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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

AJHawkfan;2180838; said:

Link to pdf of B1G Standards and Procedures for Safeguarding Institutional Control of Intercollegiate Athletics

B. Concentration of Power
?Concentration of Power? means the exercise of power by an actor who, under the Member
Institution?s structure, does not have the responsibility for that action or the express delegation of
authority to take that action. This exercise of power can occur in several situations. The
following non-exclusive list sets for three common examples of how improper concentration of
power occurs:
? where authority to act is delegated that should not have been delegated;
? where authority to act is assumed or asserted but has not actually been delegated; or
? where improper leverage is exerted by an actor, e.g., by a Trustee/Regent, administrator,
coach, booster, elected official or other person, by virtue of the actor?s position, status,
influence, relationship or otherwise.

A major cause of the erosion of institutional control of athletes is the concentration of
power in individuals who use it to distort institutional governance of decisions and processes
affecting athletics,
such as, for example:
? interference with the normal admissions, compliance, or discipline processes of the
Member Institutions

? undue influence in the hiring of superiors and others;
? overriding or bypassing the established line of delegated authority;
? leveraging relationships for financial or other gain.

Hmmm. Sounds like some pants shitter we know.
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Saw31;2180928; said:
Link to pdf of B1G Standards and Procedures for Safeguarding Institutional Control of Intercollegiate Athletics

Hmmm. Sounds like some pants shitter we know.

[Pedster]Get your FACTS straight!!! Joe was overruled on where to put the baseball stadium. DOES THAT SOUND LIKE HE HAD ABSOLUTE POWER!!!!! CORBITT!!!! GOP!!!! TIN FOIL!!!! ARRRRRGHHHHHHH!!!!![/Pedster]
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buxfan4life;2180935; said:
[Pedster]Get your FACTS straight!!! Joe was overruled on where to put the baseball stadium. DOES THAT SOUND LIKE HE HAD ABSOLUTE POWER!!!!! CORBITT!!!! GOP!!!! TIN FOIL!!!! ARRRRRGHHHHHHH!!!!![/Pedster]

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Saban not as big a dummy as Pinkel (quite the shock, I know).


HOOVER, Ala. -- Nick Saban says one option to address the Penn State tragedy might be a ticket tax on athletic events and giving the proceeds to child abuse funds.

The Alabama coach didn't go into details Thursday of how a tax would be implemented, but said such a move to benefit victims would have a positive effect rather than punishing those who didn't have anything to do with the Jerry Sandusky case.

Saban says the Sandusky child sex abuse case and Penn State fallout "is a very, very criminal case that probably reflects poorly on a lot of folks."

He says his feelings are too raw to express publicly. But Saban says the focus should be on "what do we need to do to make it better."
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Dryden;2180979; said:
Saban not as big a dummy as Pinkel (quite the shock, I know).

HOOVER, Ala. -- Nick Saban says one option to address the Penn State tragedy might be a ticket tax on athletic events and giving the proceeds to child abuse funds.

The Alabama coach didn't go into details Thursday of how a tax would be implemented, but said such a move to benefit victims would have a positive effect rather than punishing those who didn't have anything to do with the Jerry Sandusky case.

Saban says the Sandusky child sex abuse case and Penn State fallout "is a very, very criminal case that probably reflects poorly on a lot of folks."

He says his feelings are too raw to express publicly. But Saban says the focus should be on "what do we need to do to make it better."

So, instead of punishing the very institution that allowed this vile shit to continue on for decades, they should get to avoid any action at all by simply passing on the cost of contributions to child abuse funds by taxing the tickets to the very events that helped cause this shit in the first place.
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AJHawkfan;2180838; said:

3-5 year suspension from the Big Ten (and CIC!) that runs concurrent with their football death penalty and/or ncaa suspension would be very fair and necessary in my view. If at the end of their suspension, they have a new leadership which has moved swiftly and concretely to change the culture there, then they would be invited back in. If not, they would be cut loose.
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Saban was suggesting a ticket tax on all PSU athletic events regardless of what happens to the football program. Sounds reasonable.

He avoided any comments on anyones 'legacy' or categorizing anyones decisions as 'mistakes.'
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jwinslow;2181006; said:
If the prices are not hiked up to compensate.

Exactly. Penn State would likely not pay this tax - the fans would. Of course, simple economics state that Penn State may not be able to sell as many tickets, at the higher price (after this tax). But I don't think that would actually be the case. Instead of $80 a ticket, it would become $85 (or whatever the cost of tickets is).

I wouldn't mind this being part of the punishment. Of course, no one would want to pay for a ticket if there's no football to be played. And there's Saban's motive. He's behind Penn State. He wants them to play football. If the NCAA suspends their team for X years, that's X years they can't put this tax on the tickets to give to whatever fund they come up with. If the NCAA suspends Penn State football, they're taking money out of this fund.

Penn State should announce right now that a portion of the ticket sales will go toward helping abused kids.
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cincibuck;2180881; said:
We've got a great conference folks! One school that covers up child abuse, another that uses its private school status to stop investigations into suicide, rape and the "accidental" death of a student in a wind storm. We got some Jersey boys getting shot on campus. Over in basketballville we got the 'cuse and an assistant coach who rapes student assistants. We got ol' Bob Huggins getting dui's on live TV and signing' kids who punch out horses and steal from airport kiosks. You want tough teams, teams filled with kids that grew up living in crime ridden campus settings? We got 'em. What a conference, folks! We been kicked out of better places than the Big 10!

Leave Art Long out of this!:biggrin:

You forgot Bobby Brennan and his use of business cards to girls at Bourbon Street (OH) and his ever popular strut into a room and scream, "Which bitch is gonna fuck me tonight?" Classic!
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I'll sum up the BWI reaction in one sentence.

Please, please kick us out because it'll be the best thing that's happened to us, and the ACC will welcome us with open arms while the Big Ten Network collapses without our Eastern presence.
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buxfan4life;2180880; said:
Sorry guys, but my Schadenfreude is clicking at a high pace today.

Bushwood comes hard with, well, another opinion piece he is trying to sell as FACTS:


But, there are some seemingly sane folks calling him out:

I just can't stop reading this stuff. It is like a month long firery train wreck.

My favorite from those:

Post #334
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Your conspiracy theory circle jərk is doing nothing to help Joe... Reply
In fact, it makes the PSU fanbase look like a bunch of tinfoil hat-wearing kooks.

If you have a THEORY that some unnamed puppet master at Second Mile was able to make CYS, DPW, AGs past and present, the Governor and the PSU BOT conspire to protect Jerry and cast blame on Joe for some unknown reason, then PLEASE MAKE A COHERENT F'N ACCUSATION BACKED UP WITH FACTS instead of vomiting a jumbled mass of innuendo and open questions just so you can lap up the adulation of the BWI slow lane.

This is not a zero sum game. Your hope that more people outside of PSU are villainous will not make PSU appear less guilty. It only confirms that the culture of protectionism was real.

He had me at BWI slow lane.
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