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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

ROTFLMAO!!! I just found out Ped State lost to Temple!


Mother fucker that is hilarious!

What are the 'tards on BWI saying? Inquiring minds want to know.

I'm going back 10 pages on this thread looking for comedy gold - I just KNOW you guys won't let me down
Just found out, huh?

I want to tread softly here - but have you heard about Elvis?
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Think we should break the Kennedy news to him?
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What's the over/under on how long this stays?

I'm embarrassed for you idiots and this thread. Your offensive line is dreadful. It was last year and appears to be again this year. Temple had a pretty highly ranked defense last year, and everyone is back. Get over yourselves. Your coach sucks (at least this one doesn't support child rape) and you're just not that good.
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I love how the "Success With Honor" bull[Mark May] can be instantly thrown aside for a good conspiracy theory. The Temple head coach played for Joesus and said after the game that he hoped Joesus was proud. But that still doesn't stop the Cult from asserting that Matt Rhule is a cheating bastard.

Stealing signals, secretly filming practices with a high powered telescope, spurned girlfriend that goes to Temple. That thread has it all.
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