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Police/Legal Blotter (stop breaking the law, asshole!)

Oh and to top it off, he posted this hours before being arrested. :lol:

Uh.....he is correct about the 360, he is back where he started.

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The offender doesn't play college football, but his son dies at UCLA.

ESPN link warning...


Puff Daddy, or whatever his name is now, was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. He allegedly struck the UCLA strength coach with a kettle bell. Best part about the story is the comments.

"Guess he can't stop, won't stop."

"He was heard saying 'take that, take that, take that...' "

"If it's true, that makes it his first hit in years."
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The offender doesn't play college football, but his son dies at UCLA.

ESPN link warning...


Puff Daddy, or whatever his name is now, was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. He allegedly struck the UCLA strength coach with a kettle bell. Best part about the story is the comments.

"Guess he can't stop, won't stop."

"He was heard saying 'take that, take that, take that...' "

"If it's true, that makes it his first hit in years."
So, Sean Combs is arrested for "assault with a deadly weapon" for going after the S&C coach with a kettlebell.

Prosecutorial overcharging. Any kettlebell that Puffy could wield would have fuck-all chance of killing a strength coach at any D1 college.
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So, Sean Combs is arrested for "assault with a deadly weapon" for going after the S&C coach with a kettlebell.

Prosecutorial overcharging. Any kettlebell that Puffy could wield would have fuck-all chance of killing a strength coach at any D1 college.

I don't care who you are (strength coach, NFL linebacker or Navy Seal) if somebody swings a 10 lb cast iron ball and makes contact with your head, you're going to the ER and maybe the morgue. Nobody has muscles on their skull. Assault With A Deadly Weapon is absolutely the right charge.

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So, Sean Combs is arrested for "assault with a deadly weapon" for going after the S&C coach with a kettlebell.

Prosecutorial overcharging. Any kettlebell that Puffy could wield would have fuck-all chance of killing a strength coach at any D1 college.
I could drop even a "small" kettlebell (8 lbs) on your head from a distance of about three feet, and you'll be either out cold or pushing up daisies. Sean Coombs is not nearly the badass he or the media portrays himself to be, but he's hardly a weakling. There's no doubt he could do serious damage to someone by hitting them with a kettlebell, and seeing it was in the UCLA football weight room my guess is the kettlebells there are quite a bit heavier...
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Arrest to cost Purdue’s Gelen Robinson at least two games


As it turns out, Gelen Robinson‘s off-field issue will cost him on the field as well.

Head coach Darrell Hazell has confirmed that the defensive end will miss at least the first two games of Purdue’s 2015 season because of his June arrest for drunk driving. Based on what happens during summer camp, Hazell said, the suspension could extend to up to four games.

Purdue begins the 2015 season with a road trip to defending Conference USA champion Marshall, then follows that up with home games against Indiana State, Virginia Tech and Bowling Green.

In late June, Robinson was arrested on charges of operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol content of 0.15 percent or more and illegal possession of an alcoholic beverage. The charges triggered a violation of a prior diversion agreement with the courts.

Entire article: http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsport...st-purdues-gelen-robinson-at-least-two-games/
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