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Police/Legal Blotter (stop breaking the law, asshole!)

Criminal probe in Georgia nets Illini LB a suspension

An alleged incident that happened a few states to the south last month will keep an Illinois player on the sidelines for the foreseeable future.

While the details are extremely scant at the moment, the Associated Press has reported that linebacker Julian Jones is the subject of a criminal investigation in the state of Georgia. And that is pretty much all that is known for the moment.

From the AP‘s report:

The investigation is focused on an alleged crime committed somewhere in Georgia during a week the Illini were off in October.

The town in Georgia was not identified and information about the alleged crime was not provided.

Interim head coach Bill Cubit confirmed that Jones has been indefinitely suspended from the football program because of the probe.

Entire article: http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsport...probe-in-georgia-nets-illini-lb-a-suspension/
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Police investigate report of rape at Lincoln home of Huskers Armstrong, Westerkamp

LINCOLN — Nebraska football coach Mike Riley said Tuesday it’s too early to tell how an alleged sexual assault that reportedly occurred at the home of two Husker football players might affect their eligibility for next week’s pivotal game against Iowa.

Riley, speaking to reporters after practice Tuesday, said any action against the players involved will wait until the University of Nebraska-Lincoln administration, the university’s Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance and law enforcement weigh in.

Riley said he had talked to the three players involved — quarterback Tommy Armstrong, receiver Jordan Westerkamp and tight end Trey Foster — but had not delved into the details of the alleged incident.

“I’m like all of you — I’m interested in where we’re going and what’s going to be found,” the Husker coach told a throng of reporters. “I know the process is ongoing, and the right people are taking care of that.”

Riley agreed with a reporter when it was suggested that he would have little or no input, emphasizing that it was “a university matter, not just an Athletic Department (matter).”

The allegation presents a distraction for a struggling Nebraska football team that appeared to have turned a significant corner on Saturday, winning its second consecutive game to improve to 5-6 and setting up a showdown on Nov. 27 against undefeated Iowa.

A 20-year-old Lincoln woman alleged she was raped Sunday at the north Lincoln home shared by Armstrong, Nebraska’s junior quarterback, and Westerkamp, a junior and one of his favorite receivers. No arrests have been made.

In an interview with The World-Herald, Armstrong said that he, Westerkamp and Foster had been interviewed about the allegation by Lincoln police on Sunday.

Armstrong said he was “confused” by the allegation but that after being interviewed, the police said “you guys should be fine.”

“Nothing really happened,” he said. “We were at our house partying. The next day we had to talk to people and clear things up.”

A visibly upset Riley said that he didn’t learn of the allegation until shortly after a staff meeting began at 11 a.m. Tuesday. The World-Herald had contacted the Athletic Department about a half hour earlier seeking comment.

“I would have liked to know earlier,” he said. “We really try to school our players on informing us of anything.”

They didn't want to ruin his weekend. BEAT NEBRA....oh wait...
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Hate to say this but probably another example of a girl falsely accusing someone of rape. Not sure why the names of the men should be released to the public without a conviction but the woman's name will never come out. Now when anyone googles their name this comes up. Real fair. #feminism #waronwoman
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Hate to say this but probably another example of a girl falsely accusing someone of rape. Not sure why the names of the men should be released to the public without a conviction but the woman's name will never come out. Now when anyone googles their name this comes up. Real fair. #feminism #waronwoman
What basis do you have to accuse the woman of lying about being raped at this point?
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Haha ok guys. I've seen this story to many damn times.
If you want to question why the players names were released when as of yet it doesn't look like they're even being accused.....fine. To accuse the woman of lying about being raped is too far. To this point, you don't even know who she is accusing....or if she even knows who she is accusing.
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If you want to question why the players names were released when as of yet it doesn't look like they're even being accused.....fine. To accuse the woman of lying about being raped is too far. To this point, you don't even know who she is accusing....or if she even knows who she is accusing.

I think you guys are missing the point. The point is - nobody's weekend was ruined.
Mike Riley didn't find out about what the hell was going on UNTIL LATE TUESDAY MORNING.

I'd call that a lack of institutional control, folks...
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I have always thought it was crap that the male accused rapists name would be used but the accuser would have a blue dot put over her face and her name withheld.

I remember this happening to a Kennedy who I think was found innocent back in the 90's. His name is associated with rape and she, the false accuser, is anonymous and never had to show her face.

I get your point OhioState001. Not sure that will help your case any and it may hurt it, but I get you. He, despite not being convicted of a crime, has his reputation tarnished and she the liar in the Kennedy case gets off with complete anonymity.
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No, but I think the point was the inconsistency on the releasing of names before and after determining guilt

The man's name is released immediately innocent or guilty. Hell before that is even determined.

The woman's name and face is hidden even if she is a liar.

Let's reverse it and say I claim to being raped by, oh I don't know, let's keep it non political and go with Mrs Bielema.

Is the paper going to have a headline that Mrs Bielema accused of raping Ohio man, no. The headline will be VG accuses Mrs Bielema of rape.

And while this is not PC so trigger warning for all involved, but you can't rape the willing Mrs Bielema. Bring that fine ass on.
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I have always thought it was crap that the male accused rapists name would be used but the accuser would have a blue dot put over her face and her name withheld.

I remember this happening to a Kennedy who I think was found innocent back in the 90's. His name is associated with rape and she, the false accuser, is anonymous and never had to show her face.

I get your point OhioState001. Not sure that will help your case any and it may hurt it, but I get you. He, despite not being convicted of a crime, has his reputation tarnished and she the liar in the Kennedy case gets off with complete anonymity.
Most people think like this but the PC police get in the way.
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No, but I think the point was the inconsistency on the releasing of names before and after determining guilt

The man's name is released immediately innocent or guilty. Hell before that is even determined.

The woman's name and face is hidden even if she is a liar.

Let's reverse it and say I claim to being raped by, oh I don't know, let's keep it non political and go with Mrs Bielema.

Is the paper going to have a headline that Mrs Bielema accused of raping Ohio man, no. The headline will be VG accuses Mrs Bielema of rape.

And while this is not PC so trigger warning for all involved, but you can't rape the willing Mrs Bielema. Bring that fine ass on.
Again....where are the alleged accused rapists names even mentioned? If those 3 players were accused, I haven't seen it. I haven't gone looking for it, so if they have just let me know that and I can move on to point two....

You managed to complain about names being released without accusing somebody who might have been raped of being a liar about being raped. I don't imagine it was very difficult to do that. But OhioState001 didn't or couldn't.
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