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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

The acc now counts as members Syracuse, Pitt, and Boston College all of whom wanted nothing to do with State Penn in the big east/joesus's eastern conf. They might not have a veto for PSU, but you can bet they'd express exactly what the acc would be getting. The big 12 would be their best move if they want out of the b1g. Of course then they'd be bitching about UT/OU running everything.
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Some gems in that acc/sec thread though:
neither, should form a BIG EAST or call it Atlantic nn. Bring back BC, Syracuse, MD, WVU, Pitt, Temple plus other regional teams like VT, VA, Cincinnati, etc.
aka the schools that black balled PSU from the big east. Why would they leave their current situations to be psu's bitches?

The Ivies....laugh....I am only half joking.

The more I get to see the inside of collegiate athletics, the more I question it.
Ivy league :slappy: :slappy: :slappy:
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Wow, join the Big XX and be Texas's bitch, join the ACC and discover that other than FSU they don't give a shit about football and wonder when you'll get a basketball program or join the SEC and get your anus kicked up around your tonsils...

Talk about an exalted view.
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They've been stealing since the mid-90s after they were butt-hurt when we came in, ran the table, and beat Ohio St like they had not thought possible. After that it was scheduling Michigan and Ohio St back to back each year often with them having a bye week before us.

1993 Penn State schedule
10/2/93 at Maryland
10/16/93 *ichigan
10/30/93 at Ohio State

1994 Penn State schedule
10/1/94 at Temple
10/15/94 at *ichigan
10/29/94 Ohio State

They have been in the B1G for 21 years, they have played OSU and scUM back to back 5 times including the two above
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1993 Penn State schedule
10/2/93 at Maryland
10/16/93 *ichigan
10/30/93 at Ohio State

1994 Penn State schedule
10/1/94 at Temple
10/15/94 at *ichigan
10/29/94 Ohio State

They have been in the B1G for 21 years, they have played OSU and scUM back to back 5 times including the two above

And Penn MOTHERFUCKING State got s bye between those games both years. Fortuitous shit there you inbred cultists!!!!
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