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Peach Bowl: #1 Georgia vs #4 tOSU, Sat 12/31 8 ET on ESPN

Georgia doesn't have a stiff hipped Ohioan at mlb
so nice to settle for 7 yards a carry :lol: That's very generous of you.
Someday it would be nice if we didn't talk about our own QBs the way we once spoke of rival QBs.

Justin had to crack his ribs to get this kind of heat off his back.

JT never hurt the feelings of those Michigan as badly as those in Ohio.
That's 35 total yards more than normal.

Jokes on you!

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I'm just of the opinion that we haven't done that for 4 years now under Day and so asking for a heavy QB run package is not setting this game up for expectations.

We can win without CJ running. It's less likely but we can do it.

Rewatching 2014 OSU v. Alabama and we've beat better teams (with less/equal talent) than this 2022 UGA team.

I think there's a misunderstanding; I'm not asking for a run-heavy, QB designed run package. Literally just asking him to step up into a lane if the DL overpursues and the LBs vacate the middle or if he rolls out and there's no one within 10 yards of him to take what's there and step out of bounds
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Honestly, I would light a fire under our giants up front and tell them we are only going to run the ball on the first series, no passes. Show me you aren't what people are saying you are. They say you can't block Carter and the line from UGA. We either win or lose with the running game so set the tone, one way or the other.
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I think there's a misunderstanding; I'm not asking for a run-heavy, QB designed run package. Literally just asking him to step up into a lane if the DL overpursues and the LBs vacate the middle or if he rolls out and there's no one within 10 yards of him to take what's there and step out of bounds
Okay my apologies... then for sure I agree. I just think he can do that with a few 5-10 yard runs to keep the chains moving. I think expecting anything more than 30 yards though is probably too much.
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That's 35 total yards more than normal.

Jokes on you!

:lol: well played.

the problem is he's thin, stiff hipped, and the upside is low. whereas he's a #1 pick with his arm.

I think the impact on his own team would be bigger than Georgia, if he has 1-2 gritty runs, like the one he had vs Michigan a few years ago.

you don't want to expose him to the Georgia aliens very much as a runner, especially with his severe limitations laterally. But make them consider that he could keep it once on an option, and once on a scramble.

do the unexpected, especially if they introduce other surprises (downfield shots, underneath routes, actually forcing the d to prove they can stop your good plays)

create doubt for guys in zone coverage, without risking the colossal toll those hits have been taking on the duggans and Williams styles of play.
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‘Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the WHAC
Not a creature was stirring
Not even Marv, imagine that!
tOSU’s pride hung by the chimney tonight
Knowing the Bucks would soon take flight
The CFP was still up for grabs
Licking The Game wounds, still no scabs
And I with my bourbon, sipping away
Still sulking and stewing about Ryan Day
When on my TV there arose such a coward
The smug little gremlin: Desmond Howard
Away to the cabinet, I flew like a flash
Grabbed another glass, last one I smashed
The state of Ohio was covered in snow
We need a rematch, a tag on Jimmy’s toe
Drag him kicking and screaming in the cold
All the way to LA and his gravesite, behold!
It’s the only way to make the season bright
Merry Christmas to all, fuck ‘em for life.
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I'll finally have respect for CJ when he's concussed and has a fractured tibia. Then Day can put in a real tough guy at QB and I can complain about them missing wide open wide receivers downfield.

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Okay my apologies... then for sure I agree. I just think he can do that with a few 5-10 yard runs to keep the chains moving. I think expecting anything more than 30 yards though is probably too much.

That 30 yards throughout a game though on key drives to keep possessions alive would be the difference in a few drives leading to points and not punts.... which could be the difference in a W vs. an L vs. UGA.

Not asking for 10 designed runs and 75 yards rushing. I don't think anybody is. It's the threat that isn't there that the defensive coordinators do no have to prepare or account for, which makes OSU easier to defend.
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