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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Ohio State vacated the win, which means that, as far as Ohio State goes, the game never happened. Maybe the stats for the players still happened, but Ohio State never won a game that day. They didn't lose it. In fact, Penn State lost to nobody that day. No one got the win, and Penn State got the loss. Ohio State was officially 0-1 that year, not 0-13.
Seems like a lot of bullshit to me. I’m going to stick with Ohio State winning all those games.
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Yeah, but Ohio State has better players, and that’s totally not a part of being a good college coach so Day’s better success on the field and putting players in the NFL doesn’t count.
You are missing the point. The better players choose to play for Ryan Day. That is why the obvious choice for anyone else would be to choose to play for Franklin.

Even I can't see what I did there.
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From 11W this morning

As on brand for PSU as you can be

Did they ever say which defender it was? That's an easy thing to figure out - it's all over Youtube and I bet you can just find it in any one of a hundred online articles about it.
This is going to be as bad as "You're just lucky to be playing football." No one can agree which referee said it (though most blame John O'Neil), or which game it was, or to which player it was said (though many say it was Matt McGloin). No one can find any Penn State player actually saying he witnessed that, but it's still a fact that it was said.

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