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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

LovelandBuckeye;2181031; said:
My favorite from those:

He had me at BWI slow lane.

There's a fast lane?

I can't quite tell if Bushwood CC actually attempted to use a paragraph or if his thumb (I assume he bangs these things out using just thumbs) inadvertently hit the enter key while punching the period key.

See hot-linked site -- how was I able to guess exactly what this guy lays out simply using Ockham's Razor and The Second Mile's connection to ALL OF THE EVENTS and The Second Mile's best interests always and everywhere being best served with the help of a lot of "political grease" (otherwise known as $$$$$).
There is one fact in here that I have never heard before that is astonishing if true -- I always knew that The Second Mile had strong and powerful connections to the Republican Party in general and the PA GOP specifically, but I had never heard that Corbett himself was a Member of the Board of Directors of The Second Mile in the early 2000's!?!?!?!? If the information contained at this site is accurate, it is BEYOND OBVIOUS what happened here (including the SWIGJ Presentment and Freeh's Hatchet Job disguised as an "investigation" by a former FBI Director!). If the seasoned AG's and former FBI Directors can't look at the facts of how the 1998 matter was handled and the best they can come up with is a "football coach", they aren't INVESTIGATING VERY HARD. Why does no one ever go and speak with the EPICENTER OF ALL THESE EVENTS - THE SECOND MILE??????? Seasoned and hardened "Investigators" can't see any reason to "investigate" The Second Mile and it's dual REGULATORS (DPW/CYS and The Attorney General's Office)???? Really? I think the little kid who gets the "investigator kit" in a box of cracker jacks could figure out that The Second Mile and it's political connections hold the key to this investigation, yet none of the "seasoned", "hardened", "elite", investigators can even figure out where The Second Mile is located to have a brief word with them???? Weird that!!!!!
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LovelandBuckeye;2181035; said:
What FACTS do you have?

LOL - funny....

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"Revenge is a dish that is best served cold..."

I know that you guys don't like what happened at Ped State (to the victims, that is). Nobody likes what went down.


You have to admit. Reading articles like this have to give you at least a SHRED of pleasure, right?

Keep in mind, this opinion piece was written March 9th, 2011.


Penn State football comments: Con man Jim Tressel example of huge differences between PSU, Ohio State

Both Ohio State and Penn State have had their share of turmoil since the end of the 2010 college football regular season.

But Nittany Lion fans can surely take solace in that their issues -- petty crime, quarterback transfer insecurity, Joe Paterno's health -- pale in comparison to the storm surround their Big Ten rival.

Will Penn State head coach Joe Paterno and Ohio State's Jim Tressel share another on-field handshake? JOE HERMITT, The Patriot-News, 2009
Here a just a few of the questions surround Ohio State: Will head coach Jim Tressel be donning his vest on the Ohio State sidelines next year? Will the NCAA add to Tressel's school-imposed 2-game suspension? Or could he be fired? Will there be further sanctions on the program?

Regardless of any further penalties, Tressel's righteous sheen is now gone.

No one can continue to claim that Ohio State is a clean program in the wake of Tressel's blatant obstructionism.

The Patriot-News' David Jones concurred in a Tweet last night when he wrote, "For all the radio hosts who were stunned all the times I called Jim Tressel a slick little conman, whataya think now?"

PennLive.com reader frogs adds his PSU-OSU comparison and has a suggestion of his own:

"I think that they ought to remove the "T H E' from the Ohio State. Just what is that all about. SnOOOOTY Ohio State. And just why did the NCAA not remove the players before the Bowl Game. When Penn State running back received a suit for $300.00 Paterno kept him from playing in the Bowl Game. I guess that is the difference between the two schools."
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alexhortdog95;2181044; said:
"Revenge is a dish that is best served cold..."

I know that you guys don't like what happened at Ped State (to the victims, that is). Nobody likes what went down.


You have to admit. Reading articles like this have to give you at least a SHRED of pleasure, right?

Keep in mind, this opinion piece was written March 9th, 2011.

PennLive.com reader frogs adds his PSU-OSU comparison and has a suggestion of his own:

"When Penn State and Joe Paterno covered up the felonious sexual assault of many male minors by an assistant coach and Paterno's personal friend, Paterno kept him from from being fully investigated since that was more "humane". I guess that is the difference between the two schools."

Fixed the pedtard's comment to be more accurate.
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alexhortdog95;2181044; said:
"Revenge is a dish that is best served cold..."

I know that you guys don't like what happened at Ped State (to the victims, that is). Nobody likes what went down.


You have to admit. Reading articles like this have to give you at least a SHRED of pleasure, right?

Keep in mind, this opinion piece was written March 9th, 2011.


I disagree with anyone who says that we should be behind our Big Ten brethren. Penn State did not cheat or lie. Ohio State did. Penn State is not like Ohio State. Why should we stand by them because they are in the Big Ten. I will not back THEE Ohio State --- THEE Liars of the Big Ten. NCAA better come down hard on Tressel. He must be reigned in.

User ID:http://connect.pennlive.com/user/eilyse/index.html
User IP:

Saturday, March 12, 2011, 5:54:41 AM

? Reply
Just one of the comments I read when I scrolled down. Also I agree with his remarks. Why should we back our Big Ten brethren, when they were all high and mighty over petty stuff.(petty in my eyes anyway)
Oh and thank God, with the bolded statement.
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Bucky Katt;2180245; said:
We'll swing by and pick you up on the way.

I wonder if we can get Muck and his gun collection to ride shotgun?

FWIW I'll be at the game in HV this year.

There will be four of us altogether. Two guys who worked on my team in Iraq and the third was also a Marine and played OL for the Washington Huskies.

We will not be armed.
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jwinslow;2181006; said:
If the prices are not hiked up to compensate.

Zurp;2181016; said:
Exactly. Penn State would likely not pay this tax - the fans would. Of course, simple economics state that Penn State may not be able to sell as many tickets, at the higher price (after this tax). But I don't think that would actually be the case. Instead of $80 a ticket, it would become $85 (or whatever the cost of tickets is).

Precisely why I posted above yours. This tax would not be any sort of punishment against PSU because they'd simply pass the cost of the tax onto ticket buyers. Pending lawsuits will gouge the PSU warchest well enough. What needs to happen is punitive administrative action against the university system.
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Muck;2181129; said:
FWIW I'll be at the game in HV this year.

There will be four of us altogether. Two guys who worked on my team in Iraq and the third was also a Marine and played OL for the Washington Huskies.

We will not be armed.

Nice, did he block for the Napoleon Kaufman/Corey Dillon/Rashan Sheehee dynasty? They were the rushing shit back then...
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