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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Wow. Where's Tug Speedwell? Where's my BWI account? Dammit.
BWI was supposed to be shut down I think 10/31. But it's still up. So some dude says, "Who are the mods?" I guess Tom McAndrew is out, but the board is still up.
Anyway, See if you're thinking the same thing I am:


I'm the publisher of the board, but as of right now I will be moderating things too. If anyone is interested in being a moderator and has experience, please feel free to reach out [email protected]
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Wow. Where's Tug Speedwell? Where's my BWI account? Dammit.
BWI was supposed to be shut down I think 10/31. But it's still up. So some dude says, "Who are the mods?" I guess Tom McAndrew is out, but the board is still up.
Anyway, See if you're thinking the same thing I am:

"The McAndrew Board" of BWI moved to ON3. The usual cast of characters is there. You have to create an account to view the board. In the top corner hit "sign in " then create an account. Ignore all the pay options. Once you've created an account, sign out then back in. You'll be all good to go.

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No gnus is good gnus.

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From 11W this morning

As on brand for PSU as you can be

His facial expression. :lol:

My whining about stupid shit that is clearly made up is serious business, y’all.

Perhaps he is confusing some random ass fan taunting him, or perhaps even a Penn State fan he ran into, as “the Ohio State player who did it.”

The human brain is a magical thing.
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