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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Where I struggle to be honest with you is the whole social media aspect of these things. I don’t disagree that Shelley needs a thicker skin and should just stay off of social media on these things. At the same time I think it is hilarious that the folks in that thread are dissing her for what she most likely knew and making Sue out to be a saint.

Unfortunately the days of just debating the aspects of a football game are gone. Thanks to social media everything and everyone are fair game to espouse whatever someone thinks while sitting behind a keyboard and a screen name....
I agree that social media has changed the aspect of CFB(and sports in general) in how we now discuss it. And everything you say in the past from a post can now be used against you. Shelly for one is a prime example of this, she uses social media to tout various products and push her own issues and agendas(i.e. arguing over Kapernick vs Tebow and now the t shirt BS). Her husband is a hated man in CFB, mainly because of his success and also because of envy and his own perception, its something she should just deal with at this point. He'll never be a popular figure among the CFB landscape and it is what it is. I think the Pedsters just want to attack Urban and OSU to make their own saga be swept under the rug and try and be forgotten. Ped St wants to jump in on the "being righteous" fray with the rest of the nation and point fingers so that they think the country will forget about Sandusky.
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Where I struggle to be honest with you is the whole social media aspect of these things. I don’t disagree that Shelley needs a thicker skin and should just stay off of social media on these things. At the same time I think it is hilarious that the folks in that thread are dissing her for what she most likely knew and making Sue out to be a saint.

Unfortunately the days of just debating the aspects of a football game are gone. Thanks to social media everything and everyone are fair game to espouse whatever someone thinks while sitting behind a keyboard and a screen name....

Well, in your defense, social media is where most people struggle to be honest with us
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I don't play the victim either (1) here or (2) in my life as a whole.

But fair enough --- I can't tell Shelley "she's not a victim" because I'm a Penn State fan. So I'll ask you. You're not a Penn State fan. Do you think Shelley Meyer is being victimized by people selling "Urban Liar" t-shirts?

I think Shelly should get the trademark, sell the t-shirts, and donate the profits to organizations that fight chikd sex abuse. And no, I don’t think she’s a victim.

For the record, I’ve seen Urban referred to as Urban Liar many a times well before the most recent incident involving Zach Smith and Urban’s presser.

People don’t like Urban. They come up with lame ass things to call him.

Things that rhyme...

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"probably the best officiating job I’ve seen in awhile in one of our big games. I didn’t have the ability to rewatch but overall I think they made the right calls."

"Yes, a few questionable spots. But no glaringly bad calls, and the closest call (pass interference) actually went in our favor. No objections to getting this crew in future games."

Shocking, you know we got screwed on some calls if BWI thinks the refs were good
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"probably the best officiating job I’ve seen in awhile in one of our big games. I didn’t have the ability to rewatch but overall I think they made the right calls."

"Yes, a few questionable spots. But no glaringly bad calls, and the closest call (pass interference) actually went in our favor. No objections to getting this crew in future games."

Shocking, you know we got screwed on some calls if BWI thinks the refs were good

I did my fair share of lurking there last night and I do have to say that when it's just about football, they are generally pretty sane right now.

Every board has a few homer nut jobs but all in all, not the usual these-go-to-11 level of myopic, twisted cult conspiracy logic.
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The cult is turning on Franklin, and I don't feel sorry for him one bit. He chose to go all-in with the "Paterno People," and now he has to deal with them.


When people start to question whether you are (1) an imposter or (2) the real deal. That's a defining moment for every person (not just Franklin) whose success in life has partially been predicated on being a salesman.

We'll see how the PSU team responds. I thought that Franklin came off unhinged in the post game. If I were a player, I'd be rolling my eyes a bit.
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