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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

I used to think that this craziness would eventually wear off after a couple generations. But these idiots won't mellow or settle down over time. They will continue to give birth to more crazy in the hive. Instead of a slow descent to normal we are seeing a persistent upward spiral out of control. Imagine being a university president or board of trustees member and having such a high percentage of crazy alumni. There is nothing to be done except watch their university sink lower and lower. Please please please give them the strength to leave the B1G soon.
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I used to think that this craziness would eventually wear off after a couple generations. But these idiots won't mellow or settle down over time. They will continue to give birth to more crazy in the hive. Instead of a slow descent to normal we are seeing a persistent upward spiral out of control. Imagine being a university president or board of trustees member and having such a high percentage of crazy alumni. There is nothing to be done except watch their university sink lower and lower. Please please please give them the strength to leave the B1G soon.

And yet Barron looked at the situation and said, "hell, it's better than Tallahassee."
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This is must have equipment for every Ped State fan.

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I used to think that this craziness would eventually wear off after a couple generations. But these idiots won't mellow or settle down over time. They will continue to give birth to more crazy in the hive. Instead of a slow descent to normal we are seeing a persistent upward spiral out of control. Imagine being a university president or board of trustees member and having such a high percentage of crazy alumni. There is nothing to be done except watch their university sink lower and lower. Please please please give them the strength to leave the B1G soon.

I do think the Joebot craziness will lessen in a generation or two. The student riot over Joesus' firing notwithstanding, it's the old codgers who fell victim to 60 years of Joesus' bullshit that still can't accept reality. Demographics are not on the Joebots' side. There is frequent complaining on BWI about how the current students just don't get it that Joesus was martyred by the corrupt Board of Trustees. Any time the Cult has a rally to protest the Board of Trustees or some other stupid shit, there is usually a comment about how the over 50 population was well represented at said rally.
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I do think the Joebot craziness will lessen in a generation or two. The student riot over Joesus' firing notwithstanding, it's the old codgers who fell victim to 60 years of Joesus' bull[Mark May] that still can't accept reality. Demographics are not on the Joebots' side. There is frequent complaining on BWI about how the current students just don't get it that Joesus was martyred by the corrupt Board of Trustees. Any time the Cult has a rally to protest the Board of Trustees or some other stupid [Mark May], there is usually a comment about how the over 50 population was well represented at said rally.

There has been precedent of this before...

"For the children of Israel walked forty years in the wilderness, till all the people that were men of war, which came out of Egypt, were consumed, because they obeyed not the voice of the LORD: unto whom the LORD sware that he would not shew them the land, which the LORD sware unto their fathers that he would give us, a land that floweth with milk and honey."

- Joshua 5:6

All we need is a different prophet...one not named Joesus...

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I do think the Joebot craziness will lessen in a generation or two. The student riot over Joesus' firing notwithstanding, it's the old codgers who fell victim to 60 years of Joesus' bull[Mark May] that still can't accept reality. Demographics are not on the Joebots' side. There is frequent complaining on BWI about how the current students just don't get it that Joesus was martyred by the corrupt Board of Trustees. Any time the Cult has a rally to protest the Board of Trustees or some other stupid [Mark May], there is usually a comment about how the over 50 population was well represented at said rally.

This is 100% definitely correct.

I have become middle-age, but I haven't forgotten what it was like as a 18-21 year-old college kid. I'm not excusing the morons who tipped over the TV van and otherwise destroyed property. But the "student riot" that night was more an excuse to "party" and take selfies as opposed to actual outrage. Shoot, there was a riot during a hippie Arts Festival one summer when I was a student.

And two frightening demographic-related thoughts for the JoeBots: (1) assuming students take 5 years to matriculate, only 20% of students on-campus this fall were students at a time when Joe was Head Coach. (2) In about 7-8 years, there will be PSU students who won't even remember a time when Joe was Head Coach. They'll be asking: "why again are you old alums asking us to give a damn about this dude from a history book?!?!?"
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I do think the Joebot craziness will lessen in a generation or two. The student riot over Joesus' firing notwithstanding, it's the old codgers who fell victim to 60 years of Joesus' bull[Mark May] that still can't accept reality. Demographics are not on the Joebots' side. There is frequent complaining on BWI about how the current students just don't get it that Joesus was martyred by the corrupt Board of Trustees. Any time the Cult has a rally to protest the Board of Trustees or some other stupid [Mark May], there is usually a comment about how the over 50 population was well represented at said rally.
If they ever start seriously winning again, the JoePa thing will fade. They cherish the distant past because the last 15 years have been poor. If they had 5 years of success, they wouldn't worry about Joe, they'd worry about their next opponent. They've been beaten into submission for now and all they have left are memories.
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This is 100% definitely correct.

I have become middle-age, but I haven't forgotten what it was like as a 18-21 year-old college kid. I'm not excusing the morons who tipped over the TV van and otherwise destroyed property. But the "student riot" that night was more an excuse to "party" and take selfies as opposed to actual outrage. Shoot, there was a riot during a hippie Arts Festival one summer when I was a student.

And two frightening demographic-related thoughts for the JoeBots: (1) assuming students take 5 years to matriculate, only 20% of students on-campus this fall were students at a time when Joe was Head Coach. (2) In about 7-8 years, there will be PSU students who won't even remember a time when Joe was Head Coach. They'll be asking: "why again are you old alums asking us to give a damn about this dude from a history book?!?!?"

And, to the bolded remark, it's not like PSU was winning at a great clip during the last ... what... 10 or so years prior. There were a couple of good seasons sprinkled in among some bad ones. Which is to say, kids born in about 1998 don't really remember PSU or Pedterno being particularly good.
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If they ever start seriously winning again, the JoePa thing will fade. They cherish the distant past because the last 15 years have been poor. If they had 5 years of success, they wouldn't worry about Joe, they'd worry about their next opponent. They've been beaten into submission for now and all they have left are memories.

That and the lack of holding calls.
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If they ever start seriously winning again, the JoePa thing will fade. They cherish the distant past because the last 15 years have been poor. If they had 5 years of success, they wouldn't worry about Joe, they'd worry about their next opponent. They've been beaten into submission for now and all they have left are memories.
That's probably true of the current students/recent grads, but the hardcore joebots will just attribute any future success back to joesus. The only hope there is they die off w/o passing on the crazy. When they get to running franklin off for not living up to his crootin rankings, they'll probably dig joesus's rotting corpse up and prop it on the sidelines so he can get some more wins. Not like it would be much different than his last 10 years or so.
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