and D every good number is also a bad number.

The Pretorius FG was from 55.
I like the tailback #'s. Most of them averaged around 4 yds. a carry against a top 5 defense. That is good news, b/c when we get against other defense will be able to run the ball, and with our passing game it could be really darn good.
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OSUsushichic said:
I see that Bobby Carpenter played some TE. Maybe Tressel is taking a few lessons from Belichick, using him like Vrabel! This team has a LOT of versatility.
Or maybe he's just tired of watching Ryan Hamby jump offsides on 3rd and 1 situations. Ryan's got a lot of talent and plays hard, but he seems to have concentration problems in third and short situations.
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