I have misplaced my pants.
Why Didn't It Happen?
Why was no class action suit filed regarding the collision between the BoT and NCAA and the set up of Joe? Trolls need not respond.

This Joeauble21 sure seems like that Bushwood guy.
Why was no class action suit filed regarding the collision between the BoT and NCAA and the set up of Joe?
Trolls need not respond.
As someone points out in that thread, when he makes posts like this, he is just asking for trolls to respond.
The thread is mostly that first dude, with few responses to him. Why would you respond? I mean, respond with some sane argument and the internet tough guy is going to flex his muscles. There's no responding to that kind of thing. So, in defense of that board, they're starting to make sense.
But here's some of the reasons he wants to see a class action suit:
Penn State degrees were devalued, employees were openly ridiçuled and told they wouldn't be hired elsewhere. Employers were openly stating they would not hire anyone from Penn State. Businesses suffered loss of sales. There was more.
Penn State merch was yanked from shelves. Stores quit accepting Penn State merch.
Lies and fairytales were the order of the day. Every lawyer I spoke to was terrified about their practice.
Fear isn't indifference, it's cowardice.