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Peach Bowl: #1 Georgia vs #4 tOSU, Sat 12/31 8 ET on ESPN

Ryan Day, Ohio State grateful for Buckeyes' second chance entering CFP semifinal against Georgia

Ohio State was blown out, 45-23, by Michigan last month, but coach Ryan Day and company have new life. The Buckeyes made the College Football Playoff field with USC's loss to Utah in the Pac-12 Championship Game, and Day said his players guys are fired up for the second chance.

"You just — you have some regret," Day said during a 1-on-1 interview with ESPN's Marty Smith. "Sitting around for a week and knowing that the season may be over is a hard feeling — it's not good. Then, to have life put back into you — knowing that you have another opportunity. Now, you have to play with no regrets. When you have a second shot at this thing that maybe you didn't have a week or two or three weeks ago, it gives you that perspective that maybe you didn't have a month ago."

No. 4 Ohio State (11-1) faces top-ranked and defending national champion Georgia (13-0) in the Peach Bowl on Dec. 31. The Bulldogs, who enter having won their last 15 games dating back to last season, have lost just once since since Nov. 8, 2020.

"If we're going to win this game, we've got to play every single play like our hair's on fire," Day said. "We've got to play physical, we've got to play tough, we've got to play fast. And we've got to execute at a high level in order to beat Georgia."

Entire article: https://247sports.com/college/ohio-...nitQMcuKd3lm-CgAr7MeaEpGcSZ8XPQz-cUPdR1CglGEg
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Most likely. Players need to step up and show things they haven't thus far.

I agree that all we need is CJ to take the wide open 5-10 yard gains he's refused to all year. It's not asking much. We'll see how much guts he really has
I'm just of the opinion that we haven't done that for 4 years now under Day and so asking for a heavy QB run package is not setting this game up for expectations.

We can win without CJ running. It's less likely but we can do it.

Rewatching 2014 OSU v. Alabama and we've beat better teams (with less/equal talent) than this 2022 UGA team.
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I'm just of the opinion that we haven't done that for 4 years now under Day and so asking for a heavy QB run package is not setting this game up for expectations.

We can win without CJ running. It's less likely but we can do it.

Rewatching 2014 OSU v. Alabama and we've beat better teams (with less/equal talent) than this 2022 UGA team.

CJ doesn't even have to run the ball a lot...he just needs to run a couple times early...that will keep them guessing.
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I'm just of the opinion that we haven't done that for 4 years now under Day and so asking for a heavy QB run package is not setting this game up for expectations.

We can win without CJ running. It's less likely but we can do it.

Rewatching 2014 OSU v. Alabama and we've beat better teams (with less/equal talent) than this 2022 UGA team.
Umm Fields ran wild. And 12guage ran Alabama linebackers the fuck over several times to keep the chains moving.

We don't want CJ to be Lamar Jackson, we just want him to take the free yards. Get a easy 1st down or give us a 3rd and short.
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Umm Fields ran wild. And 12guage ran Alabama linebackers the fuck over several times to keep the chains moving.

We don't want CJ to be Lamar Jackson, we just want him to take the free yards. Get a easy 1st down or give us a 3rd and short.
Georgia doesn't have a stiff hipped Ohioan at mlb
We don't need a big running performance from CJ. We need an efficient one.

I'm talking 3-5 carries for 20-35 yards with a few first downs..
so nice to settle for 7 yards a carry :lol: That's very generous of you.
Most likely. Players need to step up and show things they haven't thus far.

I agree that all we need is CJ to take the wide open 5-10 yard gains he's refused to all year. It's not asking much. We'll see how much guts he really has
Someday it would be nice if we didn't talk about our own QBs the way we once spoke of rival QBs.

Justin had to crack his ribs to get this kind of heat off his back.

JT never hurt the feelings of those Michigan as badly as those in Ohio.
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