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Peach Bowl: #1 Georgia vs #4 tOSU, Sat 12/31 8 ET on ESPN

Never seen an OSU team that dealt with so many injuries.

Even numerous guys who played every game were dealing with significant injuries.

It’s one of the reason I was so frustrated with a team whose base set is 3 wr’s only apparently have 3 wrs who can play.
And Stover who was clearly hurt played every snap v Michigan.
Asking an injured TE and WR’s who play every snap to sell out blocking isn’t smart.

Sidebar: Did JSN travel with team to Atlanta?
Agreed. This team was beat to shit coming into the first game and really never got healthy.

I think our loss last year to Michigan played a big role in having a really physical spring/summer/fall camp. With the size/speed of these kids you can't do that stuff anymore IMO. Not saying we shouldn't practice physical but there's a line where if you cross it that it might negatively impact your team. I think we probably crossed that line and it did more harm than good.

Any rate, will be good to be nearly full health finally for our biggest game to date.
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Never seen an OSU team that dealt with so many injuries.

Even numerous guys who played every game were dealing with significant injuries.

It’s one of the reason I was so frustrated with a team whose base set is 3 wr’s only apparently have 3 wrs who can play.
And Stover who was clearly hurt played every snap v Michigan.
Asking an injured TE and WR’s who play every snap to sell out blocking isn’t smart.

Sidebar: Did JSN travel with team to Atlanta?
I've said it all year... and I also just said it again on Stover's thread... this is on the staff, and squarely on S&C. Not sure what point they're trying to prove, and to whom?

I'm surprised the players' families haven't raised a stink.

All the while we have healthy young pups (like Hayden) ready to go and the coaches brushing that aside saying that it would disrupt "the flow of the game".
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or they could just actually block and see how that works
Yeah... easy for you to say... seems that it's a "does not compute" thing for the staff, putting gimped players out there trying to block.
So what I'd say, as a first step, is if a player is wearing a cast, or something like a fabric strap to help him hold up his arms / hands, shoulders, etc, probably a dead give away to not put that player out there to block.
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Christmas now safely in the rearview. It’s game week. And our Bucks have touched down in Atlanta.

I am finally feeling a little juice. My head is still expecting a disappointing outcome but the heart is starting to take over. Last time out on the field was ugly.

Buckeye fans have spent a month acting like we turned into freakin’ Iowa State or something. I have been down since The Game myself. All that matters now is what’s in front of them.

It’s time to chin up, stop the woe is me stuff and beat a damn good Georgia team on Saturday. It can be done. Go Bucks
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Watching the Georgia offense, I'm pretty surprised by 2 things.

- Georgia's Oline appears better in pass pro than in their run blocking?

- Stetson Bennett is actually a solid QB. Because of the dimension of his legs, I'd rank him a notch above Ken Dorsey which was my earlier comparison.
He actually does a really great job distributing the ball in their offense. Doesn't show much sign of panic behind the line despite his size, good pocket feel/integrity and can find throwing windows from different launch points. His ball placement appears to have some real shine when he has a clean platform to throw from.

I don't believe his game merits a Heisman invite. Something that only further helps to prove that if you're the QB on the #1 team you're getting a nod seemingly regardless of all else. But still, I'm not going to sell this kids abilities short. I think he's a pretty decent passer myself.
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I've said it all year... and I also just said it again on Stover's thread... this is on the staff, and squarely on S&C. Not sure what point they're trying to prove, and to whom?

I'm surprised the players' families haven't raised a stink.

All the while we have healthy young pups (like Hayden) ready to go and the coaches brushing that aside saying that it would disrupt "the flow of the game".

You can look at this another way:

Stover could have been insisting he was going out there no matter how hurt, had his family's blessing and it would be a nod to the toughness instilled by the S&C staff as well as his belief in the brotherhood culture.

The part of the staff that's headed to Tulsa could then need to shoulder the load for having, on the surface, a TE room so incapable that Stover felt he had to play hurt and the coaches thought that 65% Stover was better than anyone else at 100%. Outside of Stover and Rossi, the rest of the TE room has been non existent as far as I saw. Don't even get me started on Ge Scott Jr. His pass catching is nowhere near elite enough to offset his inability/unwillingness to block. That fucking headbutt in The Game could very well be a career ender for him at OSU.

The recent offer to the transfer TE could be read as an admission that they know the TE room isn't where they want it to be (and that they aren't real shook up about Wilson's departure?)

No inside knowledge obviously. Just an alternate theory about what we might be seeing with the TE room.
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Watching the Georgia offense, I'm pretty surprised by 2 things.

- Georgia's Oline appears better in pass pro than in their run blocking?

- Stetson Bennett is actually a solid QB. Because of the dimension of his legs, I'd rank him a notch above Ken Dorsey which was my earlier comparison.
He actually does a really great job distributing the ball in their offense. Doesn't show much sign of panic behind the line despite his size, good pocket feel/integrity and can find throwing windows from different launch points. His ball placement appears to have some real shine when he has a clean platform to throw from.

I don't believe his game merits a Heisman invite. Something that only further helps to prove that if you're the QB on the #1 team you're getting a nod seemingly regardless of all else. But still, I'm not going to sell this kids abilities short. I think he's a pretty decent passer myself.
Plus he has moxie in spades ....
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