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Peach Bowl: #1 Georgia vs #4 tOSU, Sat 12/31 8 ET on ESPN

Exactly. We need to be able to run the screen.

Just have to run it correctly.

I don't know what happened to our blocking on that play, Hartline's WR's were historically excellent blockers on those screens, as were the TE's when they were out there. So it would seem to be a personnel issue rather than coaching, but given how poorly we have executed that play all year I don't want to see it unless the coaches are very confident it has been fixed (which I highly doubt at this point of the year and wouldn't expect it to suddenly work against UGA's defense).
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I don't know what happened to our blocking on that play, Hartline's WR's were historically excellent blockers on those screens, as were the TE's when they were out there. So it would seem to be a personnel issue rather than coaching, but given how poorly we have executed that play all year I don't want to see it unless the coaches are very confident it has been fixed (which I highly doubt at this point of the year and wouldn't expect it to suddenly work against UGA's defense).
IMO, it's because we are telegraphing the plays. DBs and LBS can trigger if they know it's coming.

So whatever we are doing we are tipping them off.
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Never seen an OSU team that dealt with so many injuries.

Even numerous guys who played every game were dealing with significant injuries.

It’s one of the reason I was so frustrated with a team whose base set is 3 wr’s only apparently have 3 wrs who can play.
And Stover who was clearly hurt played every snap v Michigan.
Asking an injured TE and WR’s who play every snap to sell out blocking isn’t smart.

Sidebar: Did JSN travel with team to Atlanta?
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