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OSU's Image Outside of Ohio

rocketman;1215944; said:
And that's probably the reason why that loss wasn't as much of a soul crusher as the '06 championship game. Every single team ranked ahead of us lost in the final two weeks of the season. Every single team.

My feelings have always been that 2007 was just so full of mediocre teams we eneded up being one of the two tallest midgets to play for the NC. No offense to LSU but when a two loss team in the NC it's a sign that CFB as a whole was down that year.

2005 was the last year of multiple heavyweight teams untill '08 imo.

Completely subjective I know but I think 2005 Texas, USC, OSU and PSU could all have won the NC if they played in '06 or '07.
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Re: Ohio State was considered a "next year" team in 2007.

That's what I thought. I considered last year a total success when they beat scUM, won the Big 10 outright, and got into the championship game; and a loss to LSU didn't diminish all the other accomplishments of the 2007 season.

Now It is 2008 (i.e. next year) and THIS IS OUR YEAR!!!

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As a buckeye fan in the south, I can tell you that most SEC fans are not so rational.... Apparently there is some mystical "SEC Speed" which makes their teams superior to every non-conference opponent.

They are so freaking obnoxious...
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Good post. I never had much trouble with the LSU posters...most of them seemed knowledgeable, avid, and respectful. You'll always have a few flamers but I thought they were pretty classy. Anyways, I think the fact that it was supposed to be an off year really brings everything into focus. After the Akron game I thought there was no way we could make it to a BCS bowl, let alone the NC game. It's not that I think we overachieved, I just wasn't expecting another NC run. Of course it sucks that we got beat as bad as we did there but now looking back, I'm very grateful to have been able to make it there back to back. That's quite an accomplishment that not many teams can pull off. However, this year we gotta bring home the crystal football :biggrin:
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RB07OSU;1216090; said:
Good post. I never had much trouble with the LSU posters...most of them seemed knowledgeable, avid, and respectful. You'll always have a few flamers but I thought they were pretty classy.

True. They almost universally ignored my half hearted attempts at baiting them.

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Bill Lucas' Thread entitled "Ohio State Football from an LSU fans perspective" has been merged here as it falls under this heading. Bill's original post is now #154 of this thread. I believe that it was given sufficient time on its own; and that this thread adds some context to it and vice versa. If anyone has a big issue with this, it is not a big deal to do a split at this point.
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ESPN - The Big Ten loves to hate the Buckeyes - College Football Nation

The Big Ten loves to hate the Buckeyes
July 29, 2008 10:56 AM
Posted by ESPN.com's Adam Rittenberg

Midwesterners are generally regarded as nice people, not the types to be categorized as haters. But one football program has rankled this normally genial crowd for most of the last decade. One program has earned the title as the Big Ten's most hated team, or, as Ohio State would put it, The Big Ten's Most Hated Team.

The hate for Ohio State can't be pigeonholed.

Despite the Maurice Clarett saga and several other off-field stains, this isn't Miami. Jim Tressel is lampooned for his sweater vests, more suited for professors or politicians than football coaches. In many ways, he's the anti-Woody Hayes -- composed, reserved, even bland at times -- but he projects an image seen by some as arrogant and inauthentic. Still, Tressel doesn't stoke the fire like the Head Ball Coach, Phil Fulmer or, more recently, Charlie Weis. Ohio State's fans, regarded by some as crude and classless, probably heighten the hate more than anything else. The rioting after the 2002 game against Michigan certainly didn't help the image of Buckeye Nation. But there's more to it.

Success breeds contempt and Ohio State is enjoying more of it than any other Big Ten program. Since 2002, the Buckeyes are 66-11 with a national championship, four shared or outright Big Ten titles and three national title game appearances. The program has produced a Heisman Trophy winner in Troy Smith and dozens of NFL players. As annoying as it is to hear former Buckeyes introduce themselves as coming from "The Ohio State University" on Monday Night Football, it's also a testament to the program's ability to recruit and develop talent.

Cont'd ...
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CBengals7;1216019; said:
As a buckeye fan in the south, I can tell you that most SEC fans are not so rational.... Apparently there is some mystical "SEC Speed" which makes their teams superior to every non-conference opponent.

They are so freaking obnoxious...

SEC speed..........thats funny, I have never heard of such a thing. :wink2:
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That article was the biggest bunch of nothing I have ever read-I am sure it is true, what other B-10 fans feel, but why didn't the author quote a pissed off Gohper or Boilermaker, or ask why it is that rest of the league is falling behind.
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Another one.

New angle for ESPN -- hate articles rooted in a teams success.

ESPN - College football fans love to hate - College Football

College football fans love to hate
By Mark Schlabach
Updated: July 29, 2008

Ohio State cornerback Malcolm Jenkins isn't sure how the Buckeyes became one of college football's most hated teams.

Maybe it's the way many Buckeye fans refer to their school as "The" Ohio State University. Maybe it's coach Jim Tressel's sweater vests.

Or maybe it's just all the winning.

"It doesn't surprise me," Jenkins said. "Half the nation doesn't like Ohio State."

On the eve of the 2008 season, many college football fans can't stomach the thought of the Buckeyes once again playing in the BCS championship game. Ohio State lost to Florida 41-14 in the 2006 national title game and 38-24 to LSU last season.

"We lost the games," Jenkins said. "If I was a fan, I'd probably say the same things."

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Some clever lines in there though in the rundown.

USC hates UCLA because the Bruins hired a cheater. UCLA hates USC because the Trojans still haven't been caught cheating.

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Buckeneye;1217616; said:
Oklahoma should be higher.

Only reason Ohio State trumps Oklahoma on these lists is because the past two title games are fresh in everybody's minds.

If you lined the two up side-by-side, even trying to be objective, it's a push. The Sooners had the blowout at the hands of USC, the loss to LSU, an ugly national title win, the dealership scandal, and so on, so it's a dead heat there. But the Sooners have lost to TCU in the regular season, as well as the BCS big game losses to Boise and West Virginia. They backed into a title game after losing their own championship game, and the Big-XII as a whole was pretty terrible in '03 and '04.

I think they've got to edge OSU out on this list. Besides, the Bucks have to have earned some positive rep from the nation by virtue of hanging 600 yards on Notre Dame in a bowl game.

Jason White winning a Heisman really pisses me off, too.
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CBengals7;1216019; said:
As a buckeye fan in the south, I can tell you that most SEC fans are not so rational.... Apparently there is some mystical "SEC Speed" which makes their teams superior to every non-conference opponent.

They are so freaking obnoxious...

Is this the same "Miami Speed" we could not overcome in 2002? The speed of the Dlinemen and LB'ers was unmatchable and would shutdown the slow plodding running game of the much weaker and highschool equivilant Ohio State Buckeyes.
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