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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

NFBuck;2181360; said:
Cults, by and large, do not stray from the safety of their own numbers.

I bet the travel single file to hide those numbers too.

[Mark May], they are the Sand People of Tatooine.

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BuckeyeMike80;2181266; said:
You do realize this is a completely unprecedented act on a much larger scale than anything ever before right?

Like hell it will - it will be even worse for Ped State. Not only will they not be playing football for at least two years, but having to rebuild from the bottom up will take at least a decade, maybe longer. They will go from getting 3, 4 and 5 star recruits to getting 1 and 2 star guys at best.

Add to that the fertile recruiting grounds that they currently hold sway over will be completely taken over by the other Big Ten, ACC and SEC schools. They would have to make inroads with entirely new staff. That takes time.

IF the NCAA doesn't drop the [censored]ing hammer on these inbred mutants, I'll be shocked. The AD at Ped State was CLEARLY aiding and abetting this monster for over at decade. That cannot go unpunished and when it is punished it has to be severe.

Let's just hope Delaney and the Big Ten Presidents do something right for a change and kick these [censored]ers out altogether.

Oh yea, since day one I've been calling this unprecedented and predicted that it would be difficult to sort out. I think the argument will be made that the university is needed for what it is supposed to do-provide education. The football program, not so much.

I worry that PSU alumni's will to win at all costs and money will get them back annoyingly fast. They could hire a staff that has established recruiting relations or agents a la Chip Kelly. Recruits could buy into their underdog story. Given what was already known about the scandal, it didn't seem to impact their incoming class significantly (parents must be nucking futs). Why not just buy the players? The whole success with honor is out the window and nobody is there monitoring them. They have proven skilled at covering things up so they could probably get away with paying players. Donations are up so alumni haven't been turned off. Point is, why take the chance? Sanctions should guarantee that this scenario doesn't play out. This scandal was a huge stain on college football. As fans we expect the NCAA to right the wrongs and sanctions should put the offending team at a competitive disadvantage. Simply put PSU needs to lose on the field and because of the magnitude of this scandal they need to be losers for a very long time before the football community starts to forgive. It sounds petty but if PSU bounces back quickly they will be the most hated team in college football- forever. For sure, the NCAA needs to hammer PSU and it doesn't matter if there were rules broken. People expect them to do something about this injustice. If they don't, college football will begin to be perceived as too sleazy of an enterprise and not something worth following. I'm a life long Husker fan so you can probably imagine how repulsed I am by this scandal when I say that I'm almost to the point of never watching another game. NCAA needs to get this one right. Otherwise, I won't watch Nebraska win their first B1G championship this season:) GBR!!

I'm not putting much hope in the spineless money wh0res running the B1G to expell PSU.
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I was telling a Ped State grad about what I was hearing and her comment was; "Well, this stuff goes on in big business all the time!"
Seriously? Are you f...ing kidding me? Both of us worked for big business for many years and if it was going on we would have seen it! We were shocked by this smart, normally very reasonable person using this shot in the dark excuse for the protection of a pedophile and it's blatant lying to protect a football program and it's cult hierarchy. :shake:
Shut it down!
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I agree that the NCAA does have the ability to let kids transfer out of a school without penalty. Or they could stay and get their education.
What has happened at Ped State is so heinous that the NCAA has little choice but to step in harshly to punish the football program and school. Even the delusional BOT at Ped State sees the hammer coming.
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ORD_Buckeye;2180446; said:
I have to admit, Audibles has really stepped up their game and is giving BWI a run for their money. Champions are born of adversity, and Audibles has met the challenge.

Hoping for a cataclysmic event, which I think it's safe to assume by its very definition includes mass death, so that people will stop talking bad about JoePa, Penn State and the football team. Shine on you crazy bastard.

Well, seems like they got their wish with last night's shooting in Colorado. Wonder if they're happy now? All the problems in Happy Valley instantly gone now? No? What?
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LovelandBuckeye;2181274; said:
What!!!???!!! Without them the B1G will collapse...CO-LLAPSE I tell ya! Once they go, you know Notre Dame will give us the finger and join PedSU. I mean, how will the B1G ever survive without these two? It would be like 1992 or something.

We're gonna party like it's 1992?

Absolutely correct, the Big 10 will survive.

But, it would represent a retreat from a strong eastern connection, the loss of a program with more than a few assets and a scheduling mess to correct.

While it would mean one less school with which to share revenue, it would also mean a loss in BTN audience, BTN revenue, the loss of ABC/ESPN regular season conference games on national coverage - ABC isn't going to run Michigan State at Indiana in lieu of PSU at Nebraska- loss of a consistent BCS contender and thus a loss in bowl revenue to the member schools.

In this case the entire Big 10 will be paying a part of any death sentence to PSU football.

Any divorce has it's upside and downside. IMO, kicking PSU out of the conference would leave a spot difficult to fill. Short of Notre Dame - and that place has more than a few scandals to account for too - there is no geographically viable solution - certainly not Pitt, or Cincinnati, or Rutgers. I would also suspect that a Big 10 minus PSU is much less attractive to Notre Dame.
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AJHawkfan;2181402; said:
Well, seems like they got their wish with last night's shooting in Colorado. Wonder if they're happy now? All the problems in Happy Valley instantly gone now? No? What?
I immediately thought of the PSU fans hoping for a cataclysmic event when I heard the news today.

I had to register just to vent about that - looks like the fucking pedtards in Happy Valley got their wish.
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MarlonKener;2181454; said:
I immediately thought of the PSU fans hoping for a cataclysmic event when I heard the news today.

I had to register just to vent about that - looks like the fucking pedtards in Happy Valley got their wish.

I thought the same thing, unfortunately. I have an aunt in Aurora, and she's saying that it's nuts there right now.
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BuckeyeNation27;2181483; said:

It's all a big conspiracy orchestrated by the Governor. No.....seriously.

My favorite part of this thread is when the voice of reason swoops in to point out the idiocy of it all, and it is completely ignored.

WOW!!! I haven't even finished the first post. Check this out:

Sandusky/Paterno/Spanier/Curley/Schultz part of this story is merely a secondary piece to the bigger more explosive story in which the three main players are:

(I added the bold.)
Sandusky is secondary. WOW!!! Um.. just wow...
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Taosman;2181395; said:
I was telling a Ped State grad about what I was hearing and her comment was; "Well, this stuff goes on in big business all the time!"
Seriously? Are you f...ing kidding me? Both of us worked for big business for many years and if it was going on we would have seen it! We were shocked by this smart, normally very reasonable person using this shot in the dark excuse for the protection of a pedophile and it's blatant lying to protect a football program and it's cult hierarchy. :shake:
Shut it down!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5ZSDCvUwN8"]Shut it Down! Shut it Down Forever! - YouTube[/ame]
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cincibuck;2181422; said:
We're gonna party like it's 1992?

Absolutely correct, the Big 10 will survive.

But, it would represent a retreat from a strong eastern connection, the loss of a program with more than a few assets and a scheduling mess to correct.

While it would mean one less school with which to share revenue, it would also mean a loss in BTN audience, BTN revenue, the loss of ABC/ESPN regular season conference games on national coverage - ABC isn't going to run Michigan State at Indiana in lieu of PSU at Nebraska- loss of a consistent BCS contender and thus a loss in bowl revenue to the member schools.

In this case the entire Big 10 will be paying a part of any death sentence to PSU football.

Any divorce has it's upside and downside. IMO, kicking PSU out of the conference would leave a spot difficult to fill. Short of Notre Dame - and that place has more than a few scandals to account for too - there is no geographically viable solution - certainly not Pitt, or Cincinnati, or Rutgers. I would also suspect that a Big 10 minus PSU is much less attractive to Notre Dame.

While I agree it would leave some holes to fill conference, recruiting, etc wise, the whole asset and $ argument is a bad thing to look at.

When dealing with something like this, you have to look at perception, moral, and what you stand for as a conference. Part of what got Ped State into this mess was $ and assets. I sure hope the part of the reason for keeping Ped State is not about money because this isn't the time or place to worry about that
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