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Re: No Surprise: Collegian Editorial Goes after Alice PopeReply
I'm not going to go into details, but the Collegian isn't being forced to publish anything by the university. Go in the newsroom and you'll notice it's devoid of non-students. The paper is also independent of the university from an editorial standpoint. Do I agree with all that's published? No, but I'm realistic that the views expressed aren't forced upon the staff.
As to this editorial, it's 100% right. As a student I'm getting sick of hearing about all these trustees stuck on shit that doesn't benefit tomorrow, but instead only brings attention to the gloried past. Pride in the past should breed a desire for greatness in the future, but instead I just keep hearing about football. I like football, a lot, but I don't give a damn about it if it distracts from the education I receive. People here complain about the insular, non-transparent things that occur at the university, but then want an insular group of people that have a singular focus to be in control. What you want is what you claim to hate, just with different names in place.