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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

As if the NCAA wasn't a big enough of a joke, they just proved that they have given away whatever power they had left. Between the Miami debacle, the mess at UNC and now their backtracking at PedState..... Truly pathetic how poorly they've handled these cases.

Did they apologize to the Paternos while they were at it?
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Joe paterno smiled down at the ncaa today and they overturned their ruling. Rejoice Pedo State fans. But it does not change what went on at Pedo State. Does not change the fact that your lord and savior knew that his friend was molesting kids. Does not change the fact that Joesus was a child predator enabler. Does not change that Sandusky was pimping kids to other people.
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NCAA = Dumpster Fire.....

They're more like a train wreck...

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Joe paterno smiled down at the ncaa today and they overturned their ruling. Rejoice Pedo State fans. But it does not change what went on at Pedo State. Does not change the fact that your lord and savior knew that his friend was molesting kids. Does not change the fact that Joesus was a child predator enabler. Does not change that Sandusky was pimping kids to other people.

They have just been told that every thing they believe in is true. Absolutely, morally bankrupt and no justice served. I'm not shocked by this Could see it coming.
Now, about all those Clery Act violations..............................
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A change in administration, measures to reform the athletic department and more is certainly a good start. But the NCAA didn’t put in sanctions in place for four years because that’s how long it would take for Penn State to right the ship. It put them in place because Penn State had done the worst thing they could do as a university: Put the well-being of a football program ahead of everything — including protecting children from a predator.
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