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OSU's Image Outside of Ohio

Gatorubet;1177832; said:

I'm so very, very sorry.:biggrin:

chillinvillian;1178128; said:
Gator it aint that bad not Ohio though!!!:osu:

I spent 3 years in Junction City/Ft Riley and I have to say if you were ever told you only had a month to live you should go there.

Because everyday feels like a fucking eternity.
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Jaxbuck;1178133; said:
I spent 3 years in Junction City/Ft Riley and I have to say if you were ever told you only had a month to live you should go there.

Because everyday feels like a fucking eternity.

I used to live in Wichita, so I am biased. My dad was stationed at Ft. Riley, but he was in the horse cavalry (14th Cav) in '39. They gave him a Sherman a few years later. He preferred his horse.
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Kwas;1171315; said:
Buckeye hatefest here in Texas. Then again, it pretty much goes the same for anything non-Texan.

Interesting. Texas has so many DI-A schools plus Oklahoma not far away, You'd think that thre would be enough "in-state" hate to go around w/o having to go and hate on the Buckeyes. Plus, it's not like Ohio State has taken the place of Texas, Texas A & M or Texas Tech in any BCS games.
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Nice points, Rocketman. There are alot of ND fans around Cincy. Also relitively few OSU players coming from Cincy high schools. Sure, there have been some good ones, but lately the Cincinnati kids seem to screw it up before they see the field (see both Underwoods, Clifford). UC has generally been more of a basketball school, but that's changing with Dantonio and Kelly taking the 'Cats to the next level and Huggins getting run out of town. I think alot of people down here just wear whatever gear they sell at Deveroe's, saw a lot of new Texas fans after '05. Funny story: a couple of weeks after the Texas game in '06, I was downtown at the Midpoint Music Fest. A guy saw that I was wearing an OSU hoodie and asked if I knew who won the night game (I think it was USC & ND). We started talking and he said he and his band came up for the festival from Dallas. I said, "I got a joke for you. What's the difference between Longhorn fans and Buckeye fans?" "What?" "Longhorn fans do this." (held up the 'Horns symbol with index and pinky fingers) "Buckeye fans do this." (folded down my pinky) "'Cause we're F****** Number One!" Immediately all the guys from the band were in my face, "We kicked your ass last year! If Young had stayed..." But we all had a good laugh. They were actually very knowldgeable about college football, and had a lot of respect for OSU. Nice guys. Can't remember the name of the band, though. I agree with daddyfatsaccs, they should split Cincinnati down the middle and give half to Kentucky, half to Indiana.
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Shivvy77;1178217; said:
Interesting. Texas has so many DI-A schools plus Oklahoma not far away, You'd think that thre would be enough "in-state" hate to go around w/o having to go and hate on the Buckeyes. Plus, it's not like Ohio State has taken the place of Texas, Texas A & M or Texas Tech in any BCS games.

I think it has more to do with the non-Texan aspect. People here hate USC with a violent passion, more so than any other school (mind you we have OU fans inside our borders, just like scUM fans up north so I can't say we all hate OU).
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Jaxbuck;1178133; said:
I spent 3 years in Junction City/Ft Riley and I have to say if you were ever told you only had a month to live you should go there.

Because everyday feels like a fucking eternity.

I did 4-5 years in Leavenworth.

I hope to never go back there again.

Ft. Leavenworth specifically - and boy did it feel like I was in prison when I lived there.
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This thread has gone way off-topic. I will attempt to re-direct.

To add fuel to the anti-Buckeye fire, ESPN will do a "Titletown" segment about Columbus, OH in July. I'm sure they will love that in Baton Rouge, Gainesville and Tuscaloosa.
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We're only #3 on the "most disliked list"....

.....we need to try harder. :biggrin:

The 10 Most Disliked Programs of the Past 25 Years.


Love them or hate them, these are the 10 programs of the past quarter century that have inspired the most envy, dislike, and jealousy.
We examine the specific eras during the coaching periods at the schools, not the entire time as head coach. The list is consistent regarding these two requirements, you must have multiple seasons of success and have won a national championship during the specific era examined.

10)Tennessee, Phil Fulmer, 1995-1998, 45-5
9) Nebraska, Tom Osborne, 1993-1997, 60-3
8) Oklahoma, Bob Stoops, 2000-2004, 60-7
7) Florida, Steve Spurrier, 1993-1998, 65-10
6) Notre Dame, Lou Holtz, 1988-1993, 64-9
5) Colorado, Bill McCartney, 1989-1994, 58-11
4) Florida State, Bobby Bowden, 1987-2000, 152-19
3) Ohio State, Jim Tressel, 2002-2007, 66-11
2) Southern Cal, Pete Carroll, 2003-2005, 37-2
1) Miami Hurricanes, Jimmy Johnson, 1985-1988, 44-4

There couldn't be any other at #1.

Some resentments come and go, Bryant in the early 60s and Paterno in the late 60s both suffered from boos and hisses. They went on to take their places as giants of the game. While we do list the remarkable 14 year spectacle of Bobby Bowden's glory years, the other teams have much more narrow periods of well, dislike, so we concentrate only upon the specific periods that generated the most resentment.
You could add the entire period of Carroll, you may have forgotten Osborne's and McCartney's "criminal of the month club" of the 90s, the nationwide disrespect of Peyton Manning in Knoxville may be a distant memory but they're all here, ready for whatever you throw at them.

Entire article: The 10 Most Disliked Programs of the Past 25 Years. | Bleacher Report
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