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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

4skers89;2180779; said:
I think the Clery act violation will just result in fines. I doubt they'll impose a death penalty on the institution.

You do realize this is a completely unprecedented act on a much larger scale than anything ever before right?

A 1 or 2 year football ban for PSU will not have the same effect as for SMU. SMU is a small school and their conference dissentigrated shortly after. The loss of schollies for SMU once they resumed the program was crippling. PSU would probably recover rather quickly. What if PSU is a top 5 or 10 team 5-7 years from now? I'd conclude that a program can get away with all kinds of malfeasance and everything will be fine. The NCAA has every right to impose sanctions for this football scandal. They need to carefully consider the outcome of the sanctions they choose.

Like hell it will - it will be even worse for Ped State. Not only will they not be playing football for at least two years, but having to rebuild from the bottom up will take at least a decade, maybe longer. They will go from getting 3, 4 and 5 star recruits to getting 1 and 2 star guys at best.

Add to that the fertile recruiting grounds that they currently hold sway over will be completely taken over by the other Big Ten, ACC and SEC schools. They would have to make inroads with entirely new staff. That takes time.

IF the NCAA doesn't drop the fucking hammer on these inbred mutants, I'll be shocked. The AD at Ped State was CLEARLY aiding and abetting this monster for over at decade. That cannot go unpunished and when it is punished it has to be severe.

Let's just hope Delaney and the Big Ten Presidents do something right for a change and kick these fuckers out altogether.
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BuckeyeMike80;2181266; said:
Let's just hope Delaney and the Big Ten Presidents do something right for a change and kick these [censored]ers out altogether.

What!!!???!!! Without them the B1G will collapse...CO-LLAPSE I tell ya! Once they go, you know Notre Dame will give us the finger and join PedSU. I mean, how will the B1G ever survive without these two? It would be like 1992 or something.
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Oh8ch;2180681; said:
If Paterno had personally raped children while on vacation the NCAA would have little do say about it other than to ensure he was fired.

What invites the NCAA is the actions of the coach and AD as a coach and AD. That takes it from the realm of people acting as people to a university acting as a university.

This is where I'm coming from also.
Also JoPa separating his football players from the student body for punishment must look very curious to the NCAA. An easy way to make sure they are still eligible at game time. I think this could be viewed as a
"competitive advantage".
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Oh8ch;2181255; said:
No way in hell would I support that.* Any decent player would get an offer from every major program in the country. If it doesn't count as a ship there is no down side (the cost of the schollie is chicken feed in today's football world.)
I'm talking about the players currently on scholarship at PedState. If the NCAA shuts the program down for a year or two, players should be allowed to go to another school without penalty and without the gaining school having to give up a ship. Although "the cost of the schollie is chicken feed in today's football world", neither the transferring player nor the gaining school should have to foot the bill.

Oh8ch;2181255; said:
These kids were promised an education in exchange for playing football. If they were promised anything more it is an NCAA violation. They should be given the opportunity to stay at PSU on schollie without playing. Or they can transfer without having to sit a year. All other constraints apply.
How is going to another school to play football if PedState's program is shut down "anything more"? Now, if they choose to stay at PedState on scholarship even though there is no football program, then that should be an option. However, they also should have the option of playing I-A football on scholarship somewhere else if there is no football at PedState.

Oh8ch;2181255; said:
I really don't understand what all this nonsense is about kids who are suffering because they are getting a free education but can't play football on TV. Or just admit what it really is, separate from college completely, and form a paid minor league.
No one said they players are suffering...this is just a reasonable avenue to allow players who had zero to do with Sandusky's and Paterno's actions to allow those players to continue to play football on scholarship (what they were promised) while punishing the PedState institution (shutting down football for a year or two).
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I'm surprised that some Penn Staters don't come on here or shaggybevo to try to defend Ped State. I would love to see them get destroyed on here.
BTW on Gary Pinkel's comments about Penn State + Joe Pa, Gary only makes sense when he is drunk.
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I'm talking about the players currently on scholarship at PedState. If the NCAA shuts the program down for a year or two, players should be allowed to go to another school without penalty and without the gaining school having to give up a ship.

Those are the same players I am talking about. Big time schools would have the leverage in cherry picking available players. Why should Alabama get an extra scholarship? Or five extra scholarships? There are plenty of schools who are under 85. I see no reason for any school to get an extra competitive advantage because they want to "help out".

How is going to another school to play football if PedState's program is shut down "anything more

Didn't mean to suggest it was - and they should be allowed to transfer without sitting. My intended point was that they are owed nothing other than an education. If they can't work it out where they can move and play they aren't entitled to compensation or sympathy.
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ucfknight;2181337; said:
I'm surprised that some Penn Staters don't come on here or shaggybevo to try to defend Ped State. I would love to see them get destroyed on here.
BTW on Gary Pinkel's comments about Penn State + Joe Pa, Gary only makes sense when he is drunk.

With very few exceptions, they already think they are the cat's ass in terms of culture and personality, why would they need to come here to defense themselves? That goes against the known personality of the cult.

In their view they don't NEED to defend themselves (Using FACTS) because they are automatically RIGHT because they are fans and alumni of Ped State (and they use FACTS)

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Oh8ch;2181345; said:
Those are the same players I am talking about. Big time schools would have the leverage in cherry picking available players. Why should Alabama get an extra scholarship? Or five extra scholarships? There are plenty of schools who are under 85. I see no reason for any school to get an extra competitive advantage because they want to "help out".

I agree that the receiving schools should still be subject to the 85 schollie limit. There would be too much opportunity for unfair advantage otherwise. Hell, USC could grab 10 guys and offset their current penalties if the PSU transfers didn't count as football schollies.
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ucfknight;2181337; said:
I'm surprised that some Penn Staters don't come on here or shaggybevo to try to defend Ped State. I would love to see them get destroyed on here.
BTW on Gary Pinkel's comments about Penn State + Joe Pa, Gary only makes sense when he is drunk.
Cults, by and large, do not stray from the safety of their own numbers. They find differing opinions upsetting and deeply troubling.
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BB73;2181358; said:
I agree that the receiving schools should still be subject to the 85 schollie limit. There would be too much opportunity for unfair advantage otherwise. Hell, USC could grab 10 guys and offset their current penalties if the PSU transfers didn't count as football schollies.

Ummm, by that reasoning couldn't a University a whole lot closer to PedState--perhaps about 320 miles away--offset their own schollie penalties?
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Oh8ch;2181345; said:
Those are the same players I am talking about. Big time schools would have the leverage in cherry picking available players. Why should Alabama get an extra scholarship? Or five extra scholarships? There are plenty of schools who are under 85. I see no reason for any school to get an extra competitive advantage because they want to "help out".

I understand what you are getting at, but obviously much would depend on what any potential death penalty would be handed down. If it was levied during November, there would be no good reason to make PSU players exempt from the scholarship limits since nearly every program would have scholarships available. If, however, a death penalty was levied during April, PSU football players would be pretty much screwed since almost every school would be up against its scholarship limit. In the latter scenario, I'd be in favor of a two-player, one-year max scholarship waiver for any team willing to take on PSU players.

Anyway, the talent level at PSU isn't very good right now, and I'm not sure there's more than a handful of players that could get meaningful playing time for any top 10 program. PSU players wouldn't transfer somewhere where they are going to sit on the bench.
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Penn State trustee steps down

Steve Garban, a longtime and influential member of Penn State's Board of Trustees, resigned Thursday, bowing to pressure by some of his fellow trustees who were angry at him for failing to alert them about the Jerry Sandusky criminal investigation in April 2011.

In a letter to board chairwoman Karen Peetz, Garban said: "It is clear to me that my presence on the board has become a distraction and an impediment to your efforts to move forward."

"These past months have been some of the most painful of my life," Garban wrote. "After absorbing the findings of the Freeh Report last week, the Board of Trustees accepted responsibility for the failures of governance that took place on our watch. Following the release of the report, you also asked each member of the board to evaluate our individual paths forward."

The trustees have become increasingly alarmed this week that the NCAA will hand down an extreme punishment, possibly the death penalty for its football program for its "loss of institutional control" during the Sandusky years. Several trustees flatly argued in private sessions this week that Garban's resignation was needed to show the public the board was serious about "moving forward."

Garban is the first Penn State trustee to quit since the release of the Freeh report, which was highly critical of the trustees' handling of the Sandusky matter and the firing of coach Joe Paterno. The Board of Trustees hired former FBI director Louis Freeh to conduct the investigation, which interviewed 430 people and reviewed more than 3.5 million documents over eight months. The 267-page Freeh report was released July 12.

Cont'd ...
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Oh8ch;2181345; said:
Those are the same players I am talking about. Big time schools would have the leverage in cherry picking available players. Why should Alabama get an extra scholarship? Or five extra scholarships? There are plenty of schools who are under 85. I see no reason for any school to get an extra competitive advantage because they want to "help out".

There would be special rules in place, such as the player has to initiate contact with the school (keeps the vultures away), no more than two players from PedState may go to the same school under scholarship (keeps a school from loading up on transfers), once they transfer there they subsequently cannot transfer to another I-A school (except back to PedState) without losing all remaining eligibility.

Again, this is only if PedState football gets hit with the death penalty.
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