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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

SUE THE NCAA!!! ARRRRGHHHH!!! And the call is coming from a "Roll Tahd"ist.


Crimson Lights

Post #5089
Huntsville AL
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Mr. Lubrano Reply
Somebody has to fire a shot across the NCAA bow. Maybe a speech as a private citizen saying that anybody can file suit in Commonwealth Court for an injunction against the NCAA based on its Death Penalty bylaws, a suit that would have Emmert deposed to explain why:
* Syracuse, with an even more egregious pedophilia case at a previous time frame as Sandusky plus an iconic HC (Boeheim) with too much power, is not being sanctioned for the Bernie Fine case, and indeed Emmert has ignored it by saying that Penn State "is without precedence." No it isn't, not with the Fine case around, involving the Syracuse Police Chief (an ex-Syracuse BB player), raids at SU by the FBI and Secret Service, and a highly-critical SU BoT independent report that slammed the 2005 investigation that found no basis for the 3 victims' charges. Victim #1 alleges that on an away game trip Boeheim walked in on an encounter between Fine and the kid on the bed, turned around, and walked out.
* if Penn State is to be sanctioned under an ethics standard, shouldn't Virginia Tech too given its performance in the Marcus Vick case? Marcus, Michael's brother and the designated starting QB in August, and two of his buddies allegedly raped three underage girls according to the Blacksburg police report. Marcus and the frisky lads plied 3 girls age 15, 14, and 13 with drugs and alcohol before raping each one separately. Vick's punishment? A wealthy VT alum paid the girls' parents to withdraw charges, and Vick was suspended for one year but kept his scholarship.
* given that a Wisconsin Assistant AD made advances on a male student during a Rose Bowl trip, which the lad reported to UW authorities. Nothing happened until the student's charge went viral on the Internet, at which time the AD was permitted to resign, there is no interest by the NCAA on UW inaction. An ethics problem?
* the NCAA and Emmert have not sent a letter to Michigan asking for an explanation of the Jepson case in which 8 supervisors or employees knew of his actions, yet UM did nothing until the Sandusky case broke.

Alternatively, if Death Penalty-like sanctions are inevitable, Penn State should drop FB for 2012 only with NCAA approval and these conditions:
* the clock would stop on eligibility, treating it like missionary service,
* anybody could transfer and play at the new school immediately.
* Class of 2013 scholarship limits would not be affected.
Given that it is too late for opponents to fill PSU's slot, this would get sanctions behind Penn State and stick it to people like NU Trustee Christine Brennan, who has been demanding that PSU drop FB immediately and would suddenly be faced with a loss of income for NU for her lack of fiduciary responsibility.

:lol: Yes, the NCAA should send a letter to Michigan because a hospital employee, which has nothing to do with the athletic dept, was busted for PICTURES. That is the same as the assistant football coach using the prestige of the the football team to seduce young boys to rape, and the HC and AD covered it up. Yep, that is the EXACT SAME THING.
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Consider the source, I know, but interesting nonetheless......


Report: the Big Ten to expel Penn State?

Those wishing Penn State to be kicked out of the Big Ten for the Jerry Sandusky scandal, you’re allowed to get excited for about 10 seconds. Then you’ll have to come back to reality.

According to the Chronicle of Higher Education (which requires a subscription to read), Big Ten leaders are considering a series of proposals in an 18-page plan prompted by the current situation at Penn State. Among the ideas being thrown around include removing the university from the conference.

Currently, the league’s Council of Presidents and Chancellors must approve any decision to suspend, expel, or place any member on probation. The Big Ten handbook requires at least a 60 percent vote for expulsion, though a Big Ten spokesperson told the Chronicle that number will increase to 70 percent (or, eight members) for 2012-13.

To vote Penn State out of the Big Ten would be unlikely, but the fact it’s reportedly being considered is some serious stuff nonetheless.

Additionally, the plan would also allow Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany to enforce financial penalties, suspensions, or fire individual athletic officials, including coaches, should their actions merit it.

News of the proposal comes days after NCAA president Mark Emmert said he would not rule out any punishment against PSU, though he doesn’t have the authority to do anything himself. Interim university president Rodney Erickson said the school will respond to NCAA requests for more information within the next week.
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Oh8ch;2180203; said:
When the Freeh report first came out a sense of reason seemed to be permeating their boards. But as they have deluded themselves into thinking the report is bogus that has reversed itself. I can't find a single active thread on either board that is not filled with self-righteous anger and vindictiveness. Part of that I am sure comes from reasonable posters just giving up. But the rest are just feeding off one another. Reminds me a tribe of warriors from an old B-movie working themselves into a frenzy before an attack.

Popcorn's done. Back in a few.....

At the risk of sounding pedantic.... it's a perfect example of the theory of cognitive dissonance. The more the evidence piles up, the more difficult it is to continue to believe, the more determined the believers will become to reject the obvious. This case asks them to accept that JoPa and his program were deeply flawed. Flawed to the point that a serial child abuser was a coach and those who should have turned him in valued their football program more than the lives of innocent children.

In one sense I can understand that. Who would want to be forced to associate their school-perhaps their degree and their profession- and their fan loyalty with child abusers? You have two unattractive choices: accept the evidence and break with the past, or dig in and look for the slightest chink in the evidence so that you can hold on to your beliefs.

I'm not trying to equate Tattoogate with child abuse. That clearly is an inappropriate comparison. But I must say that I've found myself defending tattoos and selling mementos because I find it difficult to accept that Tress ran anything less than a pristine program, or that he would lie in an investigation.

Dissonance is a bitch, and these folks are living it to the fullest.

Perhaps like Eisenhower, who forced the German citizens of Munich and other concentration camp sites to walk through the camps, the Big 10's only solution would be to force Penn State fans to listen to the testimony of the victims.
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cincibuck;2180843; said:
At the risk of sounding pedantic.... it's a perfect example of the theory of cognitive dissonance. The more the evidence piles up, the more difficult it is to continue to believe, the more determined the believers will become to reject the obvious.

It's because those people are suffering from a pandemic virus called Paternisitius. It's a chronic, communicable disorder that leads one to believe that no matter what the evidence or opinion that all things are the Paterno State Way.

It was first discovered in 1998.
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Reactions to the article about the B1G expelling the pedsters:


PSU Lifer
Post #181
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Re: And where would we go? Reply
Getting the boot from the Big 10 would be the start of good things, finally.
How would a conference made up of PSU, ND and others sound? Tell me the other conference's wouldn't cringe...
:slappy: The other conferences couldn't cringe because they would be laughing too hard at the "WE LIVE IN THE PAST" conference of PedState and Ntre ame.

Post #7111

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I'll tell you what, if anything good could come from something terrible Reply
like this scandal, this would be it. KICK-US-OUT!!! KICK-US-OUT! KICK-US-OUT!
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Ah yes, a conference anchored by Notre Dame and Penn State. Strikes fear into me, for sure. But, only because my son is still pre-pubescent.

I mean, setting aside the abuse of young boys, both teams were pretty good like 20 or 30 years ago.

In any case, PSU would be able to go back to inflating their won loss record against teams like Temple, Rutgers, UC and the occasional middling West Virginia. Certainly would allow them to "return to prominence" if they could go back to kicking the shit out of bad teams like the good old days.
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Sorry guys, but my Schadenfreude is clicking at a high pace today.

Bushwood comes hard with, well, another opinion piece he is trying to sell as FACTS:


But, there are some seemingly sane folks calling him out:

Whipples Dam
Post #23
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Re: WHOA!! Look what I just found!! OMG!! MUST READ!! (link) Reply
You are really reaching for republican connections with the governor and such. Follow the money. Follow Paterno connections with Sandusky for investments and you will get further in your research. Always follow the money.

Post #334
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Your conspiracy theory circle jərk is doing nothing to help Joe... Reply
In fact, it makes the PSU fanbase look like a bunch of tinfoil hat-wearing kooks.

If you have a THEORY that some unnamed puppet master at Second Mile was able to make CYS, DPW, AGs past and present, the Governor and the PSU BOT conspire to protect Jerry and cast blame on Joe for some unknown reason, then PLEASE MAKE A COHERENT F'N ACCUSATION BACKED UP WITH FACTS instead of vomiting a jumbled mass of innuendo and open questions just so you can lap up the adulation of the BWI slow lane.

This is not a zero sum game. Your hope that more people outside of PSU are villainous will not make PSU appear less guilty. It only confirms that the culture of protectionism was real.

Post #1950
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You are spot on... Reply
Bushwood has nearly 6,000 posts since November...Most of it makes makes no sense...His crap belongs on the test board.

Post #21053
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Bushwood's posts are basically conspiracy theories Reply

They make us all look like kooks. I stopped reading them quite a while ago.


Post #5240
New Hampshire
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Re: Agree that the conspiracy theory is a disgrace to the Penn State fanbase Reply
glad you said, i am tired of typing :)

I just can't stop reading this stuff. It is like a month long firery train wreck.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;2180869; said:
Ah yes, a conference anchored by Notre Dame and Penn State. Strikes fear into me, for sure. But, only because my son is still pre-pubescent.

I mean, setting aside the abuse of young boys, both teams were pretty good like 20 or 30 years ago.

In any case, PSU would be able to go back to inflating their won loss record against teams like Temple, Rutgers, UC and the occasional middling West Virginia. Certainly would allow them to "return to prominence" if they could go back to kicking the shit out of bad teams like the good old days.

We've got a great conference folks! One school that covers up child abuse, another that uses its private school status to stop investigations into suicide, rape and the "accidental" death of a student in a wind storm. We got some Jersey boys getting shot on campus. Over in basketballville we got the 'cuse and an assistant coach who rapes student assistants. We got ol' Bob Huggins getting dui's on live TV and signing' kids who punch out horses and steal from airport kiosks. You want tough teams, teams filled with kids that grew up living in crime ridden campus settings? We got 'em. What a conference, folks! We been kicked out of better places than the Big 10!
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