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OSU's Image Outside of Ohio

OSU's Image outside of Ohio is starting to calm down somewhat here in the southeastern states. Now that we have had back to back chances at the championships, it seems we are starting to gain some respect from other SEC team supporters. Most of them seem to think Jim Tressel is doing the ritht thing at Ohio State and that we will be around for along time in the race for the N/C trophy. But back around 2002 our image was nothing and we didn't belong in the game to play Miami. After that no one said much of our Image until we were headed to play Florida. And even they (Florida Fans) were hoping that they could remain competitive with Ohio State. So by comparison from to now I would say we have gained some respect from our rivals down here in the south.
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Ohio State Football from an LSU fans perspective

I still visit the LSU boards from time to time and found this post on TigerRant. I felt it is a fair summary and a respectful perspective of the Buckeye football program from outside. I hope y'all enjoy it.

"I think that's a key. Ohio State was considered a "next year" team in 2007. I don't know why the Buckeyes got whacked as bad as they did vs. Florida then lost to LSU as they did last season but it's not because that program doesn't get a lot of talent.

LSU has had 29 players drafted over the past five drafts; 8 in the first round. Florida's had 22 taken; 3 in the first round, USC has had 35 taken, 9 in the first round.

Ohio State has had 37 players taken overall and 11 taken in the first round during the past five NFL drafts. And that's after having an "off" year last Spring with only 3 taken (young team).

I think they're probably going to have a bunch taken next year. Maybe even 10 or more if some Juniors come out.

I also think the nature of last year's BCS championship game was more a matter of the old adage about the team that makes fewer mistakes winning the game along with a great job by LSU's offensive coordinator in confusing Ohio State's defense than a matter of LSU being dramatically superior physically.

Whatever Ohio State has lacked...and being in the BCS championship game three times isn't exactly the worst a program can do...it hasn't been talent. And they're not going to lack talent next season.

Course they also have to go play at USC and that's a pretty tough assignment."
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Bill Lucas;1215667; said:
"I think that's a key. Ohio State was considered a "next year" team in 2007. I don't know why the Buckeyes got whacked as bad as they did vs. Florida then lost to LSU as they did last season but it's not because that program doesn't get a lot of talent.

LSU has had 29 players drafted over the past five drafts; 8 in the first round. Florida's had 22 taken; 3 in the first round, USC has had 35 taken, 9 in the first round.

Ohio State has had 37 players taken overall and 11 taken in the first round during the past five NFL drafts. And that's after having an "off" year last Spring with only 3 taken (young team).

I think they're probably going to have a bunch taken next year. Maybe even 10 or more if some Juniors come out.

I also think the nature of last year's BCS championship game was more a matter of the old adage about the team that makes fewer mistakes winning the game along with a great job by LSU's offensive coordinator in confusing Ohio State's defense than a matter of LSU being dramatically superior physically.

Whatever Ohio State has lacked...and being in the BCS championship game three times isn't exactly the worst a program can do...it hasn't been talent. And they're not going to lack talent next season.

Course they also have to go play at USC and that's a pretty tough assignment."
That's something a lot of people, particularly other fanbases and the media have forgotten. I don't think most of us got too bent out of shape about that game. I liked our chances, but was grateful just to be there and have a shot at it in a "rebuilding year". What a lot of people lose sight of, is that John Cooper, in his 13 years never played for a National Title and I think Earle had a shot at one (correct me if wrong). JT has won one and played for two others in seven years. Pretty remarkable any way you slice it. We're a fairly spoiled fanbase.
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I've found most LSU fans to be pretty fair. I like that he said "whacked" by UF, and "lost" to LSU, instead of making both games out to be the same. There's a bit of an insinuation that there's something missing besides talent. I won't speculate to what he meant.
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That's as balanced an assessment as I've ever seen - from an OSU fan or an outsider. A lot of people want to argue that it's the spread offense (which LSU didn't use) or speed (which is patently ridiculous, as both games opened with OSU players making defenders look slower than retarded molasses on a cold day), but very rarely do you see someone just say "who knows?" Anyone who picked Florida to beat OSU in '06 was either a homer or very optimistic. I'll be blunt about that. OSU had throttled everyone they played and played a reasonably tough schedule that year; Florida played a tough schedule and skated by with a few very close victories. Who knows why OSU laid an egg in the MNC? It wasn't the spread and it wasn't speed. It sure as hell wasn't talent, either. Was it complacency? Something else?

We were just lucky to get to play LSU for the title last year. I thought we'd be lucky to place 3rd in the Big Ten; I was pleasantly surprised. Again, though, LSU was simply a better team that was loaded with seniors and all americans on defense. OSU had all of 2 (if I recall correctly) seniors starting. I highly doubt anyone here thought that we'd be playing for the title last year, so while I hate to see our boys lose...it wasn't anything compared to '06.

Anyway, I think that's a very good analysis. He really hits a good point on the talent levels.
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generaladm;1215680; said:
I've found most LSU fans to be pretty fair. I like that he said "whacked" by UF, and "lost" to LSU, instead of making both games out to be the same.
Very fair indeed. Most fans are stereotype driven trash talkers. It's beyond laughable to lump those two games together, other than the general outcome. The teams were so different in many ways.
There's a bit of an insinuation that there's something missing besides talent. I won't speculate to what he meant.
Not sure either, but there was a LOT of that "something" missing, to a degree we're not used to seeing.
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TheIronColonel;1215696; said:
It wasn't the spread and it wasn't speed. It sure as hell wasn't talent, either. Was it complacency? Something else?
While it wasn't necessarily speed on offense, the speed of their front 7 (especially the DE's) overwhelmed our OL. Boone and Barton looked like fuckin' turnstiles in that game. Defensively, they were the team xrayrandy deluded himself into thinking the Horns were. Offensively, they simply took advantage of a worn out D. The offense couldn't stay on the field long enough to give them any rest. I think, more than anything, the speed of their front 7 caught the staff off guard and they simply had no answer for it. Hence, a blowout.

Now, LSU was an entirely different ball of wax. They were loaded with veteran leadership that had played in a number of big and close games during the season which helped galvanize them. We simply looked like what we were, young and relatively inexperienced. We jumped out 7-0 when we were driving for a second TD to go up 14-0 when Rehring jumped offsides. That, to me, was the turning point of the game. Killed momentum and had to settle for a FG. The rest is history.
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Boone got embarrased last year. End of story. Our guys being young and all, committed way too many mental and stupid mistakes that quite possibly cost them the game. (Not to take anything away from LSU). And I'm also not saying that the final score would have been the other way around (It could have been) without those stupid mistakes, but it would have been closer than what it ended up at.
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That was a classy post from an LSU perspective. I know most of you know this, but the si.com and espn.com "comments" that people post are outright ignorant. Man, you'd think that 15-16 year old kids were writing that kind of nonsense. Especially when the Buckeyes are mentioned. Rediculous.

Although what that "obvious" adult wrote about the Buckeyes, I wonder if he got flamed pretty bad about that post later in that thread. I'd say he summed that up pretty well. I like the fact that he mentioned that we made it to the title game during a "next year" team. At least there are some non-haters out there!
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TheIronColonel;1215696; said:
We were just lucky to get to play LSU for the title last year.

And that's probably the reason why that loss wasn't as much of a soul crusher as the '06 championship game. Every single team ranked ahead of us lost in the final two weeks of the season. Every single team.
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