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Police/Legal Blotter (stop breaking the law, asshole!)

Two Purdue freshmen charged with stealing bicycles


Oh those wacky kids and their crazy capers.

According to the Indianapolis Star, a pair of Purdue freshmen cornerbacks, Evyn Cooper and David Rose, were arrested early Wednesday morning and charged in connection to stolen bicycles. The incident that led to the arrest and charges took place on campus.

Rose was technically charged with attempted theft, while Cooper was slapped with a theft charge. The FOX affiliate in West Lafayette writes that the duo was “arrested shortly after 1 a.m. Wednesday for allegedly stealing bicycles by forcibly removing locks off of the bikes at Purdue’s MSEE building, located in the 500 block of Northwestern Ave.”

Entire article: http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsport...rdue-freshmen-charged-with-stealing-bicycles/
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Stole 2 cases of Keystone Light from a party and sneaked* them into my dorm Freshman year of college.

*did not sneak at all. Our drunk asses basically tried to throw one of our t-shirts over 2 30 racks and walked right into the building and through the halls. Pure dumb luck we weren't caught. #college
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