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Pre-Season Practice - 2005

another thing to consider with regards to smith getting sacked 7 times is the following:

he played a majority of his snaps with the 2nd or 3rd team offense. also, we've been hearing repeatedly how good worthington and wilson and company have looked thus far. so its possible the 2nd and 3rd team defense were able to really control the line of scrimmage.

we wont know until there is a breakdown of who did wha with the first team and so on.

i would also venture to say that osu's offense may only face one or two defenses all year that are as talented as ours.
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Troy Smith played in the black jersey most of the day. Anytime the rush got even remotely near him the play was blown dead.

zincfinger said:
I'm glad to hear that assessment, because the final rushing stats I saw were very unimpressive, pretty much across the board. Any thoughts on what led to the meager production given that the backs looked good?
I based my assessment on AP, EH, and MW running with the first team. No, they didn't look good when they were behind the 2nd and 3rd string line, but I thought they looked good when each one took snaps with the first team offense.
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LightningRod said:
On the one hand, things appear to look good for the D and its ability to pressure the QB. The unknown is whether there was a no running by the QB rule in place similar to the spring game in 2004.
They allowed the quarterback to rush out of the pocket, it was said so in the Bucknuts article and I believe the Ozone as well:

Junior quarterback Troy Smith was 8 of 13 for 74 yards (no touchdowns or interceptions). He also carried the ball 14 times for 27 net yards and one score (Smith’s longest run was 31 yards).
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Watch your steps there man...

Soon those "walking shoes" will be keeping you out of this house if you keep your attitude up! This isnt ESPN boards, we perfer intelligent and well thought of comments here. Note that you are new and first impressions make the most memorable.
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The first post came from the forum and were comments from someone at the scrimmage. The O-Zone article was from one of the official O-Zone "media" guys. Maybe that was the difference. They both were written, just by two different people. Simple enough?
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centralbucksfan said:
Hey Golfer, don't tell me I need to relax....I read the O-Zone and it was nothing near to what was written. Thats all pal. And I can stroll into anywhere I please my friend.
I just don't like when someone writes something that wasn't even close to what was written, thats all.....simple.
I think he does....pal. Relax and play nice.
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centralbucksfan said:
Hey Golfer, don't tell me I need to relax....I read the O-Zone and it was nothing near to what was written. Thats all pal. And I can stroll into anywhere I please my friend.
I just don't like when someone writes something that wasn't even close to what was written, thats all.....simple.
See that's where you're wrong...it WAS written and BinMich confirmed that. Now seriously i know you are new here but we prefer to stay civil and have a good time at this site...try and be less of a headcase from now on
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I take all comments from JT and the players with a grain a salt. Do you really expect JT anything like "Justin needs to get better in a hurry because we could be in trouble against Miami"?

Also, I get a kick out reading player quotes. It is like they all took a course in "JT speak". Carpenter was the exception.
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