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Police/Legal Blotter (stop breaking the law, asshole!)

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Rutgers receiver arrested for armed robbery in Florida


Two teenagers in Florida were arrested Sunday morning for their involvement in a robbery. One of them just so happens to be a Rutgers wide receiver.

Darian Dailey was one of the two arrested by police in Sarasota, Florida. He is accused of using a handgun to rob a bicyclist around 2:00 a.m. Sunday morning. Nobody was injured in the incident, and the victim reportedly handed over his money. How much was turned over was not reported, not that it matters in this circumstance. Police have charged Dailey and Trazelle Johnson of robbery with a firearm.

Entire article: http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsport...ceiver-arrested-for-armed-robbery-in-florida/
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Rutgers receiver arrested for armed robbery in Florida


Two teenagers in Florida were arrested Sunday morning for their involvement in a robbery. One of them just so happens to be a Rutgers wide receiver.

Darian Dailey was one of the two arrested by police in Sarasota, Florida. He is accused of using a handgun to rob a bicyclist around 2:00 a.m. Sunday morning. Nobody was injured in the incident, and the victim reportedly handed over his money. How much was turned over was not reported, not that it matters in this circumstance. Police have charged Dailey and Trazelle Johnson of robbery with a firearm.

Entire article: http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsport...ceiver-arrested-for-armed-robbery-in-florida/

$20 armed robbery nets Rutgers’ Darian Dailey a dismissal, too

To reiterate what was stated in the last post on this subject, I hope it was worth it.

In a statement released Thursday night, Rutgers head coach Kyle Flood announced that Darian Dailey (pictured, No. 33) has been dismissed from his Scarlet Knights football program. The dismissal comes a handful of days after Dailey, along with another business associate, was arrested and charged in connection to a Florida armed robbery that netted the entrepreneurs a whopping total of $20.

Padding their financial portfolios with a single Andrew Jackson wasn’t enough, though; they earned a felony charge by using what turned out to be a pellet gun.

Entire article: http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsport...y-nets-rutgers-darian-dailey-a-dismissal-too/

Just sayin": How did this guy ever score high enough on the SAT/ACT to meet NCAA minimum requirements to be eligible, etc. Also, luv the writer's sarcasm, i.e. business associate, entrepreneurs, financial portfolios, etc.
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Upon further review, two Temple Owls will face felony charges


Back in late April it was reported that two Temple football players, linebacker Haason Reddick and offensive lineman Dion Dawkins, would not be facing felony charges in connection to an alleged assault.

Five weeks later, one judge’s decision has been reversed by another.

According to the Philadelphia Daily News, Reddick and Dawkins (pictured, No. 66) will indeed go to trial on charges of felony aggravated assault and conspiracy. The Daily News writes that “[Common Pleas] Judge Michael Erdos‘ ruling reverses one made by Municipal Judge Joyce Eubanks.”

As we explained at the time of the April dismissal, an alleged victim claimed he was viciously attacked by Reddick and Dawkins in January, but an attorney representing Reddick argued there was no evidence any of the injuries suffered by the alleged victim were caused by his client. The alleged victim testified he saw Dawkins charging at him leading up to a brief fight before being separated.

Entire article: http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsport...iew-two-temple-owls-will-face-felony-charges/

Anybody see any similarities in the treatment of football players between the Tallahassee police/district attorney/judicial system and the Philadelphia police/district attorney/judicial system?

Me neither.... :lol:
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DAMN son! Kid went to the local high school across the street from me.

Antonio Allen released on bond, then dismissed from IU football team
Indiana State Police have video of Indiana University football player Antonio Allen selling drugs to an informant, according to court documents released Wednesday.

Police subsequently executed a search warrant at his apartment in the 400 block of E. 19th Street in Bloomington. They reported that they found a Colt .45 handgun, 47 grams of cocaine, 13 grams of heroin, three half-smoked blunts and $920 in cash.

Allen was arrested Tuesday while leaving Memorial Stadium – which is within a block of his apartment – and charged with dealing cocaine and with dealing heroin (over 10 grams) with a firearm. Both are Level 2 felonies. He also was charged with dealing methamphetamine, a lesser charge.


Also, glad to see dealing meth is considered petty crime in this state.
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