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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

And, to the bolded remark, it's not like PSU was winning at a great clip during the last ... what... 10 or so years prior. There were a couple of good seasons sprinkled in among some bad ones. Which is to say, kids born in about 1998 don't really remember PSU or Pedterno being particularly good.

Here's the Pedster's records from 2000 onward:

2000 .... Joe Paterno ..... 5 .... 7 .... 0 .... 0.417
2001 .... Joe Paterno ..... 5 .... 6 .... 0 .... 0.455
2002 .... Joe Paterno ..... 9 .... 4 .... 0 .... 0.692
2003 .... Joe Paterno ..... 3 .... 9 .... 0 .... 0.250
2004 .... Joe Paterno ..... 4 .... 7 .... 0 .... 0.364
2005 .... Joe Paterno .... 11 .... 1 .... 0 .... 0.917
2006 .... Joe Paterno ..... 9 .... 4 .... 0 .... 0.692
2007 .... Joe Paterno ..... 9 .... 4 .... 0 .... 0.692
2008 .... Joe Paterno .... 11 .... 2 .... 0 .... 0.846
2009 .... Joe Paterno .... 11 .... 2 .... 0 .... 0.846
2010 .... Joe Paterno ..... 7 .... 6 .... 0 .... 0.538
2011 .... Joe Paterno ..... 9 .... 4 .... 0 .... 0.692
2012 .... Bill O'Brien .... 8 .... 4 .... 0 .... 0.667
2013 .... Bill O'Brien .... 7 .... 5 .... 0 .... 0.583
2014 .... James Franklin .. 7 .... 6 .... 0 .... 0.538
TOTAL ................... 115 ... 71 .... 0 .... 0.618

A grand total of three double-digit win seasons in 15 years (one of every five seasons), to go along with their two conference co-championships during the same timeframe.
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A grand total of three double-digit win seasons in 15 years (one of every five seasons), to go along with their two conference co-championships during the same timeframe.
Those were three of the best teams to ever walk onto a football field. Undefeated if the games were officiated fairly.
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Here's the Pedster's records from 2000 onward:

2000 .... Joe Paterno ..... 5 .... 7 .... 0 .... 0.417
2001 .... Joe Paterno ..... 5 .... 6 .... 0 .... 0.455
2002 .... Joe Paterno ..... 9 .... 4 .... 0 .... 0.692
2003 .... Joe Paterno ..... 3 .... 9 .... 0 .... 0.250
2004 .... Joe Paterno ..... 4 .... 7 .... 0 .... 0.364
2005 .... Joe Paterno .... 11 .... 1 .... 0 .... 0.917
2006 .... Joe Paterno ..... 9 .... 4 .... 0 .... 0.692
2007 .... Joe Paterno ..... 9 .... 4 .... 0 .... 0.692
2008 .... Joe Paterno .... 11 .... 2 .... 0 .... 0.846
2009 .... Joe Paterno .... 11 .... 2 .... 0 .... 0.846
2010 .... Joe Paterno ..... 7 .... 6 .... 0 .... 0.538
2011 .... Joe Paterno ..... 9 .... 4 .... 0 .... 0.692
2012 .... Bill O'Brien .... 8 .... 4 .... 0 .... 0.667
2013 .... Bill O'Brien .... 7 .... 5 .... 0 .... 0.583
2014 .... James Franklin .. 7 .... 6 .... 0 .... 0.538
TOTAL ................... 115 ... 71 .... 0 .... 0.618

A grand total of three double-digit win seasons in 15 years (one of every five seasons), to go along with their two conference co-championships during the same timeframe.

Four consecutive classes of PSU students (assuming they stay for 4 football seasons) --- the 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 freshmen --- did see some good times. A B1G Championship (the 2005 freshmen saw two), and multiple (2) Top 10 seasons (2005, 2008, 2009 teams finished #3, #8 and #9 respectively).

I was there in some very good times (PSU freshmen class of 1993), and while it was better ("my" four teams finished the season ranked #8, #2, #13, and #7), I didn't have it TOO much better.

There are, however, a number of classes of PSU students who had very little to celebrate. Freshmen classes of 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003 ALL saw multiple losing seasons. A couple of those classes (2000, 2001) saw three out of four losing seasons. The latter of these folk did also see 2005, but overall, not the best of on-the-field memories of JoePa for those folk.

Neither are there real good on-the-field memories for the PSU freshmen classes of 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. They ALL had to experience the NCAA sanctions and Bowl ban to one extent or another. Given JoePa was at least partially responsible for those sanctions and Bowl bans, they wouldn't have good on-the-field memories of JoePa either.

Do the math of the above 4 previous paragraphs. There were 16 freshmen classes of PSU students between 1998 and 2013. 4 would have pretty good on-the-field memories. But the majority (11 of 16!) would not. Freshmen class of 2004, I guess they are neutral :-)

Time is against the JoeBots. And, believe me, they know it --- it's why they fight so hard. But they WILL lose.
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You omitted that part in the thread you started over on BWI about honoring Joesus with a new vanity license plate. Your vehicle could end up like that news van covering the PSU riot if you bring the quoted part over to BWI. :wink:


My 409fold moniker that is a parody of 9fold has thus far generated 3 likes, but has not generated an actual response.

Let me bring my actual BWI moniker to the fray and see what happens .....

(9fold lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan, for those who didn't know that)
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Yes, that's me. I'm very likable. :-) I post plenty on non-conspiracy and non-Joe topics.

Oh, ok. I just had not realized you were "michnittlion" over there. You do solid work on BWI with that account. :biggrin2: "Michnittlion" is one of my favorites over on BWI because of how easily the Cult gets exasperated dealing with you. That is also why I love CR66 so much. Of course, the true measurement of a troll over there is how many times pnnylion calls you a troll, claims you are Andrea DiMaggio or how often various Cult members brag that they know how to use the "ignore" feature on BWI.

It's a fine balance between sanity over there and being so over the top that the Cult begs McAndrew to "take out the trash."
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This is must have equipment for every Ped State fan.


I need one of those in my golf bag. Nothing more embarrassing than swamp ass when schmoozing business partners at the country club.
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Oh, ok. I just had not realized you were "michnittlion" over there. You do solid work on BWI with that account. :biggrin2: "Michnittlion" is one of my favorites over on BWI because of how easily the Cult gets exasperated dealing with you. That is also why I love CR66 so much. Of course, the true measurement of a troll over there is how many times pnnylion calls you a troll, claims you are Andrea DiMaggio or how often various Cult members brag that they know how to use the "ignore" feature on BWI.

It's a fine balance between sanity over there and being so over the top that the Cult begs McAndrew to "take out the trash."

It is a fine balance, that is for sure. I've been on BWI since 2003, and my opinions are truly NOT a troll act, they are my opinions. "Peetz Pool Boy" once dropped my real-life first name on the board --- that post got deleted within 10 minutes but stuff like that happening does make me nervous.

On a side note ----- I just noticed something. Did you notice who called me an idiot in that thread? "Idiot" was 9fold's favorite word. And 9fold's last post ever on BWI was 6-May-2015: the same day that guy created his account!

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You omitted that part in the thread you started over on BWI about honoring Joesus with a new vanity license plate. Your vehicle could end up like that news van on hand for the PSU riot if you bring the quoted part over to BWI. :wink:


The dude thinks that 409PSU being unavailable means that there's at least one more Joesus fan. 99% chance it's because it's a standard 3 number 3 letter combination.
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