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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Someone with a troll account should ask "what about the two roughing penalties on the 4th quarter drives that let 'us' tie the game" Surely if there was a conspiracy to screw PSU those flags wouldn't have been thrown right?
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Someone with a troll account should ask "what about the two roughing penalties on the 4th quarter drives that let 'us' tie the game" Surely if there was a conspiracy to screw PSU those flags wouldn't have been thrown right?
asked and answered already.

wait....did I say answered? I meant ignored, deleted, and the person asking the question banned.
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So...the Big Ten has managed to keep a conspiracy under wraps that involves, at this point what has to be, hundreds of people and has been going on for 20+ years without any leaks or whistleblowers or anyone feeling the slightest bit guilty about screwing over a bunch of college kids just trying to play a fair game? And the only people who have noticed are the posters at BWI and Audibles? The conference must have a gestapo that makes the Argentinian Dirty War forces look like mall cops.
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So...the Big Ten has managed to keep a conspiracy under wraps that involves, at this point what has to be, hundreds of people and has been going on for 20+ years without any leaks or whistleblowers or anyone feeling the slightest bit guilty about screwing over a bunch of college kids just trying to play a fair game? And the only people who have noticed are the posters at BWI and Audibles? The conference must have a gestapo that makes the Argentinian Dirty War forces look like mall cops.
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We already know this but...it's all about Joesus and who cares about the rest of the university.


I am as excited for Penn State football as I have been since I was an undergrad in the mid-1980's. There is an energy and a joyousness around the program that I haven't seen in far too long. It is great to have those feelings around Penn State football once again.

But your post got me thinking about how I feel about Penn State as an institution, and I truly do not give a rip about the university anymore. I am done with them, because I know the feeling is mutual.
I feel much as you do, NewEra. But, as much as I like Franklin and what he's doing, it's hard for me to separate athletics in general from the University itself. Although not the disdain for which I have for the University, I'm afraid my enthusiasm for Penn State football has been forever dampened. Admittedly, this may be due to my age and reverence for tradition. I would encourage students and younger alumni to adopt your attitude.
I too no longer give a crap about the university. It is a cesspool of liars, thieves, cronyism, and god knows what else. What Joe helped to build in 40 years, they managed to destroy in a blink of the eye.

I will always enjoy PSU football, and always thank Joe for what he did, but the university as an institution will never be held in the same esteem as it once did for me.

One thing is clear: these assholes and liars did not deserve to have a man like Joe Paterno. They have gotten rich off of the university that he helped to build, and they themselves did nothing to deserve those riches. And then they just discarded him as soon as they no longer needed him. Screw them. They hopefully will all rot in the bowels of hell someday.
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Damn, this thread is long! IIRC, posted once earlier this year. Probably already mentioned, but having all those victories vacated and then having them reinstated ie a double asterisk (**) just makes PSU look more sleazy, if possible. Bottom line, the whole, longgg Sandusky affair happened under Paterno's watch. He and PSU looked the other way. And diehard/scumbag supporters will be apologizing er rationalizing er makin' themselves look like fools from now until eternity.

Indeed Penn State, you are unique in the annals of NCAA football. Congrats!
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If it had been about the university or even just the foolsball program, their rallying cry would have been 849! That's the number of school victories before the sanctions. That they chose Joesus' total of 409! says all that needs to be said about with whom their allegiance was.
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If it had been about the university or even just the foolsball program, their rallying cry would have been 849! That's the number of school victories before the sanctions. That they chose Joesus' total of 409! says all that needs to be said about with whom their allegiance was.
Huh, i wasn't aware* psu had any wins that were not the product of joesus's divine grand experiment.

* not really
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Huh, i wasn't aware* psu had any wins that were not the product of joesus's divine grand experiment.

* not really

Penn State had twenty-seven consecutive non-losing (.500 or better) seasons prior to Joe Paterno's tenure as Head Coach (1939 through 1965).

Even if one wants to say "weak eastern schedule!!!", that's still pretty impressive.

I've pointed that out before on BWI before and been ridiculed, but Paterno wasn't taking over at K-State or Indiana. Rip Engle is in the college football HOF for a reason. Paterno was working off a good base prior to taking over in 1966.
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You may see it as picking the ball up and going home but many see it as having a business partner that steals from you. They've been stealing since the mid-90s after they were butt-hurt when we came in, ran the table, and beat Ohio St like they had not thought possible. After that it was scheduling Michigan and Ohio St back to back each year often with them having a bye week before us. In addition, we've had how many games stolen by what may appear to be negligent calls but when the sum is taken into account, it is clearly intentional and disgracing the game. When the sanctions came down, instead of helping us, they piled on. They want PSU to be Northwestern. We have to go. They are stealing from us.
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