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Peach Bowl: #1 Georgia vs #4 tOSU, Sat 12/31 8 ET on ESPN

There might not be any other Ohio State unit that needs to play its best football in the Peach Bowl more than the Buckeyes’ interior offensive line.

That’s because they’ll be going head-to-head with Jalen Carter, who’s arguably the best NFL prospect on either team in a game that will be loaded with future pros. Ranked by ESPN’s Mel Kiper Jr. as the No. 1 overall prospect in the 2023 NFL draft class, Carter is almost universally projected to be a top-five overall pick.
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There might not be any other Ohio State unit that needs to play its best football in the Peach Bowl more than the Buckeyes’ interior offensive line.

That’s because they’ll be going head-to-head with Jalen Carter, who’s arguably the best NFL prospect on either team in a game that will be loaded with future pros. Ranked by ESPN’s Mel Kiper Jr. as the No. 1 overall prospect in the 2023 NFL draft class, Carter is almost universally projected to be a top-five overall pick.

Stroud put together the game of your life and you solidify yourself as the first pick.
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Disagree. UGA is way too good to for CJ to be one-dimensional. And he hasn't looked sharp passing since PSU
Then we are losing.

CJ hasn't ran the ball for basically 2 straight years as the starter so it's not going to all the sudden start now.

We don't need a big running performance from CJ. We need an efficient one.

I'm talking 3-5 carries for 20-35 yards with a few first downs.

I think we have what it takes to have balance vs UGA. I realize everyone basically just assumes you can't run the ball on them but that's nonsense. They said the same thing about the Alabama game in 2014 too.
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Then we are losing.

CJ hasn't ran the ball for basically 2 straight years as the starter so it's not going to all the sudden start now.

We don't need a big running performance from CJ. We need an efficient one.

I'm talking 3-5 carries for 20-35 yards with a few first downs.

I think we have what it takes to have balance vs UGA. I realize everyone basically just assumes you can't run the ball on them but that's nonsense. They said the same thing about the Alabama game in 2014 too.

Most likely. Players need to step up and show things they haven't thus far.

I agree that all we need is CJ to take the wide open 5-10 yard gains he's refused to all year. It's not asking much. We'll see how much guts he really has
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Both teams have the Jimmy's and Joe's. This might come down to the X's and O's. Which coaching staff is going to have the best game plan? Then it's up to execution. One thing I know is that 10 penalties for 100 yards is going to hamstring any game plan. If we don't beat ourselves we have a decent shot at beating Georgia.


and 3rd down conversions need to be north of 40%, not down around 31% like tsun just did to us.

I don't give a shit if he runs for them or throws for them but we aren't winning if he doesn't convert them.
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and 3rd down conversions need to be north of 40%, not down around 31% like tsun just did to us.

I don't give a shit if he runs for them or throws for them but we aren't winning if he doesn't convert them.

I don’t know why and I have no reason to believe this, but I have a feeling the running game is going to shock GA and the world.

Not talking about CJ running, either. :lol:
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Stroud put together the game of your life and you solidify yourself as the first pick.

If he doesn't run some early, he won't give his team or himself a chance.

Not necessarily true, going 37 for 46, 573 yards, and 6 TDs while running just 1 time for 10 yards should do the trick. However, Georgia's defenses undoubtedly "slightly" better than Utah's.
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