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Peach Bowl: #1 Georgia vs #4 tOSU, Sat 12/31 8 ET on ESPN


Ohio State head coach Ryan Day, LB Tommy Eichenberg and TE Cade Stover were part of a media zoom call on Monday. Some brief thoughts from the zoom:
  • “There’s a level of urgency.” – Ryan Day on the team’s preparation.
  • “I’ve seen them play.” – Tommy Eichenberg on his familiarity with Georgia.
  • “Mabey closer to the game there will be nerves. Right now, it’s just excitement to play.” – Eichenberg on feelings.
  • “All the focus is on Georgia right now.” – Cade Stover on the regular season finale until now.
  • “It’s just a very key piece to a good offense.” – Stover on the role of the tight end.
Offensive interview day will take place Tuesday at the official media hotel, the Westin at Peachtree, from 8:30 a.m. until 9:15 p.m. Ohio State will be represented by offensive coordinator/tight ends coach Kevin Wilson and QB C.J. Stroud, WRs Marvin Harrison Jr. and Emeka Egbuka, OT Paris Johnson and RB Miyan Williams.

Entire article: https://ohiostatebuckeyes.com/ohio-state-cfp-prep-moves-to-atlanta-mercedes-benz-stadium/

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You can look at this another way:

Stover could have been insisting he was going out there no matter how hurt, had his family's blessing and it would be a nod to the toughness instilled by the S&C staff as well as his belief in the brotherhood culture.

The part of the staff that's headed to Tulsa could then need to shoulder the load for having, on the surface, a TE room so incapable that Stover felt he had to play hurt and the coaches thought that 65% Stover was better than anyone else at 100%.
Outside of Stover and Rossi, the rest of the TE room has been non existent as far as I saw. Don't even get me started on Ge Scott Jr. His pass catching is nowhere near elite enough to offset his inability/unwillingness to block. That fucking headbutt in The Game could very well be a career ender for him at OSU.

The recent offer to the transfer TE could be read as an admission that they know the TE room isn't where they want it to be (and that they aren't real shook up about Wilson's departure?)

No inside knowledge obviously. Just an alternate theory about what we might be seeing with the TE room.
It's my firm belief that this is 100% the case. Stover is known to be a run through the wall guy. Games vs teams like Indiana he should have been rested and been in therapy also Maryland if he wasn't going to be a vital part of the Offense. That elbow has been a problem and my opinion it is stemming from neck damage he suffered early in the year when he landed on his hand. That has future Spinal Stenosis written all over it and I'm speaking from experience. It hurts down the arm more than the neck because that nerve impingement loses functionality further down. He's one of the few guys that I'd never question his toughness but the want to do something needs to be over ridden by people in charge when the ability is not there. Unfortunately if it is the nerve damage, it isn't a reversible injury so the only thing going to make it feel better is not to damage it further and get constant therapy so he wouldn't be 100% for this game but he could maybe get to 90% which might be good enough.

Hell at this point I really dont know what to expect from this team and I cant really remember feeling this way before. I don't like that.
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Hell at this point I really dont know what to expect from this team and I cant really remember feeling this way before. I don't like that.

I think at this point we have a pretty good idea what to expect. It just isn't what people hope for.

I have to go back to before the USC game in 2008 to remember a time I felt like this.
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Yeah... easy for you to say... seems that it's a "does not compute" thing for the staff, putting gimped players out there trying to block.
So what I'd say, as a first step, is if a player is wearing a cast, or something like a fabric strap to help him hold up his arms / hands, shoulders, etc, probably a dead give away to not put that player out there to block.

yeah, I'm not buying it. Coming from the same fan base that when the starters that are hurt don't play, and then we lose a game bc of it and there is a huge drop off with subs... they would be wanting to fire everyone. The only reason the Bucks only have 1 loss this year is bc guys have gutted out injuries and played through the pain, sprained knees, broken bones, just to name a few. Either way our fanbase would have something to complain about. Impossible to please.

I'm hoping they get as healthy as they can be and they can show the world what they are made of when healthy (ier)....lol.
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yeah, I'm not buying it. Coming from the same fan base that when the starters that are hurt don't play, and then we lose a game bc of it and there is a huge drop off with subs... they would be wanting to fire everyone. The only reason the Bucks only have 1 loss this year is bc guys have gutted out injuries and played through the pain, sprained knees, broken bones, just to name a few. Either way our fanbase would have something to complain about. Impossible to please.

I'm hoping they get as healthy as they can be and they can show the world what they are made of when healthy (ier)....lol.
I assumed that the staff wouldn’t send injured players out to play. Hurting players with wear and tear from a long season yes. Since the end of the season I am learning that JSN, Henderson, Hall and Stover had significant injuries and played..but I learned it their own words.
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I assumed that the staff wouldn’t send injured players out to play. Hurting players with wear and tear from a long season yes. Since the end of the season I am learning that JSN, Henderson, Hall and Stover had significant injuries and played..but I learned it their own words.
Random, Eichenberg, Cam brown, Burke, Jones....

It sucked as far as Injuries go this year but they could have managed them better too. It seems like other then the RBs which they tried to platoon the other possitions was doctor says they are good rely on the player. Rather then go.. Do we really x at 70% against northwestern, toledo, indiana etc
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It's my firm belief that this is 100% the case. Stover is known to be a run through the wall guy. Games vs teams like Indiana he should have been rested and been in therapy also Maryland if he wasn't going to be a vital part of the Offense. That elbow has been a problem and my opinion it is stemming from neck damage he suffered early in the year when he landed on his hand. That has future Spinal Stenosis written all over it and I'm speaking from experience. It hurts down the arm more than the neck because that nerve impingement loses functionality further down. He's one of the few guys that I'd never question his toughness but the want to do something needs to be over ridden by people in charge when the ability is not there. Unfortunately if it is the nerve damage, it isn't a reversible injury so the only thing going to make it feel better is not to damage it further and get constant therapy so he wouldn't be 100% for this game but he could maybe get to 90% which might be good enough.

Hell at this point I really dont know what to expect from this team and I cant really remember feeling this way before. I don't like that.
Injuries this year are unlike any season I seen. And I've been watching the Bucks for over 50 yrs. We need Cade and the others at full strength. Or as close to it as possible. On Offense, Julian Fleming had a few big games earlier in the season. I suspect that an injury has hampered him as well. Julian could really be a difference maker with most of the attention on Marvelous Marv and Egbuka.
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One thing thats bothered me all bowl prep is this arrogance from the UGA media that they can't be run on. They say it like its so absolute that we won't have any success running the ball.

Are we going to go for 300 yards rushing? Obviously more than likely not but I for one think we can hit 150+ provided we aren't falling behind.

I also hear a lot that we haven't played anyone and that we had close games vs Maryland. Seriously UGA? You had 2 good games and should've lost to Missouri.

I think UGA is good don't get me wrong but they aren't what they were last year and we aren't going to be surprised by their talent. Quite the contrary, I think we'll surprise them with our ability to be physical in the run game.
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One thing thats bothered me all bowl prep is this arrogance from the UGA media that they can't be run on. They say it like its so absolute that we won't have any success running the ball.

Are we going to go for 300 yards rushing? Obviously more than likely not but I for one think we can hit 150+ provided we aren't falling behind.

I also hear a lot that we haven't played anyone and that we had close games vs Maryland. Seriously UGA? You had 2 good games and should've lost to Missouri.
One of the things that bothered me about Meyer in the beginning of that sugar bowl when we got close to the Goal line on Bama was that we refused to run the ball on them cause they were a dominant redzone run defense. Despite having good success otherwise. Yes they are a good run D. But you gotta at least try it. Don't make your gameplan around being able to run on Georgia like TSUN clearly did last year but don't just cede something without trying.
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One of the things that bothered me about Meyer in the beginning of that sugar bowl when we got close to the Goal line on Bama was that we refused to run the ball on them cause they were a dominant redzone run defense. Despite having good success otherwise. Yes they are a good run D. But you gotta at least try it. Don't make your gameplan around being able to run on Georgia like TSUN clearly did last year but don't just cede something without trying.
That's the hope... IMO if we keep them on the field we'll find success running late. Just have to be willing to do it though.
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