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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)


Prepare for Hell shitbags!!!
I was there at St. John’s when AC/DC played in the early 80’s
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I don't like calling people idiots. I really don't. But sometimes, there's only one word to describe some of these people.


It's full of "he made this world a better place" garbage that you'd expect from a cult. No surprise there.
But here's what makes me facepalm:

Technically, Joe won 411 games as HC. Oklahoma forfeited the '72 Sugar Bowl and Ohio State the 2010 game.

Just sayin'

I don't know the details of the 1972 Sugar Bowl, but the 2010 game against Ohio State was not "forfeited". Ohio State vacated the win, which means that, as far as Ohio State goes, the game never happened. Maybe the stats for the players still happened, but Ohio State never won a game that day. They didn't lose it. In fact, Penn State lost to nobody that day. No one got the win, and Penn State got the loss. Ohio State was officially 0-1 that year, not 0-13.
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I don't like calling people idiots. I really don't. But sometimes, there's only one word to describe some of these people.


It's full of "he made this world a better place" garbage that you'd expect from a cult. No surprise there.
But here's what makes me facepalm:

I don't know the details of the 1972 Sugar Bowl, but the 2010 game against Ohio State was not "forfeited". Ohio State vacated the win, which means that, as far as Ohio State goes, the game never happened. Maybe the stats for the players still happened, but Ohio State never won a game that day. They didn't lose it. In fact, Penn State lost to nobody that day. No one got the win, and Penn State got the loss. Ohio State was officially 0-1 that year, not 0-13.
The title of that thread is cringe. "Happy 409"...what in the actual fuck.

Anyway, I was curious enough to check it out:

Oklahoma was forced to forfeit nine games from the 1972 season after they had used two ineligible freshmen. Despite the forfeit, Penn State refused to accept the win in the 1972 Sugar Bowl, thus the NCAA does not recognize the Penn State forfeit win over Oklahoma. The NCAA also stated that forfeits were not part of the NCAA sanctions levied against the Sooners. The NCAA says it only restricted OU's scholarships, TV appearances, and bowl appearances.[7]
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