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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Forty Two Sacks....... That was 2014

Game 1: 10 Sacks

I don't expect many sacks from Buffalo, but 3-4 is probably still a very realistic possibility.

If that offensive line doesn't figure things out in a hurry, we're talking about Penn State breaking David Carr's NFL Sacked Record (76).... And they will have done it in 4 less games. Make it happen, Nittany Kitties!!!!
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The heat is being turned up on Franklin. He is in trouble because the team looks worse his second year.
I would expect him to ditch some coaches in an attempt to keep the "cult" at bay.
But his losing support from former players is a bad sign.
I think they dump him.
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That thread is gold. It checks all the boxes:
- At no point does a sane psu fan show up to say how idiotic of a thought this is.
- The cult member is so isolated from the rest of the CFB world that he doesn't understand how...if you run the same play over and over again...it is eventually easy to figure out how to stop it.
- A temple fan shows up with the name TUVideoGuy :lol:
- The kill shot:

Ya, we used the practice video we stole from PSU to know when to rush two dline men so we could sack Hackenberg.
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Come on guys, enough bashing the conspiracy theories...everyone knows the people who developed "Go-To-Meeting" were Temple grads...and that they obviously unleashed their sister software "Go-To-Practice" on an unsuspecting James Franklin. The sad thing is the BOT knew about this software, but Emert and Freeh told them not to do anything to stop its use, so they didn't.
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They can NEVER simply be beaten. It always has to be some insidious conspiracy that brings down noble, mighty psu. You see the same way with injuries. Their heroes can never simply get hurt; they're too good for that. It always has to be a cheap shot.
And it's not even a creative conspiracy. Since they can't go 3 seconds without turning every conversation to PSU football or Joe Paterno, this moron probably read the latest about the Patriots cheating and his brain automatically twisted the story so it could somehow relate to Penn State.
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