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Peach Bowl: #1 Georgia vs #4 tOSU, Sat 12/31 8 ET on ESPN

‘Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the WHAC
Not a creature was stirring
Not even Marv, imagine that!
tOSU’s pride hung by the chimney tonight
Knowing the Bucks would soon take flight
The CFP was still up for grabs
Licking The Game wounds, still no scabs
And I with my bourbon, sipping away
Still sulking and stewing about Ryan Day
When on my TV there arose such a coward
The smug little gremlin: Desmond Howard
Away to the cabinet, I flew like a flash
Grabbed another glass, last one I smashed
The state of Ohio was covered in snow
We need a rematch, a tag on Jimmy’s toe
Drag him kicking and screaming in the cold
All the way to LA and his gravesite, behold!
It’s the only way to make the season bright
Merry Christmas to all, fuck ‘em for life.

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That 30 yards throughout a game though on key drives to keep possessions alive would be the difference in a few drives leading to points and not punts.... which could be the difference in a W vs. an L vs. UGA.

Not asking for 10 designed runs and 75 yards rushing. I don't think anybody is. It's the threat that isn't there that the defensive coordinators do no have to prepare or account for, which makes OSU easier to defend.
That's what I'm hoping for as well. Just do something on the ground to keep the chains moving.
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If Day doesn't use Williams AND Hayden as a two-headed attack I'll probably throw something. I don't give a shit if he fumbled in practice, use your weapons.

That "Chip" got so many touches versus TTUN was asinine. He gave it all he had, but he was converted to LB for a reason.
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If Day doesn't use Williams AND Hayden as a two-headed attack I'll probably throw something. I don't give a shit if he fumbled in practice, use your weapons.

That "Chip" got so many touches versus TTUN was asinine. He gave it all he had, but he was converted to LB for a reason.

This was the biggest and by far the biggest critique I have in coaching for a The Game...Hayden just came off an amazing performance and had the hot hand. His lack of touches was up there to me with not giving the ball to Zeke against MSU, it was downright wrong and the coaches can explain that away for days and I flat out won't give a shit. I hope they just own up to that internally and correct it in this game, otherwise it just tells me stubbornness trumps reality. Miyan should definitely split carries if fully healthy and maybe even get 60% of the load, but Hayden better get the rock plenty of times and if he's feeling it, roll with him. Good coaches will recognize who's performing at any given time and roll with them...I hope that's our staff.
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‘Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the WHAC
Not a creature was stirring
Not even Marv, imagine that!
tOSU’s pride hung by the chimney tonight
Knowing the Bucks would soon take flight
The CFP was still up for grabs
Licking The Game wounds, still no scabs
And I with my bourbon, sipping away
Still sulking and stewing about Ryan Day
When on my TV there arose such a coward
The smug little gremlin: Desmond Howard
Away to the cabinet, I flew like a flash
Grabbed another glass, last one I smashed
The state of Ohio was covered in snow
We need a rematch, a tag on Jimmy’s toe
Drag him kicking and screaming in the cold
All the way to LA and his gravesite, behold!
It’s the only way to make the season bright
Merry Christmas to all, fuck ‘em for life.
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If Day doesn't use Williams AND Hayden as a two-headed attack I'll probably throw something. I don't give a shit if he fumbled in practice, use your weapons.

That "Chip" got so many touches versus TTUN was asinine. He gave it all he had, but he was converted to LB for a reason.

why do we think he’s just now going to start doing things that will make sense in that regard? I’m at peace already with what’s likely to happen so I guess I am not getting anxious about certain components anymore which is good.
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why do we think he’s just now going to start doing things that will make sense in that regard? I’m at peace already with what’s likely to happen so I guess I am not getting anxious about certain components anymore which is good.
Yep. Same.

I doubt anything really different is going to happen. Which includes losing 45-24 to a equally talented team. Going to root like hell but its not wise to expect Hayden, Styles, CJ running the ball, down field passing, no swing passes, runs up the middle for no gain on 3rd and 2 etc.
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Had a dream that we scored with 3 minutes to go in the game to go up 8. We then forced a turnover from UGA on their next possession to ice the game and in my dream I remember thinking "holy shit we get the rematch".

Detailed dream to say the least. FWIW, I had a dream we lost to ttun at home too. Here's hoping late in the 4th we are thinking "damn we get the rematch".

In my dreams we win 45-30 after we score off their late turnover to put it away. Oddly we score off a stretch play to the right lol
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Had a dream that we scored with 3 minutes to go in the game to go up 8. We then forced a turnover from UGA on their next possession to ice the game and in my dream I remember thinking "holy shit we get the rematch".

Detailed dream to say the least. FWIW, I had a dream we lost to ttun at home too. Here's hoping late in the 4th we are thinking "damn we get the rematch".

In my dreams we win 45-30 after we score off their late turnover to put it away. Oddly we score off a stretch play to the right lol

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Had a dream that we scored with 3 minutes to go in the game to go up 8. We then forced a turnover from UGA on their next possession to ice the game and in my dream I remember thinking "holy shit we get the rematch".

Detailed dream to say the least. FWIW, I had a dream we lost to ttun at home too. Here's hoping late in the 4th we are thinking "damn we get the rematch".

In my dreams we win 45-30 after we score off their late turnover to put it away. Oddly we score off a stretch play to the right lol
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