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OSU's Image Outside of Ohio

Kwas;1178498; said:
I think it has more to do with the non-Texan aspect. People here hate USC with a violent passion, more so than any other school (mind you we have OU fans inside our borders, just like scUM fans up north so I can't say we all hate OU).

I'm from CA, and a lot of people here dislike USC (University of Spoiled Children) and it has little to do with the sports teams (though they certainly contribute).
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ScriptOhio;1200999; said:
.....we need to try harder. :biggrin:

The 10 Most Disliked Programs of the Past 25 Years.


Love them or hate them, these are the 10 programs of the past quarter century that have inspired the most envy, dislike, and jealousy.
We examine the specific eras during the coaching periods at the schools, not the entire time as head coach. The list is consistent regarding these two requirements, you must have multiple seasons of success and have won a national championship during the specific era examined.

10)Tennessee, Phil Fulmer, 1995-1998, 45-5
9) Nebraska, Tom Osborne, 1993-1997, 60-3
8) Oklahoma, Bob Stoops, 2000-2004, 60-7
7) Florida, Steve Spurrier, 1993-1998, 65-10
6) Notre Dame, Lou Holtz, 1988-1993, 64-9
5) Colorado, Bill McCartney, 1989-1994, 58-11
4) Florida State, Bobby Bowden, 1987-2000, 152-19
3) Ohio State, Jim Tressel, 2002-2007, 66-11
2) Southern Cal, Pete Carroll, 2003-2005, 37-2
1) Miami Hurricanes, Jimmy Johnson, 1985-1988, 44-4

There couldn't be any other at #1.

Some resentments come and go, Bryant in the early 60s and Paterno in the late 60s both suffered from boos and hisses. They went on to take their places as giants of the game. While we do list the remarkable 14 year spectacle of Bobby Bowden's glory years, the other teams have much more narrow periods of well, dislike, so we concentrate only upon the specific periods that generated the most resentment.
You could add the entire period of Carroll, you may have forgotten Osborne's and McCartney's "criminal of the month club" of the 90s, the nationwide disrespect of Peyton Manning in Knoxville may be a distant memory but they're all here, ready for whatever you throw at them.

Entire article: The 10 Most Disliked Programs of the Past 25 Years. | Bleacher Report

Bob Hunter weighs in...
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2) Southern Cal, Pete Carroll, 2003-2005, 37-2

Yeah, that hate SC had to put up during that time frame was embarrassing. From being handed an AP championship, to being called the "Greatest team of all time" from multiple sources..... It's truly shameful how America treated these poor saps.
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Buckeneye;1203292; said:
My biggest question; we see all these polls and rankings on college coaches.

Majority I've seen have PC #1 and Tressel #2... should we kick ass in the Colesium, might that just change around?

To the college football world at large, a win in the Coliseum would pull Tressel even with PC.

To the media, Tressel would have to go on to win the 2008 NC to pull even with PC.
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Buckeneye;1203292; said:
My biggest question; we see all these polls and rankings on college coaches.

Majority I've seen have PC #1 and Tressel #2... should we kick ass in the Colesium, might that just change around?
I don't believe so. Detractors will always have the ammo that regardless how the 2008 Trojans finish the season, OSU caught a young team early, and by USC's standards it will not be up to the level of the Palmer and (especially) Leinart/Bush lead teams, at least not in September.

Few other teams would be able to claim road wins over opponents of the quality of USC & Texas, but unless the Buckeyes convincingly beat an SEC team in a title game, there will always be doubters who will complain about MoC, Terry Porter, the perceived quality of the Big 10 conference, or whatever else they can come up with.

IMHO, USC has earned all the credit that they get. They have one BCS championship, on additional AP championship, and proven it on the field by having thoroughly demolished very good Auburn, Arkansas, Virginia Tech, Michigan and Oklahoma teams, to name a few.

I don't think this year changes anything unless OSU wins the title, and even so it will be a short lived claim, as USC will arguably have the advantage in experience over OSU in the rematch in 2009. People will also make a case for Bob Stoops and Oklahoma if they should happen to claim another national title.
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I found this on a Michigan forum and would live to be able to respond to this poster. Can anyone help me with a good argument?

"You know...I did find it strange however, that Michigan is the all time winningest program in all of college football, and at the same time, they were #2 in sales of licensed merchandise. By your subscribed theory that "hatred is just an accessory to success"....shouldn't people hate Michigan because they are successful? ....along with Texas, Florida, Notre Dame, LSU, Georgia, North Carolina, Penn St., Alabama, Tennessee and Oklahoma who accompanied Michigan at the top of the list???

I mean...everyone's buying up there stuff. Why would people do that if they hated em'? Still waiting for a good answer to that question.

Now that is fact based information using the buying habits of the general public, which would indicate who's popular and who's not. Since the highly successful programs are the ones that sell the most, it totally contradicts your theory that people hate ohio state because of their success, and supports my theory that people hate the buckeye's because they're annoying as hell!!!!"
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ESPN - Top 3 games to watch in the Pac-10 - Pac-10

Top 3 games to watch in the Pac-10
July 11, 2008 9:30 AM
Posted by ESPN.com's Ted Miller

My bosses made me list only three games, so that's why Georgia's visit to Arizona State and the Neuheisel Bowl between UCLA and Washington didn't make the cut.

1. Ohio State at USC, Sept. 13: First, the college football nation thanks you, Trojans and Buckeyes, for having the courage to play this game. Just thinking about this should make your mouth water. The winner immediately becomes a leading national title contender, and the loser doesn't necessary fall out of the race. The defensive talent on both teams is just stunning, so the game might hinge on which QB better handles the pressure.

The comments in this article over there have reminded me that if you live south of the Mason-Dixon line, the two greatest evils in the universe are Ohio State and Southern Cal. The fact that OSU @ USC is the game of the year pisses off SEC fans to no end, who clearly believe that Georgia @ Arizona St will be one for the ages.
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Dryden;1203371; said:
ESPN - Top 3 games to watch in the Pac-10 - Pac-10

The comments in this article over there have reminded me that if you live south of the Mason-Dixon line, the two greatest evils in the universe are Ohio State and Southern Cal. The fact that OSU @ USC is the game of the year pisses off SEC fans to no end, who clearly believe that Georgia @ Arizona St will be one for the ages.

Black helicopters my friend. Nobody. Nobody thinks that.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1201870; said:
2) Southern Cal, Pete Carroll, 2003-2005, 37-2

Yeah, that hate SC had to put up during that time frame was embarrassing. From being handed an AP championship, to being called the "Greatest team of all time" from multiple sources..... It's truly shameful how America treated these poor saps.
I think that's why they're so high. Hate doesn't come from the media.

Hmmm...if hate comes from success then we should almost be flattered. I can't wait until we reach the #1 spot on that list
It doesn't come only from success. You can be as successful as Miami was in that time frame and not be #1......unless you also outdo them in the behavior department. That's what propelled the Canevicts to the top.
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BLASKO;1203370; said:
I found this on a Michigan forum and would live to be able to respond to this poster. Can anyone help me with a good argument?

"You know...I did find it strange however, that Michigan is the all time winningest program in all of college football, and at the same time, they were #2 in sales of licensed merchandise. By your subscribed theory that "hatred is just an accessory to success"....shouldn't people hate Michigan because they are successful? ....along with Texas, Florida, Notre Dame, LSU, Georgia, North Carolina, Penn St., Alabama, Tennessee and Oklahoma who accompanied Michigan at the top of the list???

I mean...everyone's buying up there stuff. Why would people do that if they hated em'? Still waiting for a good answer to that question.

Now that is fact based information using the buying habits of the general public, which would indicate who's popular and who's not. Since the highly successful programs are the ones that sell the most, it totally contradicts your theory that people hate ohio state because of their success, and supports my theory that people hate the buckeye's because they're annoying as hell!!!!"

Tell the psuedo intellectual fuckstick who wrote it to check his data better before using it to make an argument like that.

The list he's citing is the top selling members of the Collegiate Licensing Company. OSU is not a member.

If it were me I'd say nice try but you missed by a mile dickbreath. Meanwhile your team still sucks ass, your coach is a fucking disgrace and its been almost 1,700 days and counting since scUM last beat OSU in football.
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