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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

I'm almost convinced now that nothing will happen to Penn State (other than civil lawsuits). What the NCAA and Big Ten are doing is just PR and posturing.

It really seems like majority of national columnists and media people want nothing drastic to be done to the Penn State program and the constant tone is innocent players and no penalties (other than financial).
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Muck;2181129; said:
FWIW I'll be at the game in HV this year.

There will be four of us altogether. Two guys who worked on my team in Iraq and the third was also a Marine and played OL for the Washington Huskies.

We will not be armed.

You mean... Left in the vehicle(s) or not at all? I don't believe you will be rolling out of there naked!

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alexhortdog95;2181044; said:
"Revenge is a dish that is best served cold..."

I know that you guys don't like what happened at Ped State (to the victims, that is). Nobody likes what went down.


You have to admit. Reading articles like this have to give you at least a SHRED of pleasure, right?

Keep in mind, this opinion piece was written March 9th, 2011.

Wait, Penn State is Ohio State's Big Ten rival?
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BuckeyeNation27;2179853; said:
And a side note.....if you're a Buckeye fan planning on making that trip to Slappy Valley, don't. Just don't. I was there in 2005 and I'll never go back. Depending on what happens between now and then, this game could be much much worse.

Me, too. My first - and last - visit to Crappy Valley. Between having piss drunk students get in our faces with double birds to rednecks throwing beer at our band I saw all I needed to see there.
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VBSJ;2181164; said:
It really seems like majority of national columnists and media people want nothing drastic to be done to the Penn State program and the constant tone is innocent players and no penalties (other than financial).

Saying that the football program shouldn't be punished because it would hurt innocent players is like saying Sandusky shouldn't have been punished (convicted) because it would hurt innocent members of his family.
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Muck;2181129; said:
FWIW I'll be at the game in HV this year.

There will be four of us altogether. Two guys who worked on my team in Iraq and the third was also a Marine and played OL for the Washington Huskies.

We will not be armed.

Make sure when you plan your defensive operations you plan for some FASCAM and don't forget the FPF.
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MililaniBuckeye;2181184; said:
Saying that the football program shouldn't be punished because it would hurt innocent players is like saying Sandusky shouldn't have been punished (convicted) because it would hurt innocent members of his family.

Agreed. That's why you let the players transfer with no penalty to them. Maybe even give the transferred-to school an extra scholarship so that they definitely have room for the transfers. I also like the idea of making Penn State still pay for their education at the new school. There should be no downside to the players or to the new schools/teams. Just to Penn State.
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according to the posters on the premium psu scout board, the psu bot and the ncaa better not touch the football program in any way. the overwhelming majority will throw a fit if anything more than financial sanctions are placed on the university.
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OSU_Buckguy;2181204; said:
according to the posters on the premium psu scout board, the psu bot and the ncaa better not touch the football program in any way. the overwhelming majority will throw a fit if anything more than financial sanctions are placed on the university.

And Freeh had the nerve to suggest a problem with their 'culture'.


The thing that will sting their whole 'culture' worse than financial penalties, but short of the death penalty, would be to vacate some number greater than 2 wins. I suggest they vacate every win since Blind Eye Joe demonstrated knowledge of Sandusky's transgressions.

Then work out some package to fork over $$ to child advocacy organizations and the victims.
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OSU_Buckguy;2181204; said:
according to the posters on the premium psu scout board, the psu bot and the ncaa better not touch the football program in any way. the overwhelming majority will throw a fit if anything more than financial sanctions are placed on the university.

"I'm gonna finish out the season, then I'll retire."
- Joe Paterno (paraphrased)

How did that one work out for JoePa?


Note to Ped Staters....when you have a guy who got convicted for abusing 40+ victims (and those are just the ones we know about), and a coach who did jack shit....you AIN'T holdin a royal flush....
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alexhortdog95;2181207; said:
Note to Ped Staters....when you have a guy who got convicted for abusing 40+ victims (and those are just the ones we know about), and a coach who did jack [Mark May]....you AIN'T holdin a royal flush....

Not quibble the point, but technically, there were 10 victims and 40+ counts.

Surely there were many more actual victims, but there were just 10 in the trial/presentment afaik.
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FCollinsBuckeye;2181205; said:
And Freeh had the nerve to suggest a problem with their 'culture'.


The thing that will sting their whole 'culture' worse than financial penalties, but short of the death penalty, would be to vacate some number greater than 2 wins. I suggest they vacate every win since Blind Eye Joe demonstrated knowledge of Sandusky's transgressions.

Then work out some package to fork over $$ to child advocacy organizations and the victims.

Lets just take all of his victories from last year since it was after in front of a Grand jury he said he had never heard of even a rumor of Sandusky and misdeads.... That is a FACT for them to CHEW on.
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Zurp;2181194; said:
Agreed. That's why you let the players transfer with no penalty to them. Maybe even give the transferred-to school an extra scholarship so that they definitely have room for the transfers. I also like the idea of making Penn State still pay for their education at the new school. There should be no downside to the players or to the new schools/teams. Just to Penn State.

I like that idea...transfer the scholarship itself along with the player.
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MililaniBuckeye;2181251; said:
I like that idea...transfer the scholarship itself along with the player.

No way in hell would I support that.* Any decent player would get an offer from every major program in the country. If it doesn't count as a ship there is no down side (the cost of the schollie is chicken feed in today's football world.)

These kids were promised an education in exchange for playing football. If they were promised anything more it is an NCAA violation. They should be given the opportunity to stay at PSU on schollie without playing. Or they can transfer without having to sit a year. All other constraints apply.

I really don't understand what all this nonsense is about kids who are suffering because they are getting a free education but can't play football on TV. Or just admit what it really is, separate from college completely, and form a paid minor league.

*Would we name these scholarships after Jerry Sandusky?
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