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Police/Legal Blotter (stop breaking the law, asshole!)

Again....where are the alleged accused rapists names even mentioned? If those 3 players were accused, I haven't seen it. I haven't gone looking for it, so if they have just let me know that and I can move on to point two....

You managed to complain about names being released without accusing somebody who might have been raped of being a liar about being raped. I don't imagine it was very difficult to do that. But OhioState001 didn't or couldn't.
Why are their names brought up in connection with the incident and how is it fair when there is no proof of wrongdoing?
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I'm going to take a wild guess, but perhaps because it occurred at their house?
Why does that need to be public information when there has been no reason to believe a crime has been committed? It implies that they were somehow negligent and at fault here.

Why does it have to be "the alleged rape took place at Jordan Westerkamps' house" instead of it took place on this side of campus? Tell me what the intention would be of specifying that information?
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I'm sure he doesn't own the house either.

Why not mention the landlord?

Why not mention the government? They really own the land.

The intention was click bait. The player can't fight back and just has to take his public beating. It really shows more about the 'news source' you have than anything. If you don't like this, don't get your news there anymore.
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Why does that need to be public information when there has been no reason to believe a crime has been committed? It implies that they were somehow negligent and at fault here.

Why does it have to be "the alleged rape took place at Jordan Westerkamps' house" instead of it took place on this side of campus? Tell me what the intention would be of specifying that information?
Because where a criminal complaint takes place is public record. The police don't even have to give names, it isn't much work to figure out who resides at an apartment.
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Most people think like this but the PC police get in the way.

I understand, but I don't get this.

Politicians suck. It is so widely known they suck, that it is a written exception into the rules of BP preventing the crossing of streams of politics and non politics.

Hell politicians get single digit % approval ratings.

Why would anyone want to be PC then if politicians are so poorly thought of?

More importantly, why do we care what laws they pass?
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Why does that need to be public information when there has been no reason to believe a crime has been committed? It implies that they were somehow negligent and at fault here.

Why does it have to be "the alleged rape took place at Jordan Westerkamps' house" instead of it took place on this side of campus? Tell me what the intention would be of specifying that information?
Valid questions...the answer to which was already said: Clickbait.

That still doesn't mean there's any reason for you to claim she's lying when you know literally nothing of what the complaint even is outside of rape.
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You guys haven't seen the hizzy....


Rental property, of course...
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I was expressing my opinion. I never said this is 100% fact.
Well obviously. And I'm calling you on your opinion. You're claiming a woman who says she is raped is a liar, and your reason for doing so is because football players names made it to the paper, but hers didn't. Where's the logic in that? There is none.

If it's a person who has claimed to be raped and been proven to be a liar in the past, sure....doubt her story. That's at least based in logic. To call her a liar when you don't know 1 thing about what you claim she's even lying about? How does that make sense to you?
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Again, I think you guys are concentrating more on the accuser/victim aspect. We all could go a million different ways on that.

This is a football forum. Make it about that, and not the rape allegation itself. The authorities will sort all of that out in Lincoln.

All the he said/she said is moot at this point in this story until facts come to light (if they ever will).

Not trying to sound like Art Briles at this point (cause the comment above kinda sounds like that, LOL)...but again, I must again point out....

Mike Riley, head coach of Nebraska Football, didn't know a damn thing about this until 11:00 am TUESDAY MORNING. This happened early SUNDAY morning.

Nobody (allegedly) contacted the Head Coach or the athletic department on this matter.

Not the players.
Not the authorities.
Not the parents of said players.

Nobody who was involved in this contacted the university nor the guy who is in charge of these fellas.

Does anybody see where I'm going with this?

Someone decided their weekend was too important to ruin.....
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Is this anything like the relentless Jessica Alba stalking of @Jaxbuck (allegedly)?
It is similar, but I think part of it is Jessica just trying to get Jax's homemade tanning lotion to replace the crap she was selling.

Jax offered her some freshly squozen I am sure. Kind of like the lady that woke up on that Emirates Air flight and the Arab next to her applied lotion to her entire body while sleeping.
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