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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

To be fair, they have done quite a bit -- which is why the Paterno cult is foaming at the mouth angry with their Board of Trustees.

I asked what tangible things they've done, and got "they have done quite a bit." Follow-up question in the event that specifics ever actually are mentioned--how many of those things they've now done are things that should've been done (and that most other schools did on their own accord) years ago?
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The debate on the punishment itself - too harsh? not enough? - is for another place.

I will say that the REASON their punishment is reduced is absolutely pathetic. "They were compliant" with the NCAA - You're supposed to be compliant with the NCAA! Its like what Chris Rock once said in his stand up: "I take care of my kids, I didn't go to jail - you're SUPPOSED to take care of your kids, and you're not supposed to go to jail." Being compliant with the investigation, being faithful with the punishment itself, and not breaking anymore rules are things every program is supposed to do every day in college football! This is the same sort of BS they give to prisoners for "good behavior" - congrats you did what you are supposed to do in life. So will Sandusky get a sentence reduction for being compliant with the police? While this move will certainly help the Penn State program in recruiting and PR, it will also help the Big Ten. The Big Ten NEEDS Penn State to be a competitive program again, but at what morale cost should it come? Yes, I understand the current players had nothing to do with Sandusky, JoePa, or what happened 5-10 years ago, but the NCAA is setting a slippery slope for future programs that error in a dramatic fashion. Weren't the Buckeyes compliant with the NCAA following tattoo-gate? Why weren't their punishment dropped?

Good for PSU, bad justification by the NCAA.
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I support what their board and administration has done since the scandal. This, however, was not the way to reward them. All it does is further inflame the Paterno cult, the rogue--and alumni elected--members of their board and even the students who seemed to have more perspective than their elders but were out there last night screaming to bring the statue back. All the NCAA did was inflame and give some sick sense of victimhood to the very culture that the sanctions were supposed to correct. They really should have been given the death penalty.

Paterno was not a victim. He was a sick, evil man who allowed the rape of children to continue rather than tarnish the public myths that he had built up around himself.
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The debate on the punishment itself - too harsh? not enough? - is for another place.

I will say that the REASON their punishment is reduced is absolutely pathetic. "They were compliant" with the NCAA - You're supposed to be compliant with the NCAA! Its like what Chris Rock once said in his stand up: "I take care of my kids, I didn't go to jail - you're SUPPOSED to take care of your kids, and you're not supposed to go to jail." Being compliant with the investigation, being faithful with the punishment itself, and not breaking anymore rules are things every program is supposed to do every day in college football! This is the same sort of BS they give to prisoners for "good behavior" - congrats you did what you are supposed to do in life. So will Sandusky get a sentence reduction for being compliant with the police? While this move will certainly help the Penn State program in recruiting and PR, it will also help the Big Ten. The Big Ten NEEDS Penn State to be a competitive program again, but at what morale cost should it come? Yes, I understand the current players had nothing to do with Sandusky, JoePa, or what happened 5-10 years ago, but the NCAA is setting a slippery slope for future programs that error in a dramatic fashion. Weren't the Buckeyes compliant with the NCAA following tattoo-gate? Why weren't their punishment dropped?

Good for PSU, bad justification by the NCAA.
There wasn't enough time for our punishment to be dropped. They were hammered so hard they had enough time to be compliant (which....holy fuck. they had no compliance office at all. now that they set one up you're patting them on the back?!?!) while they were still on sanctions. Which tells me what they did to earn such a stiff punishment was so heinous that it doesn't even deserve consideration of early parole.
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There wasn't enough time for our punishment to be dropped. They were hammered so hard they had enough time to be compliant (which....holy fuck. they had no compliance office at all. now that they set one up you're patting them on the back?!?!) while they were still on sanctions. Which tells me what they did to earn such a stiff punishment was so heinous that it doesn't even deserve consideration of early parole.

True. And even if they did have one in place - there is no "good behavior", just things you are supposed to do all the time.
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What the NCAA is telling them: Your system was a mess. We hammered you - hard - to send a message to you, and all other schools, that our rules must be followed. You have done a very nice job since the sanctions were imposed. You've hired a new coach, a new AD, a new University President. You've gone outside the old guard and brought in new blood for each position. Well done. As a means to publicly recognize those efforts on your behalf, we're willing to rescind some of the sanctions, effective immediately. Congratulations.

What the cult members heard: We, the NCAA, were wrong in sanctioning your wonderful university in any way, shape or form, and you should strive to return to Joesus' ways as soon as possible. 409!
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2 hours ago

The purpose of lifting of the sanctions was to stop punishing current players and fans for the transgressions of the past, not to forgive those transgressions altogether. This demonstration is completely misguided in that it is deifying a transgressor and not celebrating the current players and their lifted burden.

This Bammer gets it.
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