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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

It is a fine balance, that is for sure. I've been on BWI since 2003, and my opinions are truly NOT a troll act, they are my opinions. "Peetz Pool Boy" once dropped my real-life first name on the board --- that post got deleted within 10 minutes but stuff like that happening does make me nervous.

On a side note ----- I just noticed something. Did you notice who called me an idiot in that thread? "Idiot" was 9fold's favorite word. And 9fold's last post ever on BWI was 6-May-2015: the same day that guy created his account!


What happened with 9FOLD? Did he get banned?

I wouldn't worry about them catching you. They've been trying to track down TugSpeedwell for four years now.
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That reminds me guys, it is time, once again to pass around the hat for donations to the "ref fund." Send your donations to the usual address by next friday so that our friends will get it in time to make the necessary "adjustments" to the replay system...

heh heh heh.
I always earmark my donations to the "holding call" fund.
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That reminds me guys, it is time, once again to pass around the hat for donations to the "ref fund." Send your donations to the usual address by next friday so that our friends will get it in time to make the necessary "adjustments" to the replay system...

heh heh heh.

Sorry. I would if I could. But, I'm still paying off the loan I took out to finance the 2003 bad call-bad call phantom pass interference flag in the NC.
The minute I make my last payment on that one, though...I'll be all in.
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Is it just me, or doesn't this new PSU logo lion seem like it is looking behind it with fear in his eyes?

I think it is perfect. :nod:

First thing I noticed was the shield motif...

This is 100% definitely correct.

I have become middle-age, but I haven't forgotten what it was like as a 18-21 year-old college kid. I'm not excusing the morons who tipped over the TV van and otherwise destroyed property. But the "student riot" that night was more an excuse to "party" and take selfies as opposed to actual outrage. Shoot, there was a riot during a hippie Arts Festival one summer when I was a student.

And two frightening demographic-related thoughts for the JoeBots: (1) assuming students take 5 years to matriculate, only 20% of students on-campus this fall were students at a time when Joe was Head Coach. (2) In about 7-8 years, there will be PSU students who won't even remember a time when Joe was Head Coach. They'll be asking: "why again are you old alums asking us to give a damn about this dude from a history book?!?!?"

What about the restoration rally last year? I can't remember what they were chanting, but it looked like hundreds (maybe a thousand?) students participating... to say nothing of the twitter/social media presence. Wish I could remember what they were saying, but I found that to be very disturbing.
The students celebrating, and no small minority either, getting let off by NCAA for overlooking decades of child rape... I think that was the day I decided there's no hope for Penn State. The Joesus myth will get carried on even if the students aren't there to witness him - maybe even stronger b/c they'll never see how far the program sunk in his old age.
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First thing I noticed was the shield motif...

What about the restoration rally last year? I can't remember what they were chanting, but it looked like hundreds (maybe a thousand?) students participating... to say nothing of the twitter/social media presence. Wish I could remember what they were saying, but I found that to be very disturbing.
The students celebrating, and no small minority either, getting let off by NCAA for overlooking decades of child rape... I think that was the day I decided there's no hope for Penn State. The Joesus myth will get carried on even if the students aren't there to witness him - maybe even stronger b/c they'll never see how far the program sunk in his old age.

It always seems to me like the Joebots skew very heavily to the olds. At the least, the Joebots themselves believe that to be true. Every picture ever posted on BWI looks like a geriatric gathering, with an occasional youthful face thrown in. There is frequently bitching on BWI that the current students just don't get it or that the Daily Collegian (the PSU student newspaper) is a shameless propaganda rag for the Board of Trustees. In the past, there have threads on BWI bitching that not a single student showed up for some bullshit protest of the Board of Trustees.
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But they did turn out in large numbers when PSU's sanctions were reversed... chanting about Joesus.
The complaints could just be usual get off my lawn grumpy old men stuff -- but it does seem that the new generations are being fed the Joesus myth (and buying it) nonetheless. Buying that they, and Joe Pa, are the victims.
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