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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)


Is it just me, or doesn't this new PSU logo lion seem like it is looking behind it with fear in his eyes?

I think it is perfect. :nod:
Looks like it is getting buggered by Sandusky. You ever see the size of his hands? I bet he is hung like a horse!
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News Notes:

Pennsylvania beauty queen has been stripped of her title and jailed on charges that she faked having leukemia to raise thousands of dollars from fundraisers. Online court records show 23-year-old Brandi Lee Weaver-Gates, of State College, was arraigned Tuesday on charges of theft by deception and receiving stolen property. State police say an April bingo benefit raised $14,000 for the 2015 Miss Pennsylvania U.S. International pageant winner. “It was amazing. I didn't know half of the people there. It really did surprise me,” Weaver-Gates told the Centre County Gazette at the time. “It speaks to how great our community is. They wanted to come and support someone who is going through a hard time in their life.” But now troopers are asking the public to come forward if they have donated money to Weaver-Gates. Pennsylvania State Police said they began investigating Weaver-Gates after receiving an anonymous letter stating that she was “faking” cancer.

How long before we see this on BWI? "Big Ten officials conspired to take the title away from Brandi."
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Alright, so I rarely read this thread, because I don't really give a shit about ped state. I've never read bwi forums, because I really don't give a shit about ped state. I got bored yesterday and decided to pop this thread open and see this thread about beating osu this year. I read parts of it, and I've seen you all write about how they think the refs are screwing them, and I thought it's blown out of proportion because we all like to laugh at ped state fans, but holy shit they really think the refs are screwing them. They think the whole big ten is out to get them. This is sad.

I will admit, there was a really botched fumble call early in that game that we turned into a TD. They are really butt hurt about it. That kind of thing happens. In general it was a pretty decent officiated game, but that one bad call was pretty shitty and COULD have cost them the game because we did get a TD from that drive. I doubt it did (with my scarlet glasses on), mostly because I think our guys up by 10-0 or 10-7 at half rather than 17-0 would have come out in the second half a little more fired up than they did, and COULD have won by more. Also COULD have lost, I really couldn't tell you. It was early and would have changed the entire game, would have changed strategy and play calls, and would have allowed for another drive at the end of the first half.

At the same time, I re-watched the VT game yesterday, and we got screwed by a fumble call early in that game too (refs ruled VT guy down so no one watched who ended up with the ball and poor camera angles made it so you couldn't CLEARLY see who had it, even though there were two buckeyes on top of the ball). I had forgotten about that, you guys have probably all forgotten about that. That also COULD have changed that game. But guess what, the game is OVER, no one cares any more. Perhaps if it was in the last 5 minutes of the game someone would have cared, but in the first quarter no one gives a shit after the game is over.

Yes, long rant, but bottom line, fuck penn state and their crying vaginas.
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