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Post-Game Post Mortem - Penn State

Any thoughts on what the real problem is?
Sometimes highly-rated high school players can't take their game to the next level.

Some players are very consistent, if rarely spectacular (Craig Krenzel); and some players are sometimes spectacular, but very inconsistent (Troy Smith).

Some players are not a good fit for the scheme.
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I think alot of this is just overanalysis IMO. But my take is this: It's our first road game of the year, not to mention in one of the top 5 hostile environments in the country. It's kind of like that overprotective mother (Geiger), that babies her children and can't figure out what she did wrong when they're grown up and still act like they are 9 years old. If you never let your kids go out and learn on their own, they will never grow up. Tonight we grew up.
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I completely disagree with you about the receivers. Smith can't A) read a defense and B) see the field. Does the guy have an actual neck? His face mask stairs in one direction on the field 90% of the time. Zwick would have been MUCH better in this game simply because he can get rid of the ball quicker. Ginn ran some good routes and Davie was pointing out how Smith was MISSING read after read after read.

Zwick has a 74% completion % this season. That says something.
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No comments tonight, just a few questions, taken from opinions previously seen on this board:

1) Do you still think that Troy Smith is clearly the best QB and the man to lead this team?

No. But I'm not 100% sure all the blame rests with him. Ohio State has 3 (three) Elite 11 QBs on their roster. The QB play (by any of them) doesn't impress the hell out of me.

2) Do you still think that Antonio Pittman is a great running back?

No. But good. Better than servicable. Chris Wells can't get here fast enough.

3) Do you still think that the Buckeyes have the best group of wide receivers in college football?

Yes. But QB play has a lot to do with it.

4) Do you still think that this team has more talent than the 2002 squad (which was ranked the #16 team of all time by Billingsley's)?

Yes. This team is fast, strong and smart. I think they have more athleticism than 2002.

5) Do you still think that this is a national championship caliber team?

Yes. But a combination of needing to get their head out of their ass and coaching is holding this offense back. The D may be the best ever at OSU.

Well indeed....
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Hamby stinks (no im not going to send an email to him)

Have to call you on this one.

Hamby's bad moment this year was the dropped TD pass from Zwick in the Texas game. I don't fault him for letting PSU's best defensive lineman school him to sack Smith. He's a receiving TE who has learned to block, not the other way around. RBs and TEs are going to be owned by linemen sometimes, that's just life.

I'd just hate to see Ryan's otherwise solid career as a Buckeye get tarnished because of one missed ball against Texas. A critical ball, no doubt, but one play.

He was by no means (imo) a primary cause for tonight's loss. Considering a complicating factor he's quietly dealing with this year, and plays he's made over the years, I'm not comfortable with 'stinks' personally.
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Zwick has a 74% completion % this season. That says something.

If Zwick isn't starting next week. That shows that Tressel doesn't know what hes doing and hes picked his pet. I used to be on JT's bandwagon, but not anymore. I understand Smith is a better athlete, but it gets us nowhere.

I feel so bad for this amazing defense. They absolutely played their hearts out tonite.
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I guess the biggest question (that may of been talked about ad naseam) is WTF is wrong with Ginn?!?! almost seems like he is pulling a Gamble? Afraid to get hurt so he doesn't lose his paycheck?

I hoped that we would put someone else back on KO and Punt returns to get him out, since he wasn't doing anything at all
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I guess the biggest question (that may of been talked about ad naseam) is WTF is wrong with Ginn?!?! almost seems like he is pulling a Gamble? Afraid to get hurt so he doesn't lose his paycheck?

I hoped that we would put someone else back on KO and Punt returns to get him out, since he wasn't doing anything at all

Ginn used to just take off without trying to cut and gash. Now hes going east-west instead of north-south. I can't for the life of me understand whats wrong with him.
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I guess the biggest question (that may of been talked about ad naseam) is WTF is wrong with Ginn?!?! almost seems like he is pulling a Gamble? Afraid to get hurt so he doesn't lose his paycheck?

I hoped that we would put someone else back on KO and Punt returns to get him out, since he wasn't doing anything at all

I hope you didnt put alot of thought into that comment...

If he cant do it on the field that why would he even get a paycheck???
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exhawg said:
Zwick has a 74% completion % this season. That says something.
Ding ding ding...we have a winner.

I thought Smith gave us the better chance at winning with what I saw during the UM game but how much of that was Smith and how much was that your typical Blow defense?

I say go back to the Okla St. tape and give Zwick the ball. Im sick of the Stanley Jackson's when we have a perfectly fine Joe Germaine.
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