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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Bushwood's bellyaching is legendary.


STILL crying about the phantom interception last year. (And the field goal, to a lesser extent.)

How long did we cry about the no-call fumble against Illinois in 2007?
I think most rational fans stop bitching about something when other blemishes overshadow. So, after the bowl game I'd say.

Penn State fans act like each call was the only thing standing between their team and a perfect season. I say spread the wealth, there were many things the team did horribly last season to complain about.
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Be fair. That could be Any team that uses blue and white as its colors, and tells all their fans to wear white to a home game, and just happens to have a logo that looks a lot like Penn State's. And it might just be their jealousy of Penn State that gets them to have a sign in the background that says "Penn State."

Plus, I'm not convinced that that's the real Jared Fogle. In fact, I'm guessing that the real Jared is hung like a horse and since he didn't ruin anyone's weekend, no blood no rape.

Now that I think about it, how hard would it be to photoshop Jared into there? I mean, some Ohio State fan photoshopped Joe Paterno running off the field before halftime, returning for the second half in different pants. And I'm pretty sure that the photoshop included the sideline reporter talking about Paterno and his stomach issues that day. But all that is a documented lie. Afterall, some Ohio State fan admitted to inventing that lie on some message board. All that - how hard is it to photoshop Jared in Beaver Stadium?
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Bushwood CC
Hey Dopey (or is it Drooley), you most definitely are a b1g turd apologist - this will be the SECOND TIME I've posted what b1g Turd Director of Officiating, Bill Carollo, had to say when O'Neil's Crew including Replay Official Fielder blew a call on the field and in the replay both against PSU in 2012 about "holding them accountable'

Just curious...if the organization you are a small part of is a "big turd" then what does that make you? An insignificant POS? An indigestible kernel of genetically-modified corn? E coli bacteria? Or, maybe...just maybe...a segment of a repulsive intestinal parasite that the host body would desperately love to permanently expel for its own higher good?
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Yeah. Apparently, so are delusions.

Shared psychotic disorder

Shared psychotic disorder, a rare and atypical psychotic disorder, occurs when an otherwise healthy person (secondary partner) begins believing the delusions of someone with whom they have a close relationship (primary partner) who is already suffering from a psychotic disorder with prominent delusions. This disorder is also referred to as "folie á deux."

Read more: http://www.minddisorders.com/Py-Z/Shared-psychotic-disorder.html#ixzz3i7dgY7g0

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I once had the misfortune of spending time with a Sparty student prior to an OSU MSU football game in 2006. All morning the guy did nothing but talk shit. After the game, he shrugged off the loss as something he knew was inevitable because they sucked.

It's kinda the magic of sucking- you're free to be an irrational jackass prior to the games while avoiding any consequences afterwards.

I think that is what Penn State fans have become after two decades of mediocrity in the Big Ten; only throw in cult conspiracy theory excuses for extra post game obnoxiousness.

They also have a strong dose of Juggalo in them. You can put your boot on their throat every year for a century, but if you slip up just once you know you will never hear the end of it. The Rail! being the perfect example.
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"If the refs/Delaney allow it..." My God a nickle for every time that phrase/phraseology appears on thier site and I'd be wealthy.

If the whole thing's a corrupt crock, why do you give a shit and support a team you know is going to lose? Do these people go to rasslin' matches and root for the toady?
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"If the refs/Delaney allow it..." My God a nickle for every time that phrase/phraseology appears on thier site and I'd be wealthy.

If the whole thing's a corrupt crock, why do you give a [Mark May] and support a team you know is going to lose? Do these people go to rasslin' matches and root for the toady?
And what about when they do win? The refs are corrupt, but also sometimes incompetently corrupt in that they can't even pull off a fix?
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