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Peach Bowl: #1 Georgia vs #4 tOSU, Sat 12/31 8 ET on ESPN


  • December 8: Scouting the Georgia Defense
  • December 15: Scouting the Georgia Offense
  • December 22: Creating a Game Plan to beat Georgia
  • December: 29: Ohio State's Keys to the Game

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Just a random thought but my hope is that these boys are experiencing what it is to be second class, they hear what people are saying, they are seeing whats going on. How these guys respond to a major challenge will show where our program currently is. Whoever are our leaders have to put this team on their backs and be big when the lights are shining the brightest, you have to be a dragon slayer.
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Just a random thought but my hope is that these boys are experiencing what it is to be second class, they hear what people are saying, they are seeing whats going on. How these guys respond to a major challenge will show where our program currently is. Whoever are our leaders have to put this team on their backs and be big when the lights are shining the brightest, you have to be a dragon slayer.

The concern a lot of people have is that those same boys/coaches had a full year of that after losing to tsun in '21 then came out under the bright lights in '22 and laid another egg. It makes you legitimately wonder if they have it in them because, if they do, why wasn't it there on 11/26? It's hard to swallow "this time they really mean it" when you heard that for a year and they didn't deliver at all.

I totally agree with you that what they do on the field in this CFP will tell a lot about where our program currently is.
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Just a random thought but my hope is that these boys are experiencing what it is to be second class, they hear what people are saying, they are seeing whats going on. How these guys respond to a major challenge will show where our program currently is. Whoever are our leaders have to put this team on their backs and be big when the lights are shining the brightest, you have to be a dragon slayer.
That’s the problem “whoever our leaders are”.
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Drove through the snow belt in rain, snow, slush and 60mph winds from Upstate NY and now in Stow, OH for Xmas. First official duty is to help sample the rum for the rum cake my mother-in-law is making, then go out and get fresh Buckeye gear for the fam for the Playoff. Let's get this shit going!!

Shout out to you for the safe travels.

Shout out to all the dads and husbands who fired up the Toro or their brand of snow blower to clear the drive way this morning.

Pleased to say that as of 7:15am this morning, my lovely East side cincinnati drive way was clear
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The concern a lot of people have is that those same boys/coaches had a full year of that after losing to tsun in '21 then came out under the bright lights in '22 and laid another egg. It makes you legitimately wonder if they have it in them because, if they do, why wasn't it there on 11/26? It's hard to swallow "this time they really mean it" when you heard that for a year and they didn't deliver at all.

I totally agree with you that what they do on the field in this CFP will tell a lot about where our program currently is.
Yeah I'm skeptical too obviously... that said I think 11/26 happened because we were too amped up to seize the beginning of the game. Then before you knew it we were doubting ourselves because it was a close game when we should've been up 3 touchdowns.

If we come out kicking field goals or no points at all then look out because the game might not go well at all for the team.
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If we come out kicking field goals or no points at all then look out because the game might not go well at all for the team.

Which is, unfortunately, the pattern we see from Day's teams when they play better opposition.

The offense struggles on 3rd down, in the redzone and has a hard time getting into the 30's.

It's been there all the way back to 2019 (save for the Clemson game in '20) so I don't subscribe to the notion that 11/26 was an aberration.
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Which is, unfortunately, the pattern we see from Day's teams when they play better opposition.

The offense struggles on 3rd down, in the redzone and has a hard time getting into the 30's.

It's been there all the way back to 2019 (save for the Clemson game in '20) so I don't subscribe to the notion that 11/26 was an aberration.
They tend to play tight in the first half. While Meyers teams tended to play way looser. Sometimes too loose.

But I will say the avalanche style losses is a relatively new phenomenon. It started with Bama and has only been replicated by TSUN since then.

Every other game they were always in it till the end.

Though I guess it's 3 avalanches and 2 Hard fought at this point.

Damn the man has only lost 5 games that's hard to fathom after the doom and gloom post TSUN this year
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Damn the man has only lost 5 games that's hard to fathom after the doom and gloom post TSUN this year

Not so hard to fathom when you consider he's 1-2 in The Game, 2-2 in Bowl Games and has that Oregon debacle on his resume. That's 3 up and 5 down in "big" games in his first 4 years.

That may play well at most places but it get's you right where he's at when you are the coach at OSU.

This CFP is going to redeem him or finish him off (with a lot of the fanbase) imo.
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